GlassFish Administration SubprojectsThis is an area for developers to document the work they do for a subproject related to administration infrastructure and command line interface tool. It is expected to function like a live reference to various development projects that are done in this area. Developers are free to use any form of documents that are used to accomplish the project deliverables. A subproject has a concrete definition and defined deliverables. It is expected that the "how" of the "what" that is covered in various one pagers or functional specifications is documented here. Supportive documents, references are encouraged. It is a challenge to keep these documents current. But more the information, better is the code maintainability. So, try to document as much as you can. Note that this is not a mandate, it is an expectation. At a minimum, please list the subprojects that you do with a one line description. Projects for Upcoming ReleasesFor 4.0 see the 4.0 Admin Infrastructure subproject page . Projects for Older Releases |