GlassFish Article

(old page since it's GlassFish v2-related but good article)

This page holds a working version of the "GlassFish Article" started in 2006 by Eduardo and enhanced incrementally since. It's fairly hard to keep the document up-to-date as well as translated by various Sun and community members, so we're hoping this wiki page will help the collaboration process.

The "public" English version of the document lives on at It's being linked from various websites including pages.

Feel free to use, reuse, translate, and enhance but please share modifications by updating this page or sending email to alexismp AT

Document Language Link Owner/Author
"The GlassFish Community - Delivering a Java EE Application Server" English slideshare EduardoPL, AlexisMP
"GlassFish社区奉献的Java EE应用服务器" Simplify Chinese slideshare Jim Jiang
"GlassFish社區奉獻的Java EE應用伺服器" Traditional Chinese slideshare Jim Jiang