Domain Configuration Management Process Well, this is a bit of a process to be followed if your intent is to
- Suggest changes to the domain's configuration schema.
Quick Links to domain dtds:
- Choose a release of interest in the list below.
- Add a row in following table for each distinct change. A distinct change is something like addition/deletion of an XML element/attribute/entity definition/comment section. Use your ID for this purpose. Provide E-mail address.
- Do not edit the Status column, leave it blank – that is used by the admin team who handles this change in the GlassFish code. (Key: D=Being Discussed, A=Approved, I=Integrated, R=Rejected).
- Send an e-mail to with exact changes that you made.
- Provide extra information in the form of links elsewhere. Preferably create a reasonably named Wiki topic for the comments, e.g. EnhancementsToJDBCDriver could be a topic created. This topic will cover the discussion about this configuration change.
- Follow some conventions regarding attributes/properties as outlined in AttributePropertyConventionsInDtd.