GlassFish Day in Hyderabad, India - Feb 2008

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Time Presentation Speaker Comments, demos, additional resources
10-10:10am Welcome Arun Gupta, Sun Microsystems  
10:10-11am *State of the union for GlassFish* Murthy Narayanan, Director, Sun Microsystems slides
11:10-12pm *Java CAPS / SOA* Bhavin Mehta, SOA practice Lead, Accenture  
12:10-1pm Lunch Everybody  
1:10-2pm *GlassFish High Availability* Shreedhar Ganapathy, Shoal Architect, GF HA Manager, Sun Microsystems slides
2:10-3pm *Enterprise Application Development and GlassFish - A Case Study* Dr B V Kumar, Chief Architect, Cognizant slides
3:10-3:30pm Break Everybody  
3:30-4:20pm *Tuning your GlassFish - Performance Tips* Deep Singh, Sun Microsystems slides
4:30-5:20pm *Open Portal* Vihang Pathak, Sun Microsystems [slides |^GF_Portal_India_2008.odp]