GlassFish Day in Zurich (Jazoon Conference) Monday June 23th 2008 @ 9:00 am Arena Filmcity, Kalanderplatz 8, 8045 Zurich - Arena 7 Venue Details
Free Event - Registration required : Cannot resolve external resource into attachment. Day and welcome starts at 9:00am ends at 15:00pm 45-min slots Max attendees (room capacity): 160 Agenda & Presentations :
Time |
Presentation |
Speaker |
Comments, demos, additional resources |
Presentation Slides |
09:00 - 09:15 |
Welcome & Intro |
Alexis MP |
Quick recap of recent GlassFish news |
Slides |
09:15 - 10:00 |
Getting up to speed with JAX-RS and Jersey |
Paul Sandoz |
Paul is both a co-spec lead for JAX-RS and the lead for Jersey (the reference implementation) |
Slides |
10:00 - 10:45 |
Follow the Grizzly Comet with IceFaces |
Ted Goddard |
The highlights of Ajax Push/Comet: how it works on the wire, in the browser, and on the server. Learn how to add collaboration and notification features to your application. Senior Software Architect at ICEsoft Technologies and is the technical lead for the JavaServer Faces Ajax framework, ICEfaces. Servlet and JavaServer Faces expert group member. |
Slides |
10:45 - 11:00 |
11:00 - 11:45 |
Open ESB v2 , and Open ESB v3 / Project Fuji |
Andreas Egloff |
Introduction and demos of the current generation enterprise service bus (ESB) in GlassFish as well as the research and technology preview on the next generation core integration stack, dubbed Project Fuji Andi is the lead architect for SOA / business integration at Sun Microsystems |
Slides |
12:00 - 12:45 |
Java EE Q&A Lunch (tentative) |
Roberto Chinnici , ... |
Covers both existing Java EE 5 and upcoming Java EE 6 Roberto is the JSR 316 (Java EE 6) co-spec lead |
Slides |
12:45 - 13:30 |
GlassFish v3/v3lite Tooling (NetBeans, Eclipse) - SAMP stack + Java/Php bridge + GlassFish V2, V3 |
Ludovic Champenois |
SAMP = Solaris, Apache, MySQL, Perl/Python/PHP GlassFish v3/v3lite Tooling (NetBeans, Eclipse) |
Tooling Slides PHP Slides |
13:30 - 14:15 |
How to extend the 100% Java LDAP OpenDS server |
Ludovic Poitou |
Ludovic is the OpenDS Community Lead - Introduction to the pure Java LDAPv3 directory server OpenDS and overview of the various interfaces to extend the server through schema and plug-ins. |
Slides |
14:15 - 15:00 |
GlassFish v3 - Modular and Extensible application server with OSGi |
Jérôme Dochez |
Jérôme is the Lead for GlassFish v3 |
Slides |