GlassFish Day in Sydney

March 6th, 2008

Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre
Bayside Grand Hall Foyer (Ground level)
Darling Drive
Darling Harbour

Free Event - Registration:

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Day and welcome starts at 8:30am

Agenda & Presentations :

Time Presentation Speaker Presentation Description Comments, demos, additional resources
9:00 Welcome      
9:10 *GlassFish Overview and Status* Alexis MP Overview of the current product (adoption, Java EE 5, Metro, Clustering, performances, tools, frameworks, ...) and a glimpse at what's coming (v3 web profile) Slides
10:10 * case study* Greg Luck Hear from a full project deployment perspective Slides - PODCAST
11:10 Break All    
11:25 *Monitoring Glassfish using JConsole (with JMX) and glassbox* Chris Fleischmann This session will look application monitoring, more specificity how to use the built in JMX features to monitor an application deployed on GlassFish v2. I will also introduce AMX (AppServer Management EXtensions) and how you could leverage the administration features and lastly, I will demo a 3rd party open-source monitoring project called Glassbox. Slides
12:25 *OpenMQ* Dave Whitla Dave is a technical architect at and spent three months migrating to Open MQ last year from ActiveMQ. He has very deep knowledge of Open MQ from a user perspective. His talk will be part technical overview of Open MQ together with a case study of's implementation and how to scale Open MQ. Slides
1:25 Lunch All    
2:00 *OpenESB* Michael Czapski This session will look at the OpenESB initiative in context. In order of increasing specificity the session will briefly address Enterprise Integration, the Java Business Integration specification and the OpenESB itself. OpenESB demonstration (short) will follow to give participants a flavor for the technology and its use of NetBeans 6.0 IDE and GlassFish v2. Slides
3:00 *Practical GlassFish* Alexis MP Installers, profiles, releases, update center, asadmin 101, asupgrade, migration, documentation Slides

WotifCaseStudy.pdf (application/pdf)
GlassFishUpdate.pdf (application/pdf)
OpenMQ.pdf (application/pdf)
OpenESB.pdf (application/pdf)
PracticalGlassFish.pdf (application/pdf)
MonitoringGlassFishAMXglassbox.pdf (application/pdf)