Review of the GlassFish V2 Manpages

Note: all occurrences of '[]' are replaced by '()' because of Wiki.

create-domain manpage

ID Section Changes suggested
1 synopsis Change (-profile profile_name) (template domain_template) to (-profile profile_name OR --template domain_template). This means that profile and template are mutually exclusive options.
3 synopsis Change (-adminport port_number) OR (portbase port) to (-adminport admin_port_number OR --portbase port_number_to_start_with). The --adminport and --portbase are mutually exclusive.
4 synopsis No changes as such, but I need to understand the convention you follow while presenting the options. Is it pure lexical order (e.g. --adminport, --portbase, --profile ...) or is it relevance based? If it is relevance based, I'd say this command should accept admin user name, passwordfile, adminport, portbase and profile one after another. That's is the relevance order.
5 First paragraph ....By default, the domain configuration is created in the domains directory.... Change this to – By default, the domain configuration is created in the default directory for domains.
6 --profile description Remove ...This profile is the default value for this option ... from the enterprise profile description. There is no default value for this option. The default value of this option for a given installation is determined from a file called asadminenv.conf. (Not to document: We should add a concept manpage for something like "preferences" or "asadminenv".) Add the following: A usage profile depicts how a particular domain is going to be used. It determines how the templates for various files are customized. Currently, only the customization for domain.xml template is supported. NOTE: We will modify this after Beta.
7 --adminport description Change the statement ... unless you specify a value for the --adminport option ... to say ...unless you specify a value for --portbase option... (Thus the --adminport and --portbase are mutually exclusive).
8 --passwordfile description Note that we have deprecated AS_ADMIN_ADMINPASSWORD. So change all the occurrences of that to actually refer to AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD. For compatibility reasons, we will support AS_ADMIN_ADMINPASSWORD, but the manpage should only say AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD. Also, mention that the default value for master password is "changeit".
9 missing option --user Note that we have replaced --adminuser by --user. So, please mention that this is the name of the admin user.
10 --portbase option description. Add this, instead of the current one. Determines the number with which the port assignment should start. A domain uses a certain number of ports that are statically assigned. The portbase value determines where the assignment should start. Choose this value judiciously. The following table determines the ports given a portbase. Admin Port: portbase + 48, HTTP listener Port: portbase + 80, IIOP listener port: portbase + 37, JMX port: portbase + 86. See the output of this command for a complete list of occupied ports, when --portbase option is specified.
11 Examples Look good. Maybe we should start with developer profile first?