This page provides links to review drafts of new and changed documentation for the GlassFish Server 3.1 configuration.

Mandatory reviewers for each item are listed in each section.

Changes to existing documentation since the last release are marked with change bars. No changes are marked in new documentation.

Please provide your feedback by adding a comment to this page. To simplify the processing of your comments, please add your comments in the format in the sample comment. Review existing comments to see known issues and avoid duplicates.

Changes to Books

Domain File Format Reference Changes

Section Documentation Impact Reviewers
applications and subelements Moderate Hong Zhang, Tim Quinn
availability-service and subelements Moderate Mahesh Kannan, Joe Fialli
group-management-service, clusters, and subelements Major Joe Fialli, Bobby Bissett
network-config and subelements Moderate Rajiv Mordani, Shing-Wai Chan
nodes and subelements NEW Joe Di Pol
resources and subelements Moderate Jagadish Ramu, Shalini Muthukrishnan
secure-admin and subelements NEW Kumar Jayanti
Remaining elements Minor Tom Mueller

Changes to Online Help

Changes to Man Pages

Mandatory reviewers in addition to the reviewers that are listed in the table are as follows:

  • None
Man Page Name and Section Documentation Impact Reviewers
verify-domain-xml(1) Minor Tom Mueller

verify-domain-xml.1.pdf (application/pdf)
Comment ID Location Comment
RJP-001 verify-domain-xml(1) man page Sample comment. Should provide a proposed fix and correct content if applicable.
RJP-002 application element Another sample comment.
Posted by rebeccaparks at Nov 08, 2010 14:28
Comment ID Location Comment
trm-1 verify-domain-xml I don't recall that the --domaindir options for the commands that Paul is documenting have the information about the AS_DEF_DOMAINS_PATH environment variable. The pages should be consistent about this.
trm-2 verify-domain-xml example The example shows the --verbose option, but the synopsis does not. There is no --verbose option.

trm-3  verify-domain-xml It might be useful to say what the command actually checks. As of now, the only thing the command checks is:
1. That the XML file can be parsed
2. That the names for various elements (configs, listeners, etc.) are unique.

Other checks may be added in the future.
Posted by trmueller at Nov 17, 2010 10:41