IIOP Failover and Load Balancing Documentation Plan for GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1

People and Roles

Name Role Location Time Zone Email
Paul Davies Documentation Feature Owner Santa Clara, CA, USA US/Pacific pauldavies@dev.java.net
  Peer Reviewer     java.netID@dev.java.net
Ken Cavanaugh Software Engineer Santa Clara, CA, USA US/Pacific kcavanaugh@dev.java.net
Cheng Fang Software Engineer Burlington, MA, USA US/Eastern cf126330@dev.java.net
Gopal Jorapur QA Engineer Santa Clara, CA, USA US/Pacific gopaljorapur@dev.java.net


The IIOP Failover and Load Balancing feature is aimed at system administrators.

Summary of the Feature From a User's Perspective

The IIOP Failover and Load Balancing feature enables system administrators to configure failover and load balancing for RMI-IIOP client applications.


The IIOP Failover and Load Balancing feature is supplied is supplied in the Web Profile distribution and the Full Platform distribution.

Statement of Work

This section describes in detail for each document the work that is required by the introduction of the feature, such as changes, addition of new material, relocation of existing material, and removal of existing material.

Documentation Impact:

  • None
  • Minor
  • Moderate
  • Major
  • New

Note - If a document is task based (as opposed to reference), the changes should be determined from the user task analysis for the feature.

Changes to Books

High Availability Administration Guide Changes

Section Documentation Impact Writer Reviewers Description of Change
Chapter 11. RMI-IIOP Load Balancing and Failover
Moderate Paul Davies
Ken Cavanaugh
Cheng Fang
Reinstate from the v2.1.1 documentation.

Modify the existing instructions to clarify that they apply to initialContext load balancing.

Explain how to perform the following tasks:
  • Configure hardware load balancing
  • Configure per-request load balancing

    State that per-request load balancing is incompatible with initialContext load balancing and that configuring both behaviors is an error.

Application Development Guide Changes

Section Documentation Impact Writer Reviewers Description of Change
To Access an EJB Component From an Application Client Minor Paul Ken Cavanaugh Add a "Next Steps" section to this procedure.

To the "Next Steps" section, add a cross-reference to Chapter 11. RMI-IIOP Load Balancing and Failover in the High Availability Administration Guide.

Move the step for running the application client to the "Next Steps" section.

Application Deployment Guide Changes

Section Documentation Impact Writer Reviewers Description of Change
The sun-ejb-jar.xml File Minor
Paul Davies
Cheng Fang Add per-request-load-balancing under ejb.
per-request-load-balancing New Paul Davies
Cheng Fang
Add a description of this element to Appendix C. Elements of the GlassFish Server Deployment Descriptors

Changes to Online Help

All changes to online help, including those arising from the IIOP Failover and Load Balancing feature, are detailed in Administration Console Documentation Plan.

Changes to Man Pages

Man Page Name and Section Documentation Impact Writer Reviewers Description of Change
create-iiop-listener(1) Minor Paul Davies Ken Cavanaugh Reinstate description of the --target option
delete-iiop-listener(1) Minor Paul Davies Ken Cavanaugh Reinstate description of the --target option
list-iiop-listeners(1) Minor Paul Davies Ken Cavanaugh Reinstate description of the --target option

Review Schedule

The review schedule for the documentation items that are affected by this feature is provided in the following table.

Item Review Start Date Review End Date
High Availability Administration Guide changes    
Application Deployment Guide changes    
Application Development Guide changes    
Online help changes    
Man page changes    

Reviewers are listed in the Statement of Work.

Related Information

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