SSH Provisioning Documentation Plan for GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1

People and Roles

Name Role Location Time Zone Email
Paul Davies Documentation Feature Owner Santa Clara, USA US/Pacific
  Peer Reviewer
Joe Dipol Software Engineer Santa Clara, USA US/Pacific
Rajiv Mordani
Software Engineer Santa Clara, USA US/Pacific
Carla Mott
Software Engineer Santa Clara, USA US/Pacific
Yamini KB Software Engineer Bangalore, India IST
Elena Asarina QA Engineer Santa Clara, USA US/Pacific


The SSH Provisioning feature is aimed at system administrators.

Summary of the Feature From a User's Perspective

The SSH provisioning feature enables system administrators to perform the following tasks:

  • Provision a remote system (node) to enable the administrator to use that system to host server instances for a cluster.
  • Run asadmin subcommands for managing clusters and instances remotely on provisioned nodes.


This section contains a statement of the distributions or components in which the feature is supplied.

Statement of Work

This section describes in detail for each document the work that is required by the introduction of the feature, such as changes, addition of new material, relocation of existing material, and removal of existing material.

Documentation Impact:

  • None
  • Minor
  • Moderate
  • Major
  • New

Note - If a document is task based (as opposed to reference), the changes should be determined from the user task analysis for the feature.

Changes to Books

High Availability Administration Guide Changes

Scenario numbers refer to Instance Lifecycle Scenarios.

Section Documentation Impact Writer Reviewers Description of Change
Chapter 6, Setting Up Clusters in GlassFish Server New Paul Joe Dipol
Carla Mott
Rajiv Mordani
Explain how to use the asadmin utility to perform the following tasks:
  • Add an instance that is controlled through SSH (Scenarios 1,4)
    • If performing on DAS machine, use create-instance
    • If performing on machine where instance will run, use create-local instance
  • Add an instance on the DAS machine (Scenario 2)
  • Add an instance without creating a node (Scenario 3)
  • Add an instance with node configuration data only (Scenario 5)
Chapter 8, Configuring GlassFish Server Nodes New Paul Joe Dipol
Carla Mott
Rajiv Mordani
Explain how to configure SSH for use with GlassFish Server nodes

Explain how to use the asadmin utility to perform the following tasks:
  • Create a node
  • Ceate a node's configuration data only
  • List nodes
  • Delete a node
  • Delete a node's configuration data only
  • Upgrade a non-SSH node to an SSH node (Scenario 6)

Upgrade Guide Changes

Scenario numbers refer to Instance Lifecycle Scenarios.

Section Documentation Impact Writer Reviewers Description of Change
Chapter 1. GlassFish Server Compatibility Issues New Paul
Joe Dipol
Carla Mott
Rajiv Mordani
Add a description of the transformations of node-agent and related elements in domain.xml after an upgrade from GlassFish v2.
Chapter 2. Upgrading an Installation of Application Server or GlassFish Server New Paul Joe Dipol
Carla Mott
Rajiv Mordani
Explain how to correct the configuration of an SSH node after an upgrade (Scenario 7)

Domain File Format Reference Changes

Section Documentation Impact Writer Reviewers Description of Change
Element hierarchy
Joe Dipol
Carla Mott
Rajiv Mordani
Add node and all its subelements
node New Paul Joe Dipol
Carla Mott
Rajiv Mordani
Add a description of the node element
nodes New Paul Joe Dipol
Carla Mott
Rajiv Mordani
Add a description of the nodes element
ssh-connector New Paul Joe Dipol
Carla Mott
Rajiv Mordani
ssh-auth New Paul Joe Dipol
Carla Mott
Rajiv Mordani
Add a description of the ssh-auth element

Changes to Online Help

All changes to online help, including those arising from the SSH Provisioning feature, are detailed in Administration Console Documentation Plan.

Changes to Man Pages

Man Page Name and Section Documentation Impact Writer Reviewers Description of Change
create-node-ssh(1) New Paul Carla Mott Write this man page.
create-node-config(1) New Paul Carla Mott Write this man page.
delete-node-ssh(1) New Paul Carla Mott Write this man page.
delete-node-config(1) New Paul Carla Mott Write this man page.
install-node(1) New Paul Rajiv Mordani Write this man page.
list-nodes(1) New Paul Carla Mott Write this man page.
ping-node-ssh(1) New Paul Joe Dipol Write this man page.
setup-ssh(1) New Paul Yamini KB Write this man page.
uninstall-node(1) New Paul Rajiv Mordani Write this man page.
update-node-config(1) New Paul Joe Dipol Write this man page.
update-node-ssh(1) New Paul Joe Dipol Write this man page.
asadmin(1M) Minor Paul Joe Dipol Add information about SSH-related entries in the password file.

Review Schedule

The review schedule for the documentation items that are affected by this feature is provided in the following table.

Item Review Start Date Review End Date
High Availability Administration Guide changes    
Upgrade Guide changes    
Domain File Format Reference changes    
Online help changes    
Man page Changes October 25th, 2010 November 1st, 2010

Reviewers are listed in the Statement of Work.

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