<h1>AMX and GMBAL Documentation Plan</h1>

People and Roles

Name Role Location Time Zone Email
June Parks Documentation Feature Owner SCA16 1724 US Pacific junesm@dev.java.net
Dixie Pine Paul Davies Kim Haase Additional Writers SCA14 US Pacific java.netID@dev.java.net
Julie Bettis Editor     java.netID@dev.java.net
Lloyd Chambers Kedar Mhaswade Ken Cavanaugh Sreenivas Munnangi Software Engineers     java.netID@dev.java.net
Sankar Neelakandan QA Engineer     java.netID@dev.java.net


Administrators use AMX to observe and change the GlassFish configuration. OSGi module and Java EE application developers use AMX to make their modules and applications observable and changeable via AMX. This plan also includes the GlassFish MBean Annotation Library (GMBAL) feature, which is related to AMX, and which may or may not be implemented.

Summary of the Feature From a User's Perspective

Administrators see AMX as an alternative to the Admin Console, asadmin, and other administrative tools such as SNMP. Developers see AMX as a way to expose their OSGi modules and Java EE applications for monitoring.


Since AMX was not available in TP2 or Prelude, it will most likely not be available in the nucleus and web distributions.

Statement of Work

This section describes in detail for each document the work that is required by the introduction of the feature, such as changes, addition of new material, relocation of existing material, and removal of existing material.

Documentation Impact:

  • None
  • Minor
  • Moderate
  • Major
  • New

Note - If a document is task based (as opposed to reference), the changes should be determined from the user task analysis for the feature.

Changes to Books

Note - Changes followed by question marks may not be implemented by engineering.

Administration Guide Changes

Section Documentation
Writer Reviewers Description of Change
Using AMX for Administration NEW Dixie Pine (primary) June Parks (consulting) Lloyd Chambers Kedar Mhaswade Ken Cavanaugh Sreenivas Munnangi Sankar Neelakandan QA AMX equivalents of asadmin commands Writing administration scripts using AMX Viewing the GlassFish configuration using JConsole Monitoring using AMX Using the HTTP API for administration

Application Development Guide Changes

Section Documentation
Writer Reviewers Description of Change
Using the Application Server Management Extensions MAJOR June Parks Lloyd Chambers Kedar Mhaswade Ken Cavanaugh Sreenivas Munnangi Sankar Neelakandan QA Note: User-created MBeans won't be implemented until GFv3.1. Creating an AMX MBean Referencing an AMX MBean Exposing a Java EE app/mod as an MBean? Exposing a JRuby Module as an MBean? Attribute Change Notification

Add-On Component Development Guide Changes

Section Documentation
Writer Reviewers Description of Change
Exposing OSGi Modules as AMX MBeans NEW Paul Davies (primary) June Parks (consulting) Lloyd Chambers Kedar Mhaswade Ken Cavanaugh Sreenivas Munnangi Sankar Neelakandan QA Auto-Creation of AMX MBeans Integrating Existing JMX MBeans into GF Making an AMX MBean Monitorable Converting Monitoring Code to AMX MBeans Using GMBAL for AMX Monitoring? Developing a Stateful GUI Using AMX

Changes to Online Help

Topic Title Documentation Impact Writer Reviewers Description of Change
Custom MBeans Minor Kim Haase June Parks Lloyd Chambers Kedar Mhaswade Ken Cavanaugh Sreenivas Munnangi Sankar Neelakandan QA Note: User-created MBeans won't be implemented until GFv3.1. Possible minor updates

Changes to Man Pages

Man Page Name and Section Documentation Impact Writer Reviewers Description of Change
create-mbean delete-mbean list-mbeans Minor June Parks Lloyd Chambers Kedar Mhaswade Ken Cavanaugh Sreenivas Munnangi Sankar Neelakandan QA Note: User-created MBeans won't be implemented until GFv3.1. Possible minor updates

Review Schedule

The review schedule for the documentation items that are affected by this feature is provided in the following table.

Item First Draft Start Date First Draft End Date Second Draft Start Date Second Draft End Date Final Version End Date Final Version End Date

Reviewers are listed in the Statement of Work.

Related Information

Email aliases:

  • [admin@glassfish.java.net]
  • [users@glassfish.java.net]
  • [docs@glassfish.java.net]