<h1>GlassFish v3 Quick Start Guide Document Plan</h1>

People and Roles

Name Role Location Time Zone
Gail Risdal Document Owner Bellevue, WA, USA US, Pacific
Julie Bettis Editor Broomfield, CO, USA US, Mountain
See Reviewers below      


The audience for this guide is a wide range of users who have downloaded and installed GlassFish v3.

The guide provides fundamental information for users who have never used GlassFish, but is also of value to more experienced users who want the latest release information and pointers to specific resources.

Purpose and Description

The purpose of this guide is to provide a short document that enables users to quickly learn the basics about key GlassFish v3 features. Step-by-step procedures introduce basic product features and enable users to learn about and use them immediately.

Statement of Work

This section describes in detail for each milestone the work that is needed on the document, such as changes, addition of new material, relocation of existing material, and removal of existing material. Work might result from new features, changes to existing features, bug fixes, RFEs, and editorial enhancements.

Documentation Impact:

  • None
  • Minor
  • Moderate
  • Major
  • New

FCS Statement of Work

Section Documentation Impact Description of Change
All Minor Update release name throughout
All Minor to Moderate Verify and update existing procedures and other content for FCS
First part of book Moderate Add two new sections: Default Administration Values and Variable Names and Default Paths
All Minor to Moderate Determine what if any content from v2 or v2.1 QSG needs to be added back in; add it
Intro Minor Update bulleted feature list to showcase v3 final
For More Information, general Minor Update pointers and content; add info about Java EE Tutorial, Volume II
  New Create screencast

Overall Content Outline

  1. How This Quick Start Guide Works
  2. Default Paths and File Names (from common Preface)
  3. Default Administration Values (from v3 Admin Guide)
  4. Starting and Stopping the Default Domain
    1. To Start the Default Domain
    2. To Stop the Default Domain
  5. Starting and Stopping the Database Server
    1. To Start the Sun GlassFish Java DB Server
    2. To Stop the Java DB Server
  6. Starting the Administration Console
    1. To Launch the Administation Console
  7. Deploying and Undeploying Applications
    1. Obtaining a Sample Application
      1. To Obtain a Sample Application
    2. Deploying an Application from the Command Line
      1. To Deploy the Sample Application from the Command Line
      2. To List Deployed Applications from the Command Line
      3. To Undeploy the Sample Application from the Command Line
    3. Deploying an Application by Using the Administration Console
      1. To Deploy the Sample Application from the Administration Console
      2. To View Deployed Applications in the Administration Console
      3. To Undeploy the Sample Application from the Administration Console
    4. Deploying an Application Automatically
      1. To Deploy the Sample Application Automatically
      2. To Undeploy the Sample Application Automatically
  8. Updating and Extending an Existing Installation
    1. To Access Update Tool Using the Administration Console
  9. Removing Enterprise Server v3 Preview Software
    1. To Remove Enterprise Server Software
  10. For More Information
    1. Product Documentation
    2. GlassFish Communities
    3. Tutorials
    4. Java EE 6 Samples


The reviewers of this document are listed in the following table. Reviewers are responsible for reviewing the entire guide (it's quite short).

Reviewers Final Done
Sathyan Catari  
Judy Tang  
Nolan Luu  
Alex Pineda  
Abhijit Kumar  
Jerome Dochez  
John Clingan  
Carla Carlson  
Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine  
admin, users, dev, docs, quality aliases  

Delivery Methods

The Quick Start Guide will be delivered as follows:

Related Information

Previous versions:

Email aliases:

  • [admin@glassfish.java.net]
  • [users@glassfish.java.net]
  • [docs@glassfish.java.net]
  • [quality@glassfish.java.net]

GlassFish v3 Doc Plan