<h1>GlassFish v3 Documentation Quality Assurance</h1>

Content Requirements

  • Bugs that are committed to be fixed are fixed before release.
    Fixing bugs after release is much more expensive than doing the work in the development release.
    Ask reviewers to avoid opening bugs for review comments.
  • Topics that are identified as required are covered.
  • Command options, for example, in man pages are fully explained.
  • Default values for options are stated.
    For consistency, state the default after the option is described.

Editorial Standards

  • Documentation follows Sun style at all times.
  • Documentation follows the GlassFish Style Sheet at all times.
  • Pronouns always have an antecedent.
  • Steps contain an imperative verb.
  • Reference information is written predominantly in the third person.
  • Examples contain only literal text, no placeholders.
  • Indexes follow the requirements for content and formatting in the style guide.
  • Typographical conventions are followed, especially to distinguish computing terms and placeholders from surrounding text.
  • Placeholders are distinguished by typographical conventions and not by the use of angle brackets < and >.

SolBook Tagging

  • Tasks are contained in the task element.
  • In procedure steps, text that user must type is contained in userinput inside screen.
  • Correct inline elements are used as mandated by the style guide.

Documentation Quality Verification

  • Peer reviewers and editors do their reviews against the style sheet.
  • Writers implement all peer and editorial review comments, or explain to reviewers why not.
  • Writers implement all technical review comments, or explain to reviewers why not.
  • Writers let reviewers know when comments are implemented.
  • Writers inspect their documents immediately after the documents are published on the docs.sun.com^SM^ site.
  • Writers are held accountable for complying with these requirements.