GlassFish v3 Error Message Reference JBISEThis page lists error messages with the JBISE prefix. See How to Contribute for more information about adding to and enhancing the information on this page. ----JBISE6001 JavaEEServiceEngine: Registering End Point : Service Name: -(0) , Endpoint Name: -(1) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JBISE6002 JavaEEServiceEngine: End Point : Service Name: -(0) , Endpoint Name: -(1) registered successfully CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JBISE6003 JavaEEServiceEngine: Error occurred during registration of End Point : Service Name: -(0) , Endpoint Name: -(1) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JBISE6004 JavaEEServiceEngine: Web Service End point configuration not found in domain.xml CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JBISE6005 JavaEEServiceEngine: End Point : Service Name: -(0) , Endpoint Name: -(1) enabled successfully CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JBISE6006 JavaEEServiceEngine: End Point : Service Name: -(0) , Endpoint Name: -(1) disabled successfully CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JBISE6007 JavaEEServiceEngine: End Point : Service Name: -(0) , Endpoint Name: -(1) removed successfully CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JBISE6008 JavaEEServiceEngine: Error occurred during enabling of End Point : Service Name: -(0) , Endpoint Name: -(1) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JBISE6009 JavaEEServiceEngine: Error occurred during disabling of End Point : Service Name: -(0) , Endpoint Name: -(1) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JBISE6010 JavaEEServiceEngine: Processing incoming request for End Point : Service Name: -(0) , Endpoint Name: -(1) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JBISE6011 JavaEEServiceEngine: Processed incoming request for End Point : Service Name: -(0) , Endpoint Name: -(1) successfully CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JBISE6012 JavaEEServiceEngine: Error occurred while processing request for End Point : Service Name: -(0) , Endpoint Name: -(1) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JBISE6013 JavaEEServiceEngine : Java EE Service Engine started successfully. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JBISE6014 JavaEEServiceEngine : Error occurred during startup of Java EE Service Engine -(0) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JBISE6015 JavaEEServiceEngine : Java EE Service Engine stopped successfully. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JBISE6016 JavaEEServiceEngine : WebserviceEndpoints successfully added for application -(0) CauseTBD SolutionTBD |