GlassFish v3 Error Message Reference JMSThis page lists error messages with the JMS prefix. See How to Contribute for more information about adding to and enhancing the information on this page. ----JMS5001 Starting JMS service... CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5002 Binding -(0) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5003 Couldn't start JMS service... CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5004 Session cannot be closed CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5005 resource handle could not be created CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5006 resource handle could not be registered CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5007 Illegal connection factory access to -(0). J2EE Components should access JMS Connection Factories through a resource-ref in java:comp/env CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5008 A resource-reference for JMS Connection Factory specifies container authorization but no username/password is available -(0) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5009 Calling createQueueConnection() on resource-ref with APPLICATION authentication. Should use createQueueConnection(username, password) instead CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5010 JMS Connection with container authentication cannot programmatically set username and password CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5011 Calling createTopicConnection() on resource-ref with APPLICATION authentication. Should use createTopicConnection(username, password) instead CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5012 Connection Factory -(0) not found CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5013 Connection Factory not found CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5014 Unexpected pooling exception creating resource CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5015 Install JMS resources ... CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5016 Install JMS resources error: -(0) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5017 Install JMS resources throw Exception CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5018 Delete Connection factory resource error: -(0) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5019 Delete connection factory resource got exception CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5020 Delete destination resource error: -(0) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5021 Delete destination resource got exception CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5022 A Message Queue broker instance -(0) is already running at port -(1). Please configure a different port number for the JMS service. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5023 JMS service successfully started. Instance Name = {0}, Home = -(1). CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5024 JMS service startup failed. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5025 JMS service shutting down. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5026 JMS service shutdown complete. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5027 Exception in creating JMS destination administered object -(0): -(1) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5028 Exception in creating JMS connection factory resource -(0): -(1) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5029 Successfully attached to an existing Message Queue broker. Instance Name = {0} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5030 JMS resource {0} Type: {1} is disabled. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5031 Exception in creating JMS destination administered object CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5032 Exception in creating JMS connection factory resource CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5033 Could not attach to an existing JMS service broker process. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5034 Could not start the JMS service broker process. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5035 Timed out after {0} milliseconds while trying to verify if the JMS service startup succeeded. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5036 More details may be available in the log file for the JMS service broker instance {0}. Please refer to the JMS provider documentation for the exact location of this log file. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5037 Check permissions of MQ instance directory {0} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JMS5038 jms-service element in domain.xml is configured to have type={0}. JMS service will be started locally only if type is LOCAL. CauseTBD SolutionTBD |