GlassFish v3 Error Message Reference JTSThis page lists error messages with the JTS prefix. See How to Contribute for more information about adding to and enhancing the information on this page. ----JTS0001 Test Message. Parameter 1={0} parameter 2={1} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JTS0002 Date Message. Parameter 1={0,date} Parameter 2={1,time} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JTS0003 Number Message. Parameter 1={0,number,integer} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JTS5001 Cannot create control object reference. CauseServant is already active. CauseServant is not active. SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5002 Cannot locate -(0) servant. SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5003 Cannot destroy -(0) object reference. SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5004 Cannot create coordinator object reference SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5005 Wait for resync complete interrupted CauseRecovery or resync process got interrupted. SolutionSee the server log for more details. ----JTS5006 Unable to convert object reference to string in recovery. SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5007 Cannot initialise log. SolutionSee the server log for more details. SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5008 Cannot open log file for server = -(0). CauseMake sure, Transaction log directory (transaction-service.tx-log-dir in server configuration file) is proper andhas the read, write permissions for the user of the application server. SolutionTransaction log directory is not accessible. ----JTS5009 Cannot create CoordinatorResource object reference SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5010 Cannot create CoordinatorSynchronization object reference SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5011 No coordinator available. SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5012 Unexpected error occurred when trying to begin a new transaction. SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5013 Unable to create a subordinate Coordinator. SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5014 Recoverable JTS instance, serverId = -(0) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JTS5015 Unexpected error occurred when creating portable object adaptors CauseORB may not be running. SolutionMake sure that ORB is running. SolutionIf ORB is running, this is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5016 Unexpected error occurred when creating current object SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5017 The ORB daemon, ORBD, is not running. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JTS5018 Cannot register -(0) instance with the ORB. SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5019 This is a non-persistent servers. Transactions will not be recoverable. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JTS5020 Invalid log path. Using -(0). CauseConfiguration problem while giving the log path. SolutionCheck the Transaction log path in server configuration file (transaction-service.tx-log-dir). ----JTS5021 Invalid default log path. Using current directory. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JTS5022 Unexpected exception -(0) from log. SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5023 Heuristic exception -(0) cannot be reported to superior in resync. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JTS5024 Cannot create RecoveryCoordinator object reference. SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5025 Log file exists for transient server -(0). CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JTS5026 Exception -(0) recovering an in-doubt Coordinator. SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5027 Exception -(0) on -(1) operation during resync. SolutionSee the server log for more details. ----JTS5028 XAException occurred during recovery of XAResource objects; XA Error Code : -(0) CauseXAResource.recover has thrown an exception during recovery. SolutionSee the exception Stack trace for more details. ----JTS5029 Exception -(0) on -(1) operation during resync. SolutionSee the server log for more details. ----JTS5030 Unable to write restart record. SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5031 Exception -(0) on Resource -(1) operation. SolutionSee the server log for more details. ----JTS5032 Retry limit of -(0) -(1) operations exceeded. CauseServer could not communicate with the resource manager with in the retry limit. SolutionMake sure that resource manager is up and running or increase the retry limit (transaction-service.retry-timeout-in-seconds in the server configuration file). ----JTS5033 Exception -(0) on -(1) synchronization operation. SolutionSee the server log for more details. ----JTS5034 Already identified to communications manager. SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5035 Unable to identify to communications manager. SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5036 Transaction in the wrong state for -(0) operation. SolutionSee the server log for more details. SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5037 Cannot create Terminator object reference. SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5038 Transaction resynchronization from originator failed,retrying.... CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JTS5039 Timeout thread stopped CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JTS5040 Cannot create TransactionFactory object reference. CauseORB may not be running. SolutionSee the server log for more details. SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5041 The resource manager is doing work outside a global transaction CauseDatabase driver or Resource Adapter has thrown XAException with the error message "The resource manager is doing work outside a global transaction" SolutionCheck if the application is using the same XA pool outside the transactional context as well as in the transactional context. Some drivers do not allow this scenario. Another scenario to verify is, two separate XA pools pointing to the same backend with the same credentials and the second connection is obtained with in the same transaction, without closing the first connection. ----JTS5042 Unexpected error occurred while getting the status of the transaction SolutionSee the server log for more details. SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5043 Unexpected error occurred while creating transaction manager instance SolutionSee the server log for more details. SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5044 Unexpected error occurred while getting or creating transaction state CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JTS5045 Unexpected error occurred in beforeCompletion CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JTS5046 Transaction is not active CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JTS5047 Transaction object not available CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JTS5048 Assert condition not satisfied SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5049 Cannot create XAResource object reference. SolutionSee the server log for more details. SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5050 Invalid timeout value. Negative values are illegal. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JTS5051 Invalid transaction state change SolutionSee the server log for more details. SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5052 Transaction id is already in use. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JTS5053 Invalid log record data in section -(0). SolutionSee the server log for more details. SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5054 Unexpected error occurred in after completion CauseOne or more SynchronizationImpls beforeCompletion or afterCompletion methods have thrown unexpected exception. ----JTS5055 Unexpected error occurred in getCORBAReference SolutionSee the server log for more details. SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5056 Invalid wait point SolutionMake sure to call FailureInducer.setWaitPoint() with a valid WaitPoint. ----JTS5057 FailPoint : -(0) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JTS5058 Invalid crash point SolutionMake sure to call FailureInducer.setWaitPoint() with a valid WaitPoint. ----JTS5059 Exception recovering an in-doubt Coordinator SolutionSee the server log for more details. SolutionThis is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message. ----JTS5060 Exception occurred while setting transaction timeout CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JTS5061 Exception occurred while enabling transaction monitoring CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JTS5062 Exception occurred while setting XAResource timeout SolutionSee the server log for more details. XAResource.setTransactionTimeout() might not be supported for this XAResource. ----JTS5063 Unexpected error occurred in beforeCompletion, XA Error Code : -(0), Error Message : -(1) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JTS5064 Unexpected exception occurred while delisting the resource CauseUnexpected exception thrown from XAResource.end. SolutionSee the server log for more details. ----JTS5065 An IO Exception occurred while handling recovery file CauseTransaction Log directory path is not valid or proper permissions are not there. SolutionMake sure that transaction log directory is valid and files in that directory have read write permissions. ----JTS5066 Unexpected error occurred in recovery process. Possible cause is that transaction logs are corrupted. Please clean up the transaction-service.tx-log-dir/tx/* files and restart the server. CausePossible cause is that transaction logs are corrupted. SolutionPlease clean up the transaction-service.tx-log-dir/tx/* files and restart the server. ----JTS5067 Unexpected error occurred in commit CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JTS5068 Unexpected error occurred in rollback CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JTS5069 Exception occurred while accessing JDBC resource for transaction log. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JTS5070 Exception occurred while obtaining JDBC resource -(0) for transaction log. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----JTS5071 Unexpected error occurred in registerSynchronization CauseTBD SolutionTBD |