GlassFish v3 Error Message Reference RARThis page lists error messages with the RAR prefix. See How to Contribute for more information about adding to and enhancing the information on this page. ----RAR2001 Unsupported callback {0} during credential mapping CauseResource adapter has used a callback that is not supported by application server SolutionCheck whether the callback in question is supported by application server ----RAR2002 Work is an WorkContextProvider and ExecutionContext {0} is not null Causesubmitted work has execution-context as well it is a work-context-provider which is specification violation SolutionMake sure that either execution-context or work-context-provider with transaction-context is passed, but not both ----RAR2003 duplicate work context for type {0} Causemultiple work contexts of same type submitted SolutionMake sure that same context type is not submitted multiple times in the work-context ----RAR2004 Application server cannot handle the following work context : {0} CauseWork Context in question is not supported by application server SolutionCheck the application server documentation for supported work contexts ----RAR2005 setting custom workcontext for WorkContext {0} using most specific support Work Context {1} CauseRequested work context is not supported, but a super type of the context is supported ----RAR2006 most specific work context for {0} supported by container is {1} CauseRequested work context is not supported, but a super type of the context is supported ----RAR2007 Unable to load work context class {0} due to the following exception {1} CauseWork Context class is not available to application server SolutionMake sure that the work context class is available to server ----RAR2008 Unable to set security context CauseUnable to set security context SolutionCheck the server.log for exceptions ----RAR5003 Error loading J2EE resource file CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5004 Error in XA recovery. See logs for more details. CauseJdbc driver threw an exception while recovery. CauseResource Adapter threw an exception while recovery in case of connectors. SolutionCheck database or EIS log for details. SolutionCheck whether the connection pool configuration is proper. SolutionCheck whether domain.xml is accessible. ----RAR5005 Error in accessing XA resource with JNDI name {0} for recovery CauseThe XA resource has been deleted before attempting recovery CauseThe XA resource is no longer referenced in the domain.xml CauseThe database server that the XA resource points to is no longer running CauseThe configuration information for the XA Resource has been changed before attempting recovery SolutionCheck that the XA Resource and the pool it points to is still defined in the domain.xml SolutionCheck that the XA Resource is present in the list of resource-refs in the domain.xml SolutionCheck that the Database server is up and running SolutionCheck if the config info of the XA resource and the pool it points to is sane. In particular check that the datasourceclassname in the pool is correct and the XA resource points to the correct pool ----RAR5007 Error in creating data source object: {0} CauseException while creating persistent manager resource. SolutionCheck whether the persistent manager factory class is configured properly and is available in the classpath. SolutionCheck whether the jdbc resource name is correct and is configured properly. ----RAR5008 Error in creating a naming Reference for custom resource {0} CauseNaming provider and port are not set in the initial context CauseThe Naming provider is not up SolutionCheck the file has the naming provider host and port specified SolutionCheck if the naming provider is up and listening on the port specified in the domain.xml ----RAR5009 Cannot load external-jndi-resource factory-class {0} CauseCould not create an instance of factory-class. SolutionMake sure that factory-class name is configured correctly. SolutionMake sure that factory-class is available in the classpath of the application server ----RAR5010 external-jndi-resource factory-class {0} must be of type javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory CauseExternal JNDI resource has a wrong factory-class configuration SolutionVerify that factory class is an instance of javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory ----RAR5011 Exception thrown creating initial context for external JNDI factory {0} CauseCould not create Initial Context. SolutionMake sure that the external-jndi-resource configuration is sufficient to create an initial context. ----RAR5012 Cannot create external-jndi-resource factory-class {0} CauseCould not create Initial context factory. SolutionMake sure that the external-jndi-resource configuration is sufficient to create an initial context factory ----RAR5013 Error in installing connection factories CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5014 Cannot load class {0}. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5015 Unexpected exception in loading class {0} by classloader CauseClasspath is not properly set in the domain.xml CauseThe application server process does not have read permissions on the directory that holds the classes/jar SolutionYou do not have read permissions on the directory that holds the classes/jar SolutionCheck that the classpath attribute in the java-config includes a reference to the jar/package directory for the class ----RAR5016 Error accessing configuration file. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5017 Cannot locate connection descriptor by name CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5018 Cannot create connection factory CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5019 Unexpected exception in creating new file CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5020 Error in Persistence Manager Settings {0} CauseCould not configure persistence manager resource properly. SolutionMake sure that the Jdbc resource name, you have configured is correct SolutionCheck whether the persistence manager factory class is proper. SolutionCheck whether the persistence manager factory class has a setConnectionFactoryName method. ----RAR5021 Error in installing resource adapters CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5022 Error in binding to JNDI namespace CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5023 Error removing connection factory CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5024 Error adding J2EE resource CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5025 Error removing J2EE resource CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5026 Failed to complete transaction.Error Message: {0}. CauseInternal error while completing the transaction. ----RAR5027 Unexpected exception in resource pooling CauseThere is an internal server error. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete log message ----RAR5029 Unexpected exception while registering component CauseInternal error while registering the resource to the transaction. ----RAR5030 Unexpected exception while registering synchronization CauseThere is an internal server error. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete log message ----RAR5031 System Exception CauseThere is an internal server error. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete log message ----RAR5032 Unexpected exception while returning resource to pool CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5033 ASSERT FAILED!!! CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5034 Failed to resize pools CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5035 Unexpected exception while destroying resource from pool {0}. Exception message: {1} CauseError while closing the physical connection. CauseError while destroying the connector managed connection. SolutionRefer to the manual of the resource that is pooled (JDBC driver or Resource Adapter). SolutionTo get exception stack, please change log level to FINE. Examine this exception stack trace for details. ----RAR5036 Resource reference is not defined for JNDI name {0} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5037 Username/password not specified for resource reference {0}. Defaulting to one in the pool. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5038 Unexpected exception while creating resource for pool {0}. Exception : {1} CauseCould not create a physical connection. SolutionConnection pool is configured incorrectly. SolutionDatabase is running properly. SolutionEIS (in case of connectors) is running properly. SolutionSJS MQ (in case of JMS) is running properly. SolutionNetwork connection to Database/EIS/MQ is proper. SolutionCheck linked exception (if there was a linked exception it is logged after this message). ----RAR5039 Linked exception : {0} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5042 Error in accessing XA resource for recovery CauseThe XA resource has been deleted before attempting recovery CauseThe XA resource is no longer referenced in the domain.xml CauseThe database server that the XA resource points to is no longer running CauseThe configuration information for the XA Resource has been changed before attempting recovery SolutionCheck that the XA Resource and the pool it points to is still defined in the domain.xml SolutionCheck that the XA Resource is present in the list of resource-refs in the domain.xml SolutionCheck that the Database server is up and running SolutionCheck if the config info of the XA resource and the pool it points to is sane. In particular check that the data source class name in the pool is correct and the XA resource points to the correct pool ----RAR5043 Error in creating data source object: CauseException while creating persistent manager resource. SolutionCheck whether the persistent manager factory class is configured properly and is available in the classpath. SolutionCheck whether the jdbc resource name is correct and is configured properly. ----RAR5044 Error in Persistence Manager Settings CauseCould not configure persistence manager resource properly. SolutionMake sure that the Jdbc resource name, you have configured is correct SolutionCheck whether the persistence manager factory class is proper. SolutionCheck whether the persistence manager factory class has a setConnectionFactoryName method. ----RAR5045 Error in creating a naming Reference for custom resource CauseNaming provider and port are not set in the jndi provider's property file CauseThe Naming provider is not up SolutionCheck the file has the naming provider host and port specified SolutionCheck if the naming provider is up and listening on the port specified in the domain.xml ----RAR5046 Unexpected exception in loading class by classloader {0} CauseClasspath is not properly set in the domain.xml CauseYou do not have read permissions on the directory that holds the classes/jar SolutionCheck that the classpath attribute in the java-config includes a reference to the jar/package directory for the class SolutionCheck that the directory where the classes/jars reside have read permission for the application server process ----RAR5047 Exception thrown creating initial context for external JNDI factory {0} CauseCould not create Initial Context. SolutionMake sure that the external-jndi-resource configuration is sufficient to create an initial context. ----RAR5048 Error in configuring JDBC resource CauseThe configuration for the JDBC resource could not be read from the domain.xml CauseThis is an internal server error. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete error log ----RAR5051 Jdbc pool monitoring bean registration failure CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5052 Failed to look up connection pool resource name CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5053 underlying connection not valid CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5054 Exception while closing connection CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5055 Missing parameter in properties file {0}. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5058 Error while Resizing pool {0}. Exception : {1} CauseCould not create physical connection during connection pool resizing. SolutionCheck your database/ EIS logs for possible connection creation errors. SolutionCheck whether your network connection to the database or EIS is proper. ----RAR5059 Binding JDBC DataSource Name: {0}, Pool Name: {1} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5060 Install JDBC Datasources ... CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5061 Exception caught and ignored : {0} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5062 Exception caught while getting Local Transaction CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5063 Exception while creating XADataSource :{0} CauseThe class specified in datasourceclassname attribute in the jdbc-connection-pool is not of type javax.sql.XADataSource. Please consult your database vendor's documentation to identify the class that implements the javax.sql.XADataSource SolutionCheck if the datasourceclass implements the javax.sql.XADataSource interface. Try using the javap tool for this purpose ----RAR5065 Exception while creating DataSource Object :{0} CauseThe class specified in datasourceclassname attribute in the jdbc-connection-pool is not of type javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource. Please consult your database vendor's documentation to identify the class that implements the javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource SolutionCheck if the datasourceclass implements the javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource interface. Try using the javap tool for this purpose ----RAR5066 Exception while getting pooled connection :{0} CauseThe Database server is not up and running CauseThe connection pool is full and cannot allocate more connections CauseThe Database server threw some unexpected exception. Please study the exception message for more details ----RAR5067 Exception while getting XA Connection : {0} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5068 No such element in connection set CauseThere are no managed connections in the connection pool at this time CauseThere is an internal server error. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete log message SolutionThis is an internal server error. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete error log SolutionThis is an internal server error. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete error log ----RAR5069 Exception while fetching EIS Product name :{0} CauseThe Connection object is now invalid due to database restart CauseThe connection object is now invalid since the database is not up and running CauseThe JDBC driver cannot provide the required information due to internal error SolutionSwitch on the connection validation property of the connection pool and try again SolutionIf the database has restarted, restart the application server as well or set the connection validation property in the pool to avoid this in the future. If the database server is not up, please bring it up SolutionCheck the server log and please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete error log ----RAR5070 Exception while fetching EIS Product version :{0} CauseThe Connection object is now invalid due to database restart CauseThe connection object is now invalid since the database is not up and running CauseThe JDBC driver cannot provide the required information due to internal error SolutionSwitch on the connection validation property of the connection pool and try again SolutionIf the database has restarted, restart the application server as well or set the connection validation property in the pool to avoid this in the future. If the database server is not up, please bring it up SolutionCheck the server log and please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete error log ----RAR5071 Exception creating CciInteraction object CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5072 Exception while clearing warnings from Statement object CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5073 Exception while getting warnings from Statement object CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5074 Table based validation detected invalid connection. Querying the table {0} failed. Set resource-adapter log-level to FINE for exception stack trace. CauseThe Connection object is now invalid due to database restart CauseThe connection object is now invalid since the database is not up and running CauseThe JDBC driver cannot execute the statement due to internal error SolutionSwitch on the connection validation property of the connection pool and try again SolutionIf the database has restarted, restart the application server as well or set the connection validation property in the pool to avoid this in the future. If the database server is not up, please bring it up SolutionCheck the server log and please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete error log ----RAR5075 Exception while setting up Statement according to Spec CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5076 Exception while preparing statement CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5077 Exception while closing statement CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5078 Exception while beginning local transaction CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5079 Exception while committing local transaction CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5080 Exception while committing xa transaction CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5081 Exception while rolling back local transaction CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5082 Exception while creating CciManagedConnection CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5083 Exception while destroying physical connection CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5084 Exception while creating physical connection CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5085 Exception while getting XA resource CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5086 Exception creating CciManagedConnectionMetaData CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5087 Exception while querying the EIS for max connections CauseThe Connection object is now invalid due to database restart CauseThe connection object is now invalid since the database is not up and running CauseThe JDBC driver cannot provide the required information due to internal error SolutionSwitch on the connection validation property of the connection pool and try again SolutionIf the database has restarted, restart the application server as well or set the connection validation property in the pool to avoid this in the future. If the database server is not up, please bring it up SolutionCheck the server log and please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete error log ----RAR5088 Exception while checking if ResultSet can detect deletes CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5089 Exception while checking if ResultSet can detect updates CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5090 Exception while checking if ResultSet can detect other deletes CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5091 Exception while checking if ResultSet can detect inserts CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5092 Exception while checking if ResultSet can detect other updates CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5093 Exception while checking if ResultSet can detect own updates CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5094 Exception while checking if ResultSet can detect other inserts CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5095 Exception while checking if ResultSet can detect own inserts CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5096 Exception while checking if ResultSet can detect own deletes CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5097 Exception while checking if RA supports concurrency in combo with give RS CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5098 Exception while checking if RA supports a type of RS CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5099 Wrong class name or classpath for Datasource Object CauseClasspath is not properly set in the domain.xml CauseThe application server process does not have read permissions on the directory that holds the classes/jar SolutionCheck if the server classpath specified in the java-config element in the domain.xml has an entry for the jar containing this class SolutionCheck that the directory where the classes/jars reside have read permission for the application server process ----RAR5100 Wrong class name or classpath for {0} CauseClasspath is not properly set in the domain.xml CauseThe application server process does not have read permissions on the directory that holds the classes/jar SolutionCheck if the server classpath specified in the java-config element in the domain.xml has an entry for the jar containing this class SolutionCheck that the directory where the classes/jars reside have read permission for the application server process ----RAR5101 Exception while instantiating {0} CauseThe appserver process does not have read access to the directory where this class resides CauseThe application server process does not have security permissions to access this code SolutionCheck if the application server has read permissions on the directory where this class/jar containing this class resides SolutionCheck if your security manager policy is configured properly ----RAR5102 Access error while instantiating {0} CauseThe application server process do not have permission to access the code base where the class resides CauseThis is an internal server/JVM error. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete error log SolutionSee if the application server process has permission to read the directory where the class/jar resides SolutionCheck if all relevant JVM patches are installed on your machine. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete error log ----RAR5103 Error setting java bean value : {0} CauseThe pool parameters in the domain.xml are improper. CauseThe application server process does not have enough permissions to access the DataSource class SolutionCheck that the pool parameters specified in the domain.xml are correct. For example check that parameters that expect numeric values are numerals SolutionCheck that the application server process has permissions to read the directory where the class resides ----RAR5104 Not a valid type for this method : {0} CauseThe pool parameters in the domain.xml are improper. SolutionCheck that the pool parameters specified in the domain.xml are correct. For example check that parameters that expect numeric values are numerals ----RAR5105 Connection Error occurred : {0} CauseThe connection validation method is incorrect, it should be one of auto-commit, meta-data, table CauseThe connection is no longer valid. It could have been rendered invalid due to database restart/shutdown SolutionCheck if the connection validation is one of : auto-commit, meta-data or table. If the method is table, check that the table name is correct. SolutionIf the database has been restarted, restart the application server as well. If the database is down, start it up ----RAR5106 AutoCommit based validation detected invalid connection. Set resource-adapter log-level to FINE for exception stack trace CauseDatabase server is not up thus rendering the connection invalid CauseThe JDBC driver is unable to provide the auto-commit status of the connection due to an internal error SolutionCheck if the database server is up and running SolutionThis is an internal error. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete error log ----RAR5107 Meta-Data based validation detected invalid connection. Set resource-adapter log-level to FINE for exception stack trace CauseThe connection is invalid due to a database restart CauseThe connection is invalid due to a database shutdown CauseThe JDBC driver cannot provide the connection's metadata information due to an internal error SolutionIf the database has been restarted, restart the appserver as well. To avoid this in the future set the connection validation property in the pool SolutionCheck that the database is up and running ----RAR5108 Error while getting transaction isolation level :{0} CauseThe connection is invalid due to database restart/shutdown CauseThe JDBC driver cannot provide the transaction isolation level due to an internal error SolutionPlease bring up the database if not up already. Check if the connection validation pool property is set, else set this property if the database server will be restarted in the future. ----RAR5109 Error while setting transaction isolation level CauseJdbc driver has thrown an SQLException while setting the isolation level. SolutionCheck your connection pool configuration and make sure that the isolation level is correct SolutionCheck whether your driver supports the isolation level you have specified in the connection pool. ----RAR5110 Error creating managed Connection with user and password : {0} CauseThe URL specified is incorrect CauseThe database server is not up and running SolutionCheck if the URL specified in the getConnection call is correct. Consult the JDBC driver vendor's documentation for the correct URL format. SolutionCheck that the Database server is up and running ----RAR5111 Error casting to javax.sql.Datasource CauseThe class specified in datasourceclassname attribute in the jdbc-connection-pool is not of type javax.sql.DataSource. Please consult your database vendor's documentation to identify the class that implements the javax.sql.DataSource SolutionCheck if the datasourceclass implements the javax.sql.DataSource interface. Try using the javap tool for this purpose ----RAR5112 Error casting to javax.sql.XADatasource CauseThe class specified in datasourceclassname attribute in the jdbc-connection-pool is not of type javax.sql.XADataSource. Please consult your database vendor's documentation to identify the class that implements the javax.sql.XADataSource SolutionCheck if the datasourceclass implements the javax.sql.XADataSource interface. Try using the javap tool for this purpose ----RAR5113 Error creating connection from supplied information: Reason - {0} CauseThe Database server is not up and running CauseThe connection pool is full and cannot allocate more connections CauseThe Database server threw some unexpected exception. Please study the exception message for more details SolutionCheck that the Database server is up and running SolutionCheck if the size of your connection pool is sufficiently large for serving all requests SolutionCheck the server log and please contact Sun Microsystems with the full error log ----RAR5114 Error allocating connection : {0} CauseThere was an SQLException while acquiring connection from the Database. Please see the detailed exception message for more information CauseThe Connection pool is full and incapable of serving more requests at this point. Please try later. CauseThere is an internal server error. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete log message SolutionCheck if the database server is correctly configured SolutionCheck if your pool size is sufficient to server all simultaneous connection requests SolutionCheck the server log and contact Sun Microsystems with the complete error message ----RAR5115 Error cleaning up handles associated with this ManagedConnection CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR5116 The XA connection could not be allocated: {0} CauseThe Database server is not up and running CauseThe connection pool is full and cannot allocate more connections CauseThe Database server threw some unexpected exception. Please study the exception message for more details SolutionCheck that the Database server is up and running SolutionCheck if the size of your connection pool is sufficiently large for serving all requests SolutionCheck the server log and please contact Sun Microsystems with the full error log ----RAR5117 Failed to obtain/create connection from connection pool {0}. Reason : {1} CauseError while obtaining a connection from the pool. SolutionCheck your connection pool configuration. ----RAR6000 Invalid deployment descriptor, no connection-definition found either via ra.xml or annotations for the resource-adapter {0} CauseIllegal access Error while instantiating one of the resource adapter java beans like ManagedConnectionFactory or ResourceAdapter Javabean classes. SolutionCheck whether the resource adapter have any specific security requirements. ----RAR6001 Class Not found : {0} CauseError while locating one of the resource adapter java beans like ManagedConnectionFactory or ResourceAdapter Javabean classes. SolutionResource adapter is bundled properly. SolutionResource adapter jar file deployment descriptor specifies correct class names. ----RAR6002 Could not instantiate class : {0} CauseError while instantiating one of the resource adapter java beans like ManagedConnectionFactory or ResourceAdapter Javabean. SolutionResource adapter is bundled properly with all the classes. ----RAR6003 Could not access class : {0} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR6004 Privileged action error : {0} CauseIllegal access Error while instantiating one of the resource adapter java beans like ManagedConnectionFactory or ResourceAdapter Javabean classes. SolutionCheck whether the resource adapter have any specific security requirements. ----RAR6005 Could not create mcf : {0} CauseError while creating ManagedConnectionFactory. SolutionResource adapter is bundled properly. SolutionCheck whether connection pool configuration has correct properties for MCF. SolutionCheck resource adapter documentation for configuring correct properties of MCF. ----RAR6006 Failed to get ResourcesUtil object : {0} SolutionThere is an internal server error. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete log message ----RAR6007 Failed to get Resources list from domain.xml CauseRuntime could not obtain list of resources of this resource adapter. SolutionCheck whether the resource adapter configuration is proper. ----RAR6008 Failed to remove Active Resource Adapter from registry {0} CauseResource Adapter threw an exception during ResourceAdapter.stop() method. SolutionCheck your resource adapter documentation about ResourceAdapter.stop() method. ----RAR6009 Connector Connection Pools/resources still exist. Remove all the connector connection pools and resources before undeploying rar : {0} CauseA resource (connection pool, connector resource or admin object) pertaining to the resource adapter is existing. SolutionCheck whether the cascade option of undeploy is false. ----RAR6010 Resource Adapter is already started/deployed : {0} CauseResource Adapter is already active in the connector runtime. SolutionCheck whether a previous resource adapter deployment is still available. ----RAR6011 Failed to obtain the classloader : {0} SolutionThere is an internal server error. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete log message ----RAR6012 Null pointer Exception : {0} SolutionThere is an internal server error. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete log message SolutionCheck whether resource adapter threw a null pointer exception. ----RAR6013 Could not publish connector descriptor in JNDI : {0} SolutionThere is an internal server error. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete log message ----RAR6014 Could not find the connector descriptor in the rar : {0} CauseIncomplete or erroneous resource adapter deployment. SolutionCheck whether the RA deployment is proper and complete. ----RAR6015 Obtained Null connection pool object from jndi : {0} CauseConnection pool is not created properly. SolutionCheck your resource configuration, whether you are using correct connection pool name. ----RAR6016 Active resource adapter not initialized.Rar Name : {0} CauseResource Adapter is not yet initialized in the connector runtime. SolutionCheck whether the deployment of the resource adapter is complete. ----RAR6017 Failed to get connection pool object via JNDI lookup : {0} CauseIncomplete or erroneous connection pool creation. SolutionCheck whether connection pool is created and is proper. ----RAR6018 Failed to add MCF to connector registry : {0} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR6019 Failed to get connector descriptor from registry. RarName : {0} CauseIncomplete or erroneous resource adapter deployment. SolutionCheck whether the RA deployment is proper and complete. ----RAR6020 Failed to publish connection pool object in JNDI : {0} SolutionCheck whether the connection pool is existing. ----RAR6021 Failed to create MCF : {0} CauseError while creating ManagedConnectionFactory. SolutionResource adapter is bundled properly. SolutionCheck whether connection pool configuration has correct properties for MCF. SolutionCheck whether the resource adapter require security permissions to load the classes. Some adapters require getClassLoader() permission. ----RAR6022 Failed to register MCF in connector registry : {0} CauseNullPointerException while creating ManagedConnectionFactory. SolutionCheck whether resource adapter throws null pointer exception. ----RAR6023 Null connector descriptor in registry. Module Name is : {0} SolutionThere is an internal server error. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete log message ----RAR6024 Failed to bind connector resource in JNDI: {0} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR6025 Failed to read the connector deployment descriptors : {0} CauseCould not read the deployment descriptor of the resource adapter. SolutionCheck whether the resource adapter is packaged correctly. SolutionCheck the correctness of deployment descriptor. ----RAR6026 Failed to parse the connector deployment descriptors : {0} CauseCould not parse the deployment descriptor of the resource adapter. SolutionCheck whether the resource adapter is packaged correctly. SolutionCheck the correctness of deployment descriptor. ----RAR6027 Malformed URL to add to path of classloader : {0} SolutionThere is an internal server error. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete log message ----RAR6028 This adapter is not 1.5 compliant : {0} CauseResource Adapter doesnt contain resource adapter java bean. SolutionMake sure that the resource adapter is 1.5 compliant. ----RAR6029 Failed to delete admin object from jndi : {0} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR6030 Failed to remove the MCF : {0} CauseMCF cleanup in connector runtime failed. SolutionCheck whether connection pool has already been deleted. SolutionThere is an internal server error. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete log message ----RAR6031 Failed to unbind connectionPool from jndi : {0} SolutionThere is an internal server error. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete log message ----RAR6032 Wrong connector resource entry in the domain.xml. No corresponding connection pool created. Pool Name: CauseConnection Pool Name of the Resource configuration is wrong. SolutionCheck whether the connection pool is created. ----RAR6033 Wrong connector connection pool entry in the domain.xml. No corresponding resource adapter deployed. Resource Adapter Name : CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR6034 Wrong admin object entry in the domain.xml. No corresponding resource adapter deployed. Resource Adapter Name : CauseResource Adapter Name of the admin object configuration is wrong SolutionCheck whether the resource adapter is deployed. ----RAR6035 Resource adapter start failed : {0} CauseCould not start the resource adapter instance. CauseResourceAdpater threw an exception during ResourceAdapter.start() SolutionCheck whether the domain.xml is accessible. SolutionCheck your resource adapter documentation for possible causes of failure during ResourceAdapter.start() ----RAR6036 Resource adapter association failed : {0} CauseResource Adapter throws exception during ManagedConnectionFactory.setResourceAdapter() SolutionIf you are using third party resource adapter, contact resource adapter vendor. SolutionIf you are a resource adapter developer, please check the resource adapter code. ----RAR6037 Resource adapter threw an exception while stopping CauseResource Adapter threw an exception during ResourceAdapter.stop() method. SolutionCheck your resource adapter documentation about ResourceAdapter.stop() method. ----RAR7000 Check for a new version of MQ installation failed : {0} CauseMQ resource adapter in the upgraded MQ is not accessible. CauseCould not read the manifest of New MQ resource adapter file. ----RAR7001 Upgrading a MQ resource adapter failed : {0} CauseCould not unzip the MQ resource adapter archive from upgraded MQ. SolutionCheck whether new MQ resource adapter archive in imq_home/lib is accessible. ----RAR7002 MQ Resource adapter upgradation started. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7003 MQ Resource adapter upgradation completed. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7004 MDB deployment is still happening. Cannot create end point now. CauseResource Adapter is requesting endpoints to the MDB, before MDB deployment is complete. ----RAR7005 Class loader not found : {0} CauseCould not access the class loader specific to the MDB. ----RAR7006 ActivationSpec validation failed : {0} CauseActivationSpec validation failed. SolutionCheck your JMS related configuration in MDB deployment descriptor. SolutionCheck your activation configuration in the MDB deployment descriptor. ----RAR7007 The method is not defined : {0} CauseResource Adapter is trying to invoke an unknown method during message delivery. SolutionCheck your resource adapter documentation for possible issues during message delivery. ----RAR7008 Initialized monitoring registry and listeners SolutionThere is an internal server error. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete log message ----RAR7009 Cannot set auto-commit mode for physical connection CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7010 Pool not reachable. CauseCould not find the connection pool specified. SolutionCheck whether the connection pool creation was successful. SolutionCheck whether the pool name used is correct. ----RAR7011 Unexpected exception determining whether resource is referenced. SolutionThere is an internal server error. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete log message ----RAR7012 J2EE Connector 1.5 specification compliant Resource Adapter stop() status CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7013 Resource Adapter stop() call successful CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7014 Error reading Connector Service Element from domain.xml while trying to get shutdown-timeout-in-seconds value. Continuing with the default shutdown timeout value CauseCould not read shutdown-timeout-in-seconds from the domain.xml properly. SolutionMake sure that domain.xml is configured correctly. ----RAR7092 Incorrect transaction support level. This RAR has a lower tx support level in its ra.xml transaction-support attribute : {0} CauseThe ra.xml specifies LocalTransaction as the transaction-support and connection-pool is configured with XATransaction support. CauseThe ra.xml specifies NoTransaction as the transaction-support and connection-pool is configured with XATransaction or LocalTransaction support. ----RAR7093 Error while cleaning up ManagedConnection SolutionThere is an internal server error. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete log message ----RAR7094 {0} shutdown successful. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7095 {0} shutdown unsuccessful. Please refer the server and/or resource adapter logs for more information. CauseThe resource adapter failed to shutdown within the specified shutdown timeout. SolutionCheck the resource adapter and server logs for any exceptions during resource adapter stop. SolutionIncrease the shutdown-timeout-in-seconds attribute of connector-service if the resource adapter requires a longer time to shutdown. ----RAR7096 Exception {2} while trying to set the value {1} on property {0} CauseError while trying to invoke the setter method for the specified property. SolutionCheck if the value and the property name specified are valid. ----RAR7097 No setter method present for the property {0} in the class {1} CauseError in finding a mutator method for the specified property SolutionCheck if the property has been specified correctly and an appropriate public setter method method is available in the class. ----RAR7099 The mcf being used to allocate the connection and the MCF in the pool are not equal. CauseThe configuration parameters like username/password for the Pool being accessed are changed and the application has not been redeployed CauseThe MCF equals method is improperly implemented SolutionEnsure that your resource adapter properly implements the equals method ----RAR7100 Physical destination {0} is autocreated by application server. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7101 Autocreation of physical destination {0} failed. CauseCreation of physical destination in SJS MQ failed. Please look at SJS MQ log for more details. CauseYou haven't configured jms-service properly. Make sure that default-jms-host of jms-service points to a valid SJS MQ location. ----RAR7102 Default-jms-host of jms-service is not configured properly. Using the first jms-host as the default-jms-host. CauseYou haven't configured default-jms-host in the jms-service. CauseThe jms-host configured as default-jms-host is not not available. ----RAR7103 The physical destination {0} is already created. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7104 Exception while stopping Derby : CauseEmbedded Derby will always throw this exception when the database is shutdown ----RAR7105 Derby Embedded Driver not found : CauseDerby embedded driver class is not found in classpath ----RAR7106 LazyConnectionEnlistment need to be true for LazyConnectionAssociation to work, for pool: {0} CauseConnection Pool properties, LazyConnectionAssociation is true and LazyConnectionEnlistment is false which is not allowed. ----RAR7107 Unable to retrieve password from alias CauseAlias may not exist. Ensure that alias exists. ----RAR7108 Error while loading jms resources during recovery : {0} CauseError getting jms resource configs. CauseLookup failed for the jms resource. Not found in jndi. SolutionSee server log for more information ----RAR7109 Error while loading jdbc resources during recovery : {0} CauseError getting jdbc resource configs. CauseLookup failed for the jdbc resource. Not found in jndi. SolutionSee server log for more information ----RAR7110 Error while loading connector resources during recovery : {0} CauseError getting connector resource configs. CauseLookup failed for the connector resource. Not found in jndi. CauseError loading the embedded RAR. SolutionSee server log for more information ----RAR7111 destroying connection during connectionClosed since this connection is marked for removal CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7112 destroying connection during txCompleted since this connection is marked for removal CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7113 destroying connection since it has reached the maximum usage of : {0} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7114 Unable to get ClientInfo for connection CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7115 Unable to set ClientInfo for connection CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7116 Unable to unwrap CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7117 Exception during isWrapper CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7118 Unable to load jdbc objects factory CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7119 Unable to get XADataSource CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7120 Unable to get ConnectionPoolDataSource CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7121 Exception while retrieving meta-data of connection CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7122 Unexpected Exception while detecting JDBC version CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7123 Unable to initalize custom pool data-structure. Exception occurred : CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7124 Unable to initalize connection pool wait-queue. Exception occurred : CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7125 Unable to initalize connection pool resource-gateway. Exception occurred : CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7126 Assuming destination type {0} for MDB {2} from administered object {1} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7127 Unable to create a new resource : {0} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7132 Unable to enlist the resource in transaction. Returned resource to pool. Pool name: {0} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7133 Unable to remove resource {0} from jndi CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7134 RAR {0} is not deployed CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7135 Unable to remove connector-descritor of resource-adatper {0} from jndi CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7137 Unable to create default resource for the resource-adapter CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7138 Unable to undeploy the default pool {0} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7139 Unable to undeploy the default resource {0} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7140 Unable to set log-writer for resource-adapter {0} : {1} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7141 Unable to undeploy the sun-ra pool {0} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7142 Connector classloader unable to add files to classpath CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7143 could not find a resource by name : {0} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7145 Unable to obtain work manager : CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR7146 Unable to obtain transaction synchronization registry : CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR8000 The method {0} is not present in the class : {1} SolutionCheck the error message to see which class doesnt have the method. SolutionCheck the connection pool configuration property names. SolutionCheck the jms resource configuration property names. SolutionCheck the admin object resource configuration property names. SolutionCheck the resource adapter configuration property names. ----RAR8001 Error in executing the method : {0} SolutionCheck the error message to see which class has failed to execute the method. SolutionCheck the connection pool configuration property names and values. SolutionCheck the jms resource configuration property names. and values SolutionCheck the admin object resource configuration property names and values. SolutionCheck the resource adapter configuration property names and values. ----RAR8002 Class Not Found : {0} SolutionThere is an internal server error. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete log message ----RAR8003 Cannot register pool from monitoring registry: {0} SolutionThere is an internal server error. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete log message ----RAR8004 Cannot unregister pool from monitoring registry: {0} SolutionThere is an internal server error. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete log message ----RAR8005 Cannot get MCF for pool : {0} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR8007 Error registering MonitoringLevelListener in monitoring registry. The Exception is: {0} SolutionThere is an internal server error. Please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete log message ----RAR8010 Exception while cancelling timer : {0} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR8011 Exception during timer purge : {0} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR8012 Exception while scheduling timer : {0} CauseTimer could have already been cancelled because of any unchecked exception ----RAR8013 Unable to destroy a jdbc resource during transaction recovery SolutionCheck server.log for any resource specific exceptions ----RAR8014 Associate with thread need to be false for Pooling disable to work, for pool: {0} CauseConnection Pool properties, Associate with thread is true and Pooling is disabled which is not allowed. ----RAR8015 Connection validation is set to true and Pooling is disable, for pool: {0} CauseConnection validation is useful only in a pooled environment. ----RAR8016 Validate Atmost once period is set when Pooling is disabled, for pool : {0} CauseValidate atmost once period is useful only in a pooled environment. ----RAR8017 Match Connections is set to true when Pooling is disabled, for pool : {0} CauseMatch Connections is useful only in a pooled environment. ----RAR8018 Max Connection usage is set when Pooling is disabled, for pool : {0} CauseMax Connection Usage is useful only in a pooled environment. ----RAR8019 Idle Timeout is specified when Pooling is disabled, for pool : {0} CauseIdle Timeout is useful only in a pooled environment. ----RAR8021 Following validation constraints violated for Java Bean of type {0} of resource-adapter {1} : Message = {2}) CauseThere could be erraneous values (not acceptable according to the constraints) specified in the bean ----RAR8022 Failed to get invalid connections from Managed Connection Factory {0}. Exception = {1}; Message = {2} CauseResource Adapter threw a ResourceException. SolutionCheck the resource adapter's documentation. ----RAR8023 Flush Connection Pool did not happen as pool - {0} is not initialized CauseFlush Connection Pool is a NO-OP as the pool has not been initialized till now. SolutionCheck if pool has been initialized ----RAR8024 Get Validation Table Names failed. Reason - {0} CauseDatabase server is not up and admin GUI tries to get connection validation table names SolutionMake sure database server is up and running. ----RAR8025 Flush Connection Pool failed for pool - {0}. Reason - {1} CauseDatabase server is not up and Flush tries to access the pool. SolutionMake sure database server is up and running. ----RAR8026 Unable to initalize custom pool data-structure : {0} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR8027 Unable to initalize custom connection pool wait-queue : {0} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR8028 Unable to initalize custom connection pool resource-gateway : {0} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR8029 Resource {0} of type {1} is not enabled CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR8030 Exception while getting validation table names. Set resource-adapter log-level to FINE for exception stack trace. CauseDatabase access error SolutionCheck is database server is up and running ----RAR8031 Exception while pinging tableName : {0}. CauseDatabase access error SolutionCheck is database server is up and running ----RAR8032 Failed to delete all connector resources : {0} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR8033 Deletion of pool failed. PoolName not specified. CausePoolName specified could be null ----RAR8034 Exception while reconfiguring pool {0} : , {1} CauseUnable to reconfigure connection pool. SolutionReview the new modifications to pool properties and attributes ----RAR8035 Exception while creating jdbc connection pool {0} : , {1} Causeunable to create jdbc connection pool Solutioncheck whether database is up and running, use ping-connection-pool to \ ----RAR8036 Exception while redeploying jdbc-connection-pool {0}, {1} Causeunable to redeploy jdbc connection pool Solutioncheck whether database is up and running, use ping-connection-pool to \ ----RAR8037 exception while getting transaction-support for RAR {0} , {1} CauseUnable to get connector descriptor Solutioncheck whether rar is property deployed, ra.xml or annotations equivalent are correct. ----RAR8038 unable to load the resource-adapter {0}, {1} CausePossible exception while bootstrapping RAR or validating RAR SolutionCheck server.log for exact cause of failure which may be due to one of the steps in \ ----RAR8039 unable to unload the resource-adapter {0}, {1} CausePossible exception while destroying pools CausePossible exception while deactivating end-points CausePossible exception while stopping RA SolutionCheck server.log for exact cause of failure which may be due failure while destroying pools SolutionCheck server.log for exact cause of failure which may be due failure in de-activating end-points SolutionCheck server.log for exact cause of failure which may be due failure while stopping RA ----RAR8040 Unable to delete resource-adapter-config for RAR {0} CausePossible exception while deleting resource-adapter-config SolutionCheck server.log for exact cause of failure that happened while deleting resource-adapter-config ----RAR8041 Unable to delete resource-adapter-config for RAR {0}, {1} CausePossible exception while deleting resource-adapter-config SolutionCheck the exception message while deleting the configuration of resource-adapter-config ----RAR8042 Unable to delete work-security-map(s) for RAR {0} CausePossible exception while deleting work-security-map configuration SolutionCheck server.log for exact cause of failure that happened while deleting work-security-map configuration ----RAR8043 Unable to delete work-security-map(s) for RAR {0}, {1} CausePossible exception while deleting work-security-map configuration SolutionCheck the exception message while deleting the configuration of work-security-map ----RAR8044 Unable to admin-object-resource(s) for RAR {0} CausePossible exception while deleting admin-object-resource configuration SolutionCheck server.log for exact cause of failure that happened while deleting admin-object-resource configuration ----RAR8045 Unable to delete admin-object-resource(s) for RAR {0}, {1} CausePossible exception while deleting admin-object-resource configuration SolutionCheck the exception message while deleting the configuration of admin-object-resource ----RAR8046 Unable to connector-resource(s) for RAR {0} CausePossible exception while deleting connector-resource configuration SolutionCheck server.log for exact cause of failure that happened while deleting connector-resource configuration ----RAR8047 Unable to delete connector-resource(s) for RAR {0}, {1} CausePossible exception while deleting connector-resource configuration SolutionCheck the exception message while deleting the configuration of connector-resource ----RAR8048 Unable to connector-connection-pool(s) for RAR {0} CausePossible exception while deleting connector-connection-pool configuration SolutionCheck server.log for exact cause of failure that happened while deleting connector-connection-pool configuration ----RAR8049 Unable to delete connector-connection-pool(s) for RAR {0}, {1} CausePossible exception while deleting connector-connection-pool configuration SolutionCheck the exception message while deleting the configuration of connector-connection-pool ----RAR8050 Exception while processing xml files for detecting bean-validation-mapping CausePossible invalid entries in mapping xml files SolutionCheck whether all the constraints defined in the validation mapping xml files are valid ----RAR8051 unable to stop resource adapter {0} due to exception {1}, set FINEST log level Causeunable to destroy pools or stop RA or deactivating end-points SolutionCheck server.log for exceptions due to failure in destroying pools or stopping RA or deactivating end-points ----RAR8052 RA {0} stop timeout occured, {1} Causeunable to stop RA in specified time, timeout occurred SolutionCheck whether ra.destroy() has happened successfully or any exceptions in server.log ----RAR8053 RA {0} stop failed, {1} CauseRA stop failed SolutionCheck server.log for any exceptions ----RAR8054 Exception while creating an unpooled Test connection for pool {0}, {1} CauseUnable to create a new connection SolutionCheck whether connection parameters are correct ----RAR8055 Exception while getting connector descriptor for RAR {0}, {1} CausePossible exception while parsing ra.xml or RA is not deployed SolutionCheck whether RA name is correct, RA is already deployed, server.log for exceptions while parsing ra.xml ----RAR8056 unable to load Connection Pool {0}, {1} CauseException while loading RAR or resource-adapter-config or connection pool SolutionCheck the exception, server.log for status of RAR, resource-adapter-config, exceptions while loading connection pool --- Causeresources of RAR exist during RAR undeployment SolutionCheck whether resources of RAR exist, delete them before RAR undeployment or use '--casecade=true' \ ----RAR8058 Unsupported work context {0} for RAR {1} CauseRequired work context is not supported by the container SolutionCheck the application server documentation for supported work context types in addition to\ ----RAR8059 Exception while trying to find properties of class {0}, set log-level to CausePossible exception due to access permission or class is not available SolutionCheck whether the class is available to the server, appropriate permissions are provided to load the class ----RAR8060 Unable to lookup pool {0}, {1} CausePossible exception during pool initialization SolutionCheck any exceptions in server.log related to pool creation ----RAR8061 failed to load resource-adapter-config or RA {0}, {1} CauseUnable to load RA or resource-adapter-config SolutionPossible failure to load RA or resource-adapter-config. Check server.log for exceptions ----RAR8062 failed to load resources for RA {0}, {1} CauseUnable to load resources SolutionPossible failure to load resources. Check server.log for exceptions ----RAR8502 Error creating ActivationSpec : {0} , set FINEST log level to get complete CauseError while creating activation-spec object SolutionCheck whether activation configuration is correct ----RAR8503 Exception while creating ActivationSpec and getting inbound resources for recovery CausePossible exception while creating instance of ActivationSpec CausePossible exception while acquiring inbound resource for recovery SolutionCheck the server.log for ActivationSpec instantiation related exceptions SolutionCheck the server.log for inbound XA Resource acquisition related exceptions ----RAR8504 Exception during inbound recovery CausePossible exception while creating instance of ActivationSpec CausePossible exception while acquiring inbound resource for recovery CausePossible exception while bootstrapping RAR SolutionCheck the server.log for ActivationSpec instantiation related exceptions SolutionCheck the server.log for inbound XA Resource acquisition related exceptions SolutionCheck the server.log for RAR bootstrap related exceptions ----RAR8701 Exception while extracting RAR {0} from archive : {1} CauseRAR is not available in the bundle Solutioncheck whether the RAR is bundled in the archive ----RAR8702 Port Number provided is not a number {0} : {1} CauseNot a number provided for the property 'port' SolutionProvide a valid number for the property 'port' ----RAR8703 failed to create libraries classloader CauseFailed to create libraries classloader due to insufficient security privileges SolutionCheck whether sufficient privilege is provided to create libraries classloader ----RAR8704 failed to create connector classloader CauseFailed to create connector classloader due to insufficient security privileges SolutionCheck whether sufficient privilege is provided to create connector classloader ----RAR9000 Custom validation detected invalid connection. Executing the isValid() of {0} class failed. Set resource-adapter log-level to FINE for exception stack trace. CauseThe Connection object is now invalid due to database restart CauseThe connection object is now invalid since the database is not up and running CauseThe JDBC driver cannot execute the statement due to internal error SolutionIf the database has restarted, restart the application server as well or set the connection validation property in the pool to avoid this in the future. If the database server is not up, please bring it up SolutionCheck the server log and please contact Sun Microsystems with the complete error log ----RAR9001 Custom validation class name is invalid CauseCustom validation class name is invalid as it does not implement interface org.glassfish.jdbc.api.ConnectionValidation CauseCustom validation class name could not be loaded CauseCustom validation class name is not in the classpath. ----RAR9002 Exception while getting Proxied Connection during SQL tracing : {0} CauseConnection object could be null CauseInitialization provoked by method could have failed. CauseUnderlying method inaccessible. ----RAR9003 Sql tracing : ClassNotFoundException while trying to load class : {0} CauseSql trace listener class name is not in the classpath. ----RAR9004 Exception while introspecting SQL trace listeners : {0} CauseConstructor of the sql trace listener provided does not have enough access. CauseSql trace listener does not implement org.glassfish.api.jdbc.SQLTraceListener. CauseError while instantiating sql trace listener class provided. ----RAR9005 Error while executing Init SQL : {0} CauseDatabase access error SolutionCheck is database server is up and running ----RAR9600 unable to deploy resource : {0}. Following exception occurred : {1} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR9601 Unable to undeploy resource : {0}. Following exception occurred : {1} CauseError while creating ManagedConnectionFactory. CauseUnable to unbind resource from JNDI. SolutionResource adapter is bundled properly. SolutionCheck whether connection pool configuration has correct properties for MCF. SolutionCheck whether the resource adapter require security permissions to load the classes. Some adapters require getClassLoader() permission. ----RAR9602 Cannot bind resource {0} to naming manager. Following exception occurred {1} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR9603 Unable to bind connector descriptor for resource-adapter {0}. Following exception occurred : {1} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----RAR9604 Exception while pinging pool during creation for pool {0}. Following exception occurred {1} CauseThe specified jdbc connection pool is unusable. ----RAR9605 Ping pool during creation failed for pool : {0} . Pool has been created successfully but ping failed. CauseThere could be some erroneous values specified in jdbc connection pool configuration. CauseCaused by unsupported/incorrect values for database connectivity properties. |