GlassFish v3 Error Message Reference SECThis page lists error messages with the SEC prefix. See How to Contribute for more information about adding to and enhancing the information on this page. ----SEC1000 Caught exception. CauseA Security Exception has been thrown SolutionA Security Exception has been thrown ----SEC1001 Security Manager is ON. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC1002 Security Manager is OFF. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC1003 Could not override SecurityManager. CauseCould not override SecurityManager. SolutionCould not override SecurityManager. ----SEC1050 Certificate authentication requires certificate realm. Check server configuration. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC1100 Disabled realm -(0) due to errors. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC1101 No realms available. Authentication services disabled. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC1102 Incomplete configuration, login module not specified. CauseError during SolarisRealm initialization. LoginModule not specified SolutionPlease provide the jaas-context in the SolarisRealm configuration ----SEC1103 No AuthenticationHandler available for this realm. CauseThe Realm configured is not an instance of CertificateRealm, Certificate authentication requires certificate realm. CauseNo AuthenticationHandler available for this realm. SolutionPlease check if the realm class is an instance of CertificateRealm SolutionCheck of the Realm has been configured correctly. This is the base class method that has to be overridden ----SEC1104 Error while obtaining private subject credentials. CausePrivate Credentials of Subject not available SolutionPlease check if the private credentials are available ----SEC1105 A PasswordCredential was required but not provided. CausePasswordCredential was required, but not supplied. SolutionPlease check if the password is provided ----SEC1106 Error during LDAP search with filter -(0). CauseError during LDAP search SolutionPlease check the LDAP configuration ----SEC1107 Writing file realm data to -(0). CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC1108 Error writing file realm data. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC1109 Error reading file realm data. CauseError reading keyfile of filerealm SolutionPlease check if the keyfile for the filerealm is configured correctly and is in place. ----SEC1110 JAAS context requested from certificate realm. Configuration error is likely. CauseJAAS context requested from certificate realm. SolutionCertificate Realm does not have a JAAS context. Please check the configuration ----SEC1111 Cannot load group for JDBC realm user -(0). CauseException while obtaining groups for the users. SolutionPlease check the JDBC configuration, encoding algorithm and the groups for the user. ----SEC1112 Cannot validate user -(0) for JDBC realm. CauseCannot obtain the password for the user provided. SolutionPlease check the JDBC configuration, encoding algorithm and the password for the user. ----SEC1113 Exception in LdapRealm when trying to authenticate user. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC1120 Error reading audit configuration. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC1122 Audit enabled. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC1123 Audit: principal= CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC1130 Code does not have permission to invoke programmatic login mechanism. CauseCode does not have permission to invoke programmatic login mechanism. SolutionCode does not have permission to invoke programmatic login mechanism. ----SEC1131 Code does not have permission to invoke programmatic logout mechanism. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC1132 Bad runtime object type. Programmatic login failed. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC1133 Application does not have permission to call web programmatic login. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC1140 Policy provider configuration overridden by property {0} with value {1} CausePolicy Provider Configuration Property is overridden by property SolutionPolicy Provider Configuration Property is overridden by property ----SEC1141 Requested jacc-provider -(0) is not configured in domain.xml. CauseJaccProvider class not found for name defined. SolutionPlease check if the name of the Jacc provider is defined correctly. ----SEC1142 Error while reading policy-provider in domain.xml. CauseError while reading policy-provider in domain.xml. SolutionPlease check if the policy provider defined is correct. ----SEC1143 Loading policy provider {0}. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC1144 Error while installing policy provider: CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC1145 No policy provider defined. Will use the default JDK Policy implementation. CauseNo policy provider defined. Will use the default JDK Policy implementation. SolutionNo policy provider defined. Will use the default JDK Policy implementation. ----SEC1146 Policy configuration factory overridden by property {0} with value {1} CausePolicy Configuration Factory overridden SolutionPlease check if the system property has not been set. ----SEC1147 Policy configuration factory not defined. CausePolicy Configuration Factory not defined SolutionPlease check if the Policy Configuration Factory has been defined. ----SEC1148 Cannot load policy file for Application. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC1200 Unable to expand provider property value - unexpanded value passed to provider. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC1201 Login failed for user: {0} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC1202 No support to read Principals in SecretKeyCallback. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC1203 GFAuthConfigFactory unable to load Provider: {0}, reason: {1} CauseError while loading ConfigProvider. SolutionPlease check if the configprovider has been configured correctly. ----SEC1204 GFAuthConfigFactory loader failure CauseError while loading the persisted entries of GFAuthConfigFactory SolutionError while loading the persisted entries of GFAuthConfigFactory ----SEC1205 Cannot write to file {0}. Updated provider list will not be persisted. CauseCannot write to file. Updated provider list will not be persisted. SolutionCannot write to file. Updated provider list will not be persisted. ----SEC1206 Could not persist updated provider list due to {0}. Will use default providers when reloaded. CauseCould not persist updated provider list due to {0}. Will use default providers when reloaded. SolutionCould not persist updated provider list due to {0}. Will use default providers when reloaded. ----SEC1207 Could not read auth configuration file due to {0} Will use default providers. CauseCould not read auth configuration file. The default provider will be used. SolutionCould not read auth configuration file. The default provider will be used. ----SEC1208 Configuration file does not exist at {0}. Will use default providers. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC1209 GFAuthConfigProvider is unable to load AuthModule: {0}, reason: {1} CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC2000 Container-auth: ServletSystemHandlerDelegate: processRequest. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC2001 Container-auth: ServletSystemHandlerDelegate: processResponse. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC2002 Container-auth: wss: Error validating request CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC2003 Container-auth: wss: Error securing response CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC2004 Container-auth: wss: Error securing request CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC2005 Container-auth: wss: Error validating response CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC2006 Container-auth: wss: Not a SOAP message context. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC5019 ERROR: Unknown credential provided. Class: -(0) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC5022 Error reading anonymous role. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC5023 Exception retrieving group membership for -(0) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC5024 Exception getting security credential CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC5026 Exception generating security context CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC5028 Exception loading keystore CauseThere was an exception while loading keystore SolutionPlease check the if the file path and password are correct ----SEC5029 Exception storing keystore CauseThere was an exception while storing the keystore SolutionPlease check the if the file path and password are correct ----SEC5030 Exception loading security provider CauseThere was an exception while loading the security provider SolutionPlease check the if the Provider classname is correct. ----SEC5031 Exception getting security provider name CauseThere was an exception while obtaining the name of the Provider. SolutionPlease check the if the Provider name is correct. ----SEC5032 Security main exception CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC5034 Exception creating security realm CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC5035 Exception in security realm manager CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC5036 Exception in getting security context CauseThere was an exception obtaining the default security context. SolutionThere was an exception obtaining the default security context. ----SEC5037 Exception configuring security principal CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC5038 Default user login exception. CauseThere was an exception while authenticating the default caller principal SolutionThere was an exception while authenticating the default caller principal ----SEC5039 Exception entering name and password for security CauseAn exception occurred while processing username and password for security SolutionAn exception occurred while processing username and password for security ----SEC5040 Exception initing keystore CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC5041 Exception initializing security realm CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC5042 Exception instantiating security realm CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC5043 Exception in security accesscontroller action CauseException while extracting username and realm from the subject post login SolutionException while extracting username and realm from the subject post login ----SEC5044 Security login exception CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC5046 Audit: Authentication refused for -(0). CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC5047 Audit: Authentication granted for -(0). CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC5048 doAsPrivileged AuthPermission required to set SecurityContext. CauseAuthPermission required to set SecurityContext, SolutionAuthPermission required to set SecurityContext, ----SEC5049 Unexpected exception while attempting to set SecurityContext. CauseThere was an unexpected exception while setting the security context SolutionThere was an unexpected exception while setting the security context ----SEC5050 Current Context unchanged. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC5051 Cannot setRemoteHost. Causenull Subject used in SecurityContext construction. Solutionnull Subject used in SecurityContext construction. ----SEC5052 null Subject used in SecurityContext construction. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC5053 BSM audit failure on {0}: {1}. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC5054 Certificate has expired: {0} CauseCertificate expired SolutionPlease check the validity date of the certificate ----SEC5055 Role mapping conflicts found in application {0}. Some roles may not be mapped. CausePrincipal-Group-Role Mapping conflicts in the application SolutionPlease check if the roles have been mapped to the same principals/groups consistently in all the descriptors. ----SEC5100 A negative access control entry presented for role {0} will be ignored. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC5101 Fail to instantiate the SecurityLifecycle. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC8001 Exception in initializing SunPKCS11. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC8002 Alias {0} in slot {1} has been renamed to {2}. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SEC8003 Can''t load cert: {0}. CauseTBD SolutionTBD |