GlassFish v3 Error Message Reference SERVERThis page lists error messages with the SERVER prefix. See How to Contribute for more information about adding to and enhancing the information on this page. ----SERVER0001 A server context could not be created CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER0002 An error occurred during initialization CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER0003 An error occurred during startup/reconfig CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER0004 Application server shutdown in progress CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER0005 An error occurred during shutdown CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER0007 Your license is invalid. Please obtain a valid license. -(0) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER0008 Using {0}, Version {1} from -(2) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER0009 Pluggable features using class {0} could not be initialized. Server will run with default features. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER5001 IOException : CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER5002 Exception : CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER5003 Exception : CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER5004 j2eerunner.startupError. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER5010 Exception resolving initial reference of ORB: CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER5011 Exception while creating ORB: -(0) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER5012 Exception running j2ee services: -(0) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER5013 Exception in creating or binding server object: -(0) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER5014 Exception in listing registered servers CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER5018 Some remote exception occurred loading jar CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER5019 Exception in registering server: -(0) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER5020 Exception installing ORB server -(0) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER5021 Exception initing realmmanager: -(0) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER5022 Exception looking up server object : -(0) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER5023 Unable to shutdown the J2EE server: -(0) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER5039 Cannot write the seed file for fast startup. The next startup will be slow. CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER5040 J2EE server reported following error: -(0) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER5041 Error executing J2EE server CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER5044 Error installing servers: -(0) CauseTBD SolutionTBD ----SERVER5045 Error executing J2EE server ... CauseTBD SolutionTBD |