Improve Log File Readability

Improving the readability of the log files helps users to find problems more quickly. Please incorporate the following recommendation to help improve log file readability.

GlassFish implements a logging utility. Use that logging utility when providing information or error messages about the server or server processing. Developers should never use System.out or System.err even when providing debug information. Many times stack traces are useful and should be logged using the logging utility. Developers have the ability to use anonymous loggers if more convenient.

All stack traces should be logged. Example below assumes that ex is an Exception object.

Logger.getAnonymousLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Error occurred", ex);

The following modules use printStackTrace directly to print the stack traces.

Module Name Occurrences of printStackTrace in code Comments
admin 17
admin-cli 8 increase week as of Aug 6
admin-util 3 1 test
amx-config-impl 0 fixed all occurences 2009-0827
amx-core 1 fixed all occurences 2009-0827
amx-core-impl 0 fixed all occurences 2009-0827
amx-ext-impl 0 fixed all occurences 2009-0827
amx-j2ee-impl 0 fixed all occurences 2009-0827
annotation-framework 3
cli-framework 7
cli-optional 5 one less as of Sept 22
cmp-ejb-mapping 2 This is a command line tool that runs out side appserver.
cmp-enhancer 15 None of above code would be executed inside appserver
cmp-model 9 Defines a convenience method printStrackTrace on an exception class for JDO users. It never gets called inside appserver
cmp-support-sqlstore 2 Defines a convenience method printStrackTrace on an exception class for JDO users. It never gets called inside appserver
cmp-utility 1 This class is not active inside running appserver.
common-util 51 43 are from class which uses the string printStaceTrace through out, more investigation needed.
config-api 9 7 tests
connectors-inbound-runtime 0 as of Sept 22
connectors-internal-api 9 one less as of Sept 22
connectors-runtime 0 as of sept 22
console-common 25
console-common-full-plugin 2
console-core 9
console-jms-plugin 1
console-updatecenter-plugin 10
container-common 1
deployment-admin 0 as of Aug 6
deployment-autodeploy 0 as of Aug 6
deployment-client 2 the remaining two occurrences are printing stack trace to printwriter/printstream
deployment-common 0 as of Aug 6
deployment-j2ee-full 0 as of Aug 6
dol 0 as of Aug 6
ejb-container 16 4 tests
ejb-internal-api 9
ejb-timer-service-app 1
extras 42 8 tests
flashlight-framework 4
gf-client 2 These are in the app client, not the server. One use is in the package-appclient utility which does not use a logger. The other is in a catch-all handler in the Java agent used during app client launches.
gf-client-module 7 These are in the app client, not the server. Further, all 7 occurrences are very early in the processing before the app client logger would be established. Some printStackTrace calls are to streams other than System.out or System.err to capture the stack trace for other purposes, such as formatting for a dialog box during Java Web Start launches.
glassfish-api 4
glassfish-mbeanserver 10
glassfish-nameing 6
glassfish-parent 58 14 tests (in dir called testing)
internal-api 5
javax.ejb 1
jdbc-core 0
jms-admin 9
jms-core 7
jsr109-impl 2 as of Aug 6
jta 18 as of Aug 6
jts 20 as of Aug 6
kernel 35 4 commented out
launcher 2
mejb 9 5 tests
monitoring-core 3
orb-iiop 1
osgi-container 1
registration-impl 14
rest-service 20 increase by 2 as of sept 22
security 16 increase as of Aug 6
server-mgmt 3
sun-javaee-engine 31
transaction 9 All tests
utils 1
verifier 40
war-util 0 as of Aug 6
web 9 All test cases
web-ajp 13 Wholesale integration of source code from Apache
web-core 6
web-embed-impl 1 new as of Sept 22
web-glue 2
web-naming 1