<h1>Web Services Integration Documentation Plan</h1>

People and Roles

Name Role Location Time Zone Email
Eric Jendrock Doc Plan Creator Burlington, MA EDT jendrock{{@dev.java.net}}
June Parks Writer Santa Clara, CA PDT junesm{{@dev.java.net}}
Paul Davies Writer Santa Clara, CA PDT pauldavies{{@dev.java.net}}
Dixie Pine Writer Santa Clara, CA PDT dixiep{{@dev.java.net}}
Bhakti Mehta Reviewer Santa Clara, CA PDT bahktimehta{{@dev.java.net}}


The Web Services Integration features described herein may be used by Java EE and GlassFish developers or by GlassFish administrators who either deploy applications containing or consuming web services or supported clients, such as another web service, a Java EE component including a Java EE application client, or an arbitrary Java application.

Summary of the Feature From a User's Perspective

The features described herein provide a better integration of web services in GlassFish v3, including letting users who deployed web services or Enterprise applications that contain web services use the Admin Console to view the deployed web services, undeploy those web services, and view their deployment descriptors.


These web services features have been integrated in GlassFish v3.

Statement of Work

The user-visible integrated web services features available through the Admin Console have been documented in the OLH for the Admin Console. The command scripts for xjc, schemagen, wsimport, wsgen, wscompile, and wsdeploy need to be documented in the CLI manpages. They are already sufficiently documented in the Developer's Guide, the Java EE 5 Tutorial (xjc and schemagen in the JAXB chapter), and the Java EE 6 Tutorial (wsimport and wsgen are documented in the JAX-WS chapter).

Documentation Impact:

  • None
  • Minor
  • Moderate
  • Major
  • New

Note - If a document is task based (as opposed to reference), the changes should be determined from the user task analysis for the feature.

Changes to Books

GlassFish v3 Administration Guide Changes

Section Documentation Impact Writer Reviewers Description of Change
Section on deploying/undeploying web services Minor Dixie Pine ? According to the web services integration one-pager, the Admin Console was enhanced to allow users to view deployed standalone web services and web services that were deployed as part of an Enterprise application. Users can also undeploy deployed web services and view the deployment descriptor for any deployed web service. Need to add information about these features to the appropriate section(s).

GlassFish v3 Application Developer's Guide Changes

Section Documentation Impact Writer Reviewers Description of Change
Sections for JAX-WS, JAXB, JAX-RPC development Minor or None June Parks ? The JAX-RPC command scripts for wscompile and wsdeploy have already been documented in the J2EE 1.4 Tutorial. The JAXB command scripts xjc and schemagen have already been documented in the JAXB chapter in the Java EE 5 Tutorial. The wsimport and wsgen command scripts have already been documented in the JAX-WS chapters in both the Java EE 5 Tutorial and the Java EE 6 Tutorial. Based on these findings, no substantial documentation is needed in the Developers Guide.

GlassFish v3 Application Deployment Guide Changes

Section Documentation Impact Writer Reviewers Description of Change
Section on deploying web services Minor Dixie Pine ? Possibly add content that explains how use the Admin Console to view deployed web services, undeploy deployed web services, and view, but not modify, deployment descriptors of deployed web services.

Changes to Online Help

Online Help Set Changes

Topic Title Documentation Impact Writer Reviewers Description of Change
Deployed Applications None Kim Haase ? After reviewing the OLH for web services, no additional descriptions, instructions, or information is required. The OLH is helpful and accurate as is.

Changes to Man Pages

Man Page Name and Section Documentation Impact Writer Reviewers Description of Change
xjc; command scripts Minor Paul Davies ? Add EE5 manpage to EE6.
schemagen; command scripts Minor Paul Davies ? Add EE5 manpage to EE6.
wscompile; command scripts Minor Paul Davies ? Add EE5 manpage to EE6.
wsdeploy; command scripts Minor Paul Davies ? Add EE5 manpage to EE6.
wsimport; command scripts Minor Paul Davies ? Add EE5 manpage to EE6.
wsgen; command scripts Minor Paul Davies ? Add EE5 manpage to EE6.

Review Schedule

The review schedule for the documentation items that are affected by this feature is provided in the following table.

Item First Draft Start Date First Draft End Date Second Draft Start Date Second Draft End Date Final Version End Date Final Version End Date

Reviewers are listed in the Statement of Work.

Related Information

  • 1-pager
  • User task analysis
  • Design document

Email aliases:

  • [admin@glassfish.java.net]
  • [users@glassfish.java.net]
  • [docs@glassfish.java.net]