Referring doc: GlassFishv3.1EJBOnePager
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Comment |
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Mahesh Kannan comments, June 8, Refer to v6 of EJB Onepager |
MK-1 |
2.2 |
I think the assumption is that an application deployed to the cluster will have the same 'appID / containerID' in each instance. This is a very important pre condition that must be met for EJB failover to work properly and hence it is worth listing it here. |
Yes. Updated the one pager. |
MK-2 |
4.1.3 |
Can you provide a link to the list of web logic DDs that we plan to support? |
Link |
MK-3 |
3.2 |
Ease of development: Can you provide the xml snippet? (In this section or somewhere else) |
MK-4 |
4.1.1 |
The current implementation does not use the (asarch approved) BackingStore SPI. In V3.1 my assumption is that EJB container will use the SPI for interacting with the store. Correct? |
Correct. Clarified in the one pager |
MK-5 |
4.1.2 |
In V2, by default, timer service was disabled . The timer pool has to be explicitly configured/enabled before timer service can be used in a cluster. Are we going to improve this in V3.1? |
No. While it would be a nice enhancement, it is out of scope for 3.1. |
MK-6 |
4.1.5 |
Web container has this feature in V3 and it used an asadmin option named 'keepSessions'. Can we use the same option? What happens if I redeploy a war file containing EJBs? Do I need to state keepSessions (for web) and keepEjbState? |
Sent email to arch and dev alias. |
MK-7 |
4.1.6 |
Are these available only at module level OR per bean type? |
Per component. We should be able to reuse 'use-thread-pool-id' to allow to specify 1 thread pool for all the bean's needs. Updated one pager. |
MK-8 |
4.1.7 |
"The default GlassFish-specific JNDI name behavior will stay the same in V3.1, but a new boolean element called will be added to gf-ejb-jar.xml. " (a) Can you state what the current (default) behaviour is? Also, the name of the boolean element is missing |
Default will be that GlassFish-specific JNDI names are generated. When a special ejb-container property 'disable-non-portable-jndi-names' is set to true, no GlassFish-specific JNDI names will be generated upon deployment. |
MK-9 |
4.5.1 |
Please provide a link to the HA Spec for the BackingStore SPI |
Link |
MK-10 |
4.5.3 |
Mention that (private interface) SFSBStoreManager will no longer be used |
MK-11 |
4.10 |
Will there be any new module from EJB Container. More specifically, Will the timer migration (and any other features that depend on GMS and other cluster feature) be available in a separate V3 module? |
MK-12 |
Will the timer service be eagerly started? If lazily started, explain (either in this doc OR in a separate design doc), how timer service will be lazily started. |
It is lazily started in v3 . |
History: June 8, 2010: Ken Saks, Marina Vatkina, Cheng Fang, Rajiv Mordani, Ed Bratt reviewed the one-pager. Marina will revise this page with feedback from that discussion and, assume overall responsibility for one-pager from this point forward. June 9, 2010: Marina Vatkina revised one pager according to June 8th discussion.