GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1 - Packaging


This project will focus on IPS packaging aspects of GlassFish 3.1


Feature ID Priority Description Eng Response Owner(s) Estimate (Man Days) Source of Requirement Status / Comments
PKG-001 P1 Provide IPS based packages for clustering and HA features Yes Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic 15    
PKG-002 P1 Web profile clustering should not require all packages from full profile Yes Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic 5    
PKG-003 P1 In-memory replication packages should be pluggable Yes Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic 5   When Coherence is used
PKG-004 P2 Clustering and in-memory replication packages should be optional Yes Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic 5   Being able to install initial distribution, remove clustering packages and have working single system (developer) installation
PKG-005 P2 Clustering and in-memory replication packages can be removed from the install image at any time Yes Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic 5   Being able to install initial distribution, configure clusters, uninstall clustering support; remaining installation should behave gracefully and ignore the presence of clusters

Feature Overview

In addition to the ongoing maintenance of existing 3.0 IPS packages, project will provide packaging infrastructure for new GlassFish 3.1 features with main focus on clustering support. This is preliminary list of new IPS packages and their content. The packaging approach follows 3.0 package design - there are dedicated packages for shared clustering infrastructure content while container specific clustering support content is collocated with the rest of container in an existing IPS package. Workspace modules will need to support the same level of granularity and have appropriate dependencies.

Package Description Content/Comments Depends on
glassfish-common (existing package) Commons Package Addition of clustering API  
glassfish-cluster Clustering infrastructure Clustering infrastructure libraries and generic clustering cli commands glassfish-common, shoal
glassfish-web (existing package) Web container Additional clustering/HA content glassfish-common, glassfish-cluster (optional)
glassfish-ejb (existing package) EJB timer support, IIOP support Additional clustering/HA content; migrate-timer command and corresponding Admin GUI plugin glassfish-common, glassfish-cluster (optional)
glassfish-jms (existing package) JMS Additional clustering/HA content glassfish-common, glassfish-cluster (optional)
metro (existing package) Metro Additional clustering/HA content glassfish-common, glassfish-cluster (optional)
glassfish-ha In-memory Session Replication package(s)   glassfish-cluster
shoal Shoal framework      
glassfish-jms-ra GenericJMSRA for WebSpehere and JMSJCA for WebLogic inter-op Refer to JMS-13, JMS-13a requirement of [JMS sub-project | ^3.1JMS] glassfish-jms ?

Design Document

Milestone Schedule

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
1 Milestone 1 (5/24) PKG-001 Create IPS packages for clustering features No Done
2 Milestone 1 (5/24) PKG-002 Web profile clustering does not require full profile packages No Done
3 Milestone 2 (6/21) PKG-001 Create IPS packages for HA features and other new features No Done
4 Milestone 2 (6/21) PKG-003 HA packages pluggable No Done
5 Milestone 3 PKG-004 Clustering and in-memory replication packages should be optional No Depends on clustering project support
6 Milestone 3 PKG-005 Clustering and in-memory replication packages can be removed from the install image at any time No Depends on clustering project support
7 Milestone 4 PKG-001 - PKG-005 QA/Docs handover for all 3.1 packaging features Yes    

Task List

Task Target Milestone Start End Date Owner(s) Feature ID Status / Comments
Packaging and file layout one-pagers Milestone 1     Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic Done  
Merging relevant 3.0.1 packaging and distribution assembly changes into trunk Milestone 1     Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic In progress Depends on the potential move of internal glassfish workspace to SVN
Addition of Felix web console package Milestone 1     Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic   Done
Addition of clustering package modules Milestone 1     Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic PKG-001, PKG-002 Done
Addition of HA package modules Milestone 2     Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic PKG-002, PKG-003 Done
Packager and distribution devtests Milestone 3     Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic    
Making clustering and HA packages optional Milestone 3     Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic PKG-004, PKG-005  
Docs/QA handover Milestone 4     Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic all PKG features  
Switching distribution image configuration to use stable/release repositories Milestone 6     Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic    

Dev Tests

  • Coming soon


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