GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1 - Upgrade
In the GlassFish v3 and later time period, "upgrade" refers to upgrading a domain from one version of GlassFish to a newer version. This is in contrast to the Update Center, which can alter the app server installation itself to a newer version. The GF server actually performs the upgrade, not a separate tool as in version 2.X. Each module owner is responsible for handling the upgrade requirements of that module. For a user to perform an upgrade, simply run asadmin start-domain along with the - There is still an upgrade tool, but it is mostly a convenience for end users. It is important to note that the upgrade tool does not actually perform an upgrade – it calls asadmin to do the work. See one-pager Scope
None of the features in upgrade are new. Much of the work has already been done; modules that implemented upgrade in 3.0 may have little or no work to do. New modules will have to implement their own part of upgrade. UPGRADE-001: Side-by-side upgrade from version 2.1.X This will mostly impact the modules that were not in 3.0, for instance the clustering-related modules. Modules will need to implement their portion of upgrade along with their features. For features that were already present in 3.0, there may be only incremental changes. The upgrade code should already be present within the modules. UPGRADE-002: Side-by-side upgrade from version 3.0.X As before, modules that implemented upgrade in 3.0 may have only incremental changes to make. Has no impact on the other modules implementing features that were not present in 3.0.X. UPGRADE-003: In-place upgrade from version 3.0.X using Update Center If UPGRADE-002 is completed, there are no changes needed in upgrade for this. Once the server has been updated to 3.1, simply starting the domain should work. To the upgrade code, there is no knowledge of the location of the server/domain. As a reminder, the upgrade tool would not be involved in this scenario (and isn't needed for features 001 or 002 as well). UPGRADE-004: Upgrade Tool In maintenance mode now. Needs bug fixes/usability improvements. Design DocumentCurrent one pager is under review. For reference, here is a link to the old one pager (most of which is still valid). Milestone Schedule
Want to use test framework developed for clusters. Need to be able to automate stopping/starting domains within test framework. References
Task | Target Milestone | Start | End Date | Owner(s) | Feature ID | Status / Comments |
Getting requirements to owners | M1 | 5/17 | 5/21 | Bobby | N/A | Need to check with core owners about any changes to the upgrade code (no changes expected) and verify that 3.0.X is recognized as an upgrade. Get technical information in one place to send to leads. |
Wiki page | M1 | 5/17 | 5/21 | Bobby | N/A | Need to check usability requirements for 3.1. There could be some work for modules that have completed upgrade task in the past. All of that information should be on one status page. |
Dates from leads | M2 | 6/21 | Bobby | N/A | Make sure all leads at least know what needs to be done for their module. Would also be possible to get stubbed-out upgrade code into each module for tracking status (class output "TODO" message). | |
Upgrade from 2.1.X | M4 | All leads | UPGRADE-001 | |||
Upgrade from 3.0.X | M4 | All leads | UPGRADE-002 | |||
In place update from 3.0.X | M4 | Update center | UPGRADE-003 | Not really a separate task for upgrade as far as we know. Will have to test with update center code when available to verify. | ||
Maintain upgrade tool | M4 | post-3.0.1 | 6/18 | Bobby | UPGRADE-004 | Bugs are minor except for security issue involving getting master password to asadmin. Should be fixed by M2, then fix any other bugs as time permits when they pop up. Would also like to continue exploring/suggesting/imploring removing the tool as it's a source of confusion within the team. |