Man Page |
Help Topic |
domain.xml Element |
Predefined Properties |
create-admin-object.1 |
New/Edit Admin Object Resource |
admin-object-resource |
Dependent on the resource adapter. For JMS properties, see create-jms-resource.1 for JMS Destination Resources. |
create-audit-module.1 |
New/Edit Audit Module |
audit-module |
auditOn |
create-auth-realm.1 |
Properties Specific to the FileRealm Class 1 |
auth-realm |
jaas-context file assign-groups |
create-auth-realm.1 |
Properties Specific to the CertificateRealm Class |
auth-realm |
jaas-context assign-groups 1 clientAuth |
create-auth-realm.1 |
Properties Specific to the JDBCRealm Class 1 |
auth-realm |
jaas-context assign-groups datasource-jndi 2 user-table user-name-column password-column group-table group-name-column db-user db-password digest-algorithm encoding charset |
create-auth-realm.1 |
Properties Specific to the LDAPRealm Class |
auth-realm |
jaas-context 1 assign-groups 1 directory 1 base-dn 1 search-filter group-base-dn group-search-filter group-target search-bind-dn search-bind-password |
create-auth-realm.1 |
Properties Specific to the SolarisRealm Class 1 |
auth-realm |
jaas-context assign-groups |
create-connector-connection-pool.1 |
New/Edit Connector Connection Pool |
connector-connection-pool |
ClientId AddressList UserName Password ReconnectEnabled ReconnectAttempts ReconnectInterval AddressListBehavior AddressListIterations |
create-connector-resource.1 |
New/Edit Connector Resource |
connector-resource |
None |
create-custom-resource.1 |
New/Edit External Resource |
custom-resource |
None |
create-iiop-listener.1 |
New/Edit IIOP Listener |
iiop-listener |
None |
create-javamail-resource.1 |
Create/Edit JavaMail Session |
mail-resource |
GlassFish-specific mail- prefix is converted to standard mail. prefix. For JavaMail properties, see the JavaMail API Documentation . |
create-jdbc-connection-pool.1 |
Properties Specific to JDBC Connection Pools |
jdbc-connection-pool |
user password databaseName serverName port networkProtocol roleName datasourceName description url |
create-jdbc-resource.1 |
New/Edit JDBC Resource |
jdbc-resource |
None |
create-jms-host.1 |
New/Edit JMS Host 3 |
jms-host |
None |
create-jms-resource.1 |
Properties Specific to JMS Connection Factories |
connector-connection-pool |
ClientId AddressList UserName Password ReconnectEnabled ReconnectAttempts ReconnectInterval AddressListBehavior AddressListIterations |
create-jms-resource.1 |
JMS Destination Resources 1 |
admin-object-resource |
Name Description |
create-jmsdest.1 |
New/Edit Physical Destination 3 |
None (MQ broker object) |
The following properties are provided as attributes in the Admin Console, so the man page documents the corresponding properties: maxNumMsgs maxBytesPerMsg maxTotalMsgBytes limitBehavior maxNumProducers consumerFlowLimit useDMQ validateXMLSchemaEnabled XMLSchemaURIList |
create-jndi-resource.1 |
New/Edit External Resource |
external-jndi-resource |
The descriptions of http-listener-1-port http-listener-2-port orb-listener-1-port IIOP_SSL_LISTENER_PORT IIOP_SSL_MUTUALAUTH_PORT JMX_SYSTEM_Connector-port in the create-jndi-resource.1 man page appear to have been added in error. See issue GLASSFISH-2473. |
create-lifecycle-module.1 |
New/Edit Lifecycle Module |
application |
class-name classpath load-order is-failure-fatal |
create-message-security-provider.1 |
Properties Specific to Message Security Providers |
provider-config |
security.config debug dynamic.username.password encryption.key.alias signature.key.alias |
create-profiler.1 |
JVM Profiler Settings |
profiler |
None |
create-resource-adapter-config.1 |
None in this release 4 . |
resource-adapter-config |
Names of setter methods of the class referenced by the resourceadapter-class element in the ra.xml file |
create-system-properties.1 |
Properties Specific to System Configuration |
system-property |
com.sun.aas.installRoot com.sun.aas.instanceRoot com.sun.aas.hostName com.sun.aas.javaRoot com.sun.aas.imqLib com.sun.aas.configName com.sun.aas.instanceName com.sun.aas.domainName |
create-virtual-server.1 |
Properties Specific to Virtual Servers |
virtual-server |
sso-max-inactive-seconds sso-reap-interval-seconds allowLinking accessLogWriteInterval accessLogBufferSize allowRemoteAddress denyRemoteAddress allowRemoteHost denyRemoteHost ssoCookieSecure setCacheControl authRealm securePagesWithPragma contextXmlDefault alternatedocroot_n send-error_n redirect_n valve_n listener_n |
deploy.1, deploydir.1 |
Deploy Applications or Modules |
application |
default-EE6-app-name java-web-start-enabled class-name classpath load-order is-failure-fatal jruby.home jruby.runtime jruby.runtime.min jruby.runtime.max jruby.rackEnv jruby.applicationType jruby.MTSafe |
redeploy.1 |
Redeploy Applications or Modules 3 |
application |
deploy.1 properties keepSessions 5 |
None 6 |
Properties Specific to the JMS Service |
jms-service |
instance-name instance-name-suffix append-version user-name password |
None 6 |
Properties Specific to Web Container Sessions |
session-properties |
enableCookies enableURLRewriting idLengthBytes |
None 6 |
Properties Specific to the Transaction Service |
transaction-service |
oracle-xa-recovery-workaround disable-distributed-transaction-logging xaresource-txn-timeout pending-txn-cleanup-interval use-last-agent-optimization delegated-recovery wait-time-before-recovery-insec db-logging-resource xa-servername |
None 6 |
Web Container→General Properties |
web-container |
dispatcher-max-depth |
None 6 |
Properties Specific to JACC Providers?? |
jacc-provider |
repository |
None 6 |
Properties Specific to the HTTP Service |
http-service |
ssl-cache-entries ssl3-session-timeout ssl-session-timeout proxyHandler connectionTimeout |