<h1>Properties Documentation Plan</h1>

People and Roles

Name Role Location Time Zone Email
June Parks Documentation Feature Owner Writer, ''Domain File Format Reference Santa Clara, CA, USA US/Pacific junesm@dev.java.net
Kim Haase Writer, Administration Console Online Help Burlington, MA, USA US/Eastern chaase3@dev.java.net
Paul Davies Writer, man pages Santa Clara, CA, USA US/Pacific pauldavies@dev.java.net
Julie Bettis Editor Broomfield, CO, USA US/Mountain  


Most users of the GlassFish server use at least some of the properties.

Summary of the Feature From a User's Perspective

Users of GlassFish server can access a particular set of properties through:

  • A page in the Administration Console
  • A subcommand of the asadmin utility
  • An element in the domain.xml file

Given these different modes of access, information about GlassFish server properties is required in the following documents:

  • Administration Console Online Help
  • Man pages for the asadmin CLI help, which forms the basis of the Reference Manual
  • Domain File Format Reference

The aim of this project is to ensure that information about for the GlassFish server properties is correct, complete, and consistent in all documents where it is required.


Many properties are available in all GlassFish distributions.

Statement of Work

The following table lists the man page, help topic, and domain.xml element that are associated with each set of GlassFish server properties.

The Domain File Format Reference is currently the primary source of information about GlassFish server properties. Therefore, much of the work in this project involves propagating information in the Domain File Format Reference to the Administration Console Online Help and the man pages.

Man Page Help Topic domain.xml Element Predefined Properties
create-admin-object.1 New/Edit Admin Object Resource admin-object-resource Dependent on the resource adapter. For JMS properties, see create-jms-resource.1 for JMS Destination Resources.
create-audit-module.1 New/Edit Audit Module audit-module auditOn
create-auth-realm.1 Properties Specific to the FileRealm Class 1 auth-realm jaas-context file assign-groups
create-auth-realm.1 Properties Specific to the CertificateRealm Class auth-realm jaas-context assign-groups 1 clientAuth
create-auth-realm.1 Properties Specific to the JDBCRealm Class 1 auth-realm jaas-context assign-groups datasource-jndi 2 user-table user-name-column password-column group-table group-name-column db-user db-password digest-algorithm encoding charset
create-auth-realm.1 Properties Specific to the LDAPRealm Class auth-realm jaas-context 1 assign-groups 1 directory 1 base-dn 1 search-filter group-base-dn group-search-filter group-target search-bind-dn search-bind-password
create-auth-realm.1 Properties Specific to the SolarisRealm Class 1 auth-realm jaas-context assign-groups
create-connector-connection-pool.1 New/Edit Connector Connection Pool connector-connection-pool ClientId AddressList UserName Password ReconnectEnabled ReconnectAttempts ReconnectInterval AddressListBehavior AddressListIterations
create-connector-resource.1 New/Edit Connector Resource connector-resource None
create-custom-resource.1 New/Edit External Resource custom-resource None
create-iiop-listener.1 New/Edit IIOP Listener iiop-listener None
create-javamail-resource.1 Create/Edit JavaMail Session mail-resource GlassFish-specific mail- prefix is converted to standard mail. prefix. For JavaMail properties, see the JavaMail API Documentation .
create-jdbc-connection-pool.1 Properties Specific to JDBC Connection Pools jdbc-connection-pool user password databaseName serverName port networkProtocol roleName datasourceName description url
create-jdbc-resource.1 New/Edit JDBC Resource jdbc-resource None
create-jms-host.1 New/Edit JMS Host 3 jms-host None
create-jms-resource.1 Properties Specific to JMS Connection Factories connector-connection-pool ClientId AddressList UserName Password ReconnectEnabled ReconnectAttempts ReconnectInterval AddressListBehavior AddressListIterations
create-jms-resource.1 JMS Destination Resources 1 admin-object-resource Name Description
create-jmsdest.1 New/Edit Physical Destination 3 None (MQ broker object) The following properties are provided as attributes in the Admin Console, so the man page documents the corresponding properties: maxNumMsgs maxBytesPerMsg maxTotalMsgBytes limitBehavior maxNumProducers consumerFlowLimit useDMQ validateXMLSchemaEnabled XMLSchemaURIList
create-jndi-resource.1 New/Edit External Resource external-jndi-resource The descriptions of http-listener-1-port http-listener-2-port orb-listener-1-port IIOP_SSL_LISTENER_PORT IIOP_SSL_MUTUALAUTH_PORT JMX_SYSTEM_Connector-port in the create-jndi-resource.1 man page appear to have been added in error. See issue GLASSFISH-2473.
create-lifecycle-module.1 New/Edit Lifecycle Module application class-name classpath load-order is-failure-fatal
create-message-security-provider.1 Properties Specific to Message Security Providers provider-config security.config debug dynamic.username.password encryption.key.alias signature.key.alias
create-profiler.1 JVM Profiler Settings profiler None
create-resource-adapter-config.1 None in this release 4 . resource-adapter-config Names of setter methods of the class referenced by the resourceadapter-class element in the ra.xml file
create-system-properties.1 Properties Specific to System Configuration system-property com.sun.aas.installRoot com.sun.aas.instanceRoot com.sun.aas.hostName com.sun.aas.javaRoot com.sun.aas.imqLib com.sun.aas.configName com.sun.aas.instanceName com.sun.aas.domainName
create-virtual-server.1 Properties Specific to Virtual Servers virtual-server sso-max-inactive-seconds sso-reap-interval-seconds allowLinking accessLogWriteInterval accessLogBufferSize allowRemoteAddress denyRemoteAddress allowRemoteHost denyRemoteHost ssoCookieSecure setCacheControl authRealm securePagesWithPragma contextXmlDefault alternatedocroot_n send-error_n redirect_n valve_n listener_n
deploy.1, deploydir.1 Deploy Applications or Modules application default-EE6-app-name java-web-start-enabled class-name classpath load-order is-failure-fatal jruby.home jruby.runtime jruby.runtime.min jruby.runtime.max jruby.rackEnv jruby.applicationType jruby.MTSafe
redeploy.1 Redeploy Applications or Modules 3 application deploy.1 properties keepSessions 5
None 6 Properties Specific to the JMS Service jms-service instance-name instance-name-suffix append-version user-name password
None 6 Properties Specific to Web Container Sessions session-properties enableCookies enableURLRewriting idLengthBytes
None 6 Properties Specific to the Transaction Service transaction-service oracle-xa-recovery-workaround disable-distributed-transaction-logging xaresource-txn-timeout pending-txn-cleanup-interval use-last-agent-optimization delegated-recovery wait-time-before-recovery-insec db-logging-resource xa-servername
None 6 Web Container→General Properties web-container dispatcher-max-depth
None 6 Properties Specific to JACC Providers?? jacc-provider repository
None 6 Properties Specific to the HTTP Service http-service ssl-cache-entries ssl3-session-timeout ssl-session-timeout proxyHandler connectionTimeout
  1. Represented as options in the GUI
  2. Option name is JNDI
  3. No property table in GUI
  4. The only properties essential for v3 final that have no place to go in the OLH are those for resource-adapter-config. However, these properties are to be described in the create-resource-adapter-config.1 man page. If an Administration Console page for resource adapter configuration is added, a description of these properties will be added to the online help.
  5. Implemented as a check box in the GUI.
  6. There are no special commands for configuration of services, only set and get. The properties for the service configuration will be documented only in the Administration Console Online Help and Domain File Format Reference.

Property Descriptions Not Required for v3

Man Page Help Topic domain.xml Element Properties
create-jmsdest.1 New/Edit Physical Destination None (MQ broker object) Clustering-related properties to be documented in a release that supports clustering, if they are made accessible in the Admin Console.
create-node-agent.1 New Node Agent Placeholder, (General) node-agent  
None Properties Specific to the Availability Service availability-service  
None Availability Service, Web Container Availability web-container-availability  
None Load Balancer load-balancer  
None Properties Specific to Events event  

Review Schedule

The review schedule for the documentation items affected by this feature is provided in the OLH and man page plans.

Likewise, reviewers are the engineering owners of the features of which the properties are a part. See the OLH and man page plans.

Related Information

  • Administration Console Online Help
  • Man pages for the asadmin CLI help, which forms the basis of the Reference Manual
  • Domain File Format Reference

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