<h1>GlassFish v3 User Task Analysis for Grizzly Configuration</h1>

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Oleksiy Stashok via email
Kim Haase via email
Facilitator: June Parks


User tasks and goals associated with the Grizzly configuration that should be described in the user documentation, especially the Administration Guide.

Related Information

Existing Tasks to Be Retained

  • To Create an HTTP Listener (NOTE: Need to add that a network listener is created behind the scenes)
  • To List HTTP Listeners
  • To Delete an HTTP Listener
  • To Configure an HTTP Listener for SSL
  • To Delete SSL From an HTTP Listener
  • To Create a Virtual Server
  • To List Virtual Servers
  • To Delete a Virtual Server

New Tasks to Be Added

  • To Create an HTTP Network Listener, follow these steps:
    1. To Create an HTTP or HTTPS Protocol create-protocol --securityenabled=false|true (to use the built-in http-listener-1 HTTP protocol or http-listener-2 HTTPS protocol, skip this step)
    2. To Create an HTTP Configuration create-http (if using a built-in protocol, skip this step)
    3. To Create a Transport create-transport (to use the built-in tcp transport, skip this step)
    4. To Create a Thread Pool create-threadpool (to not use a thread pool or to use the built-in http-thread-pool thread pool, skip this step)
    5. To Create a Network Listener create-network-listener (specify a protocol and transport, optionally a thread pool)
  • To Delete an HTTP Configuration delete-http
  • To Delete a Protocol delete-protocol
  • To Delete a Transport delete-transport
  • To Delete a Thread Pool delete-threadpool
  • To Delete a Network Listener delete-network-listener
  • To List Protocols list-protocols
  • To List Transports list-transports
  • To List Thread Pools list-threadpools
  • To List Network Listeners list-network-listeners

Deferred Tasks

  • To Create a Network Listener with Protocol Filters, follow these steps:
    1. To Create a Protocol Filter
    2. To Create a Protocol Using Protocol Filters
    3. To Create a Transport
    4. To Create a Thread Pool (optional)
    5. To Create a Network Listener
  • To Create a Network Listener with Port Unification, follow these steps:
    1. To Create Sub-Protocols for Port Unification
    2. To Create a Port Unification Configuration
    3. To Create a Port Unification Protocol
    4. To Create a Transport
    5. To Create a Thread Pool (optional)
    6. To Create a Network Listener
  • To Delete a Port Unification Configuration
  • To List Port Unification Configurations
  • To Delete a Protocol Filter
  • To List Protocol Filters
  • To Create a File Cache
  • To Delete a File Cache
  • To List File Caches

Associated Concepts

  • Existing HTTP Listener tasks, retained for backward compatibility, operate on network listeners behind the scenes
  • Name of built-in HTTP protocol is http-listener-1 (same name as built-in HTTP network listener)
  • Name of built-in HTTPS protocol is http-listener-2 (same name as built-in HTTP network listener)
  • Name of built-in transport is tcp
  • Name of built-in thread pool for HTTP network listeners is http-thread-pool

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