Attendees Jagadish Ramu, Shalini Muthukrishnan Facilitator: Chinmayee Srivathsa Scope User tasks and goals associated with JDBC and Connectors should be described in the user documentation. Related Information
List of Tasks
- Configuring the Connector Service
- using the Admin Console
- using CLI get and set commands
- Creating and Deleting Connector Resources
- using the Admin Console
- using CLI commands
- Configuring Connector Resources
- using the Admin Console
- using CLI commands
- Create Connector Security Maps
- using the Admin Console
- using CLI commands
- Creating,Deleting Connector Connection Pools
- using the Admin Console
- using CLI commands
- Configuring Connector Connection Pools
- using the Admin Console
- using CLI commands
- Creating,Deleting Administered Objects
- using the Admin Console
- using CLI commands
- Configuring Connector Administered Objects
- using the Admin Console
- using CLI commands
- Deploying and Configuring a Stand-alone Connector Module
- using the Admin Console
- using CLI commands
- Deploying and Configuring an Embedded Resource Adapter
- using the Admin Console
- using CLI commands
- Creating,Deleting JDBC resources
- using the Admin Console
- using CLI commands
- Configuring JDBC resources
- using the Admin Console
- using CLI commands
- Creating,Deleting JDBC connection pools
- using the Admin Console
- using CLI commands
- Configuring JDBC connection pools
- using the Admin Console
- using CLI commands
- Integrating the JDBC Driver into the domain
- Accessing the JDBC Resource from an Application (Using the JDBC API)
- Enabling Statement Caching
- Tuning the Connection Pool Size
- using the Admin Console
- using CLI get and set commands
- Monitoring Connection Pools
- Monitoring Application Scoped Resources
- Creating Custom Resources (using built-in factories)
- Creating Connector Work Security Maps
- Switching Off Connection Pooling
- Configuring Runtime Transaction-Support-Level of Connection Pools
Other Topics
- Domain.xml documentation:
- Connector Work Security Map element
- Changes to Connector resource, JDBC resource, and connection pool elements
- New attributes (For statement caching, init sql etc) to be documented
- Changes (in v3) in the behavior of attributes and default values
- How Connector 1.6 specification is supported in GlassFish v3
- How GlassFish v3 automatically detects newly installed JDBC drivers
- How JDBC resources and Connection pools work together
- List of Supported, JavaEE-compatible Database drivers
- Concepts that need to be explained: JDBC, JDBC API, JDBC Resource, Connection Pool, Connector Resource, Connector Security Map, Connector Work Context Security Maps , Application Scoped Resources.
- Work Context Security mapping
- Compatibility Impact (changes in default values of the following attributes: connection-validation-type and wrap-jdbc-objects)
- Support for Generating Resource Definitions in NetBeans and Eclipse
- Changes to sun-resources.xml
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