<h1>GlassFish v3 User Task Analysis for Jersey</h1>

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3/3/08 Attendees: Paul,Jakub, Facilitator: Jennifer, Recorder: Dixie


To identify the tasks that a developer must perform to develop and deploy RESTful web services by using Jersey. (There are no admin tasks associated.)

Related Information

List of tasks

  1. Installing (http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/820-4867/ggnxe?a=view)
    1. Download Jersey from the update center
    2. Install Jersey on top of GF.
    3. Install Jersey on top of NetBeans
  2. Creating a RESTful resource class (http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/820-4867/ggnxo?a=view)
    1. Identify the URI path of the resource in the resource class with the URI annotation.
    2. Identify the methods the resource supports using the HttpMethod annotation.
    3. Identify the content type of the response using the ProduceMime annotation.
    4. Write the supported methods in the resource class.
  3. Deploying and Testing (http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/820-4867/ggnxs?a=view)
    1. Deploy a Jersey app to a GF servlet container
    2. Deploy a Jersey app to Grizzly (not included)
    3. Deploy a Jersey app to the Java 6 lightweight web server (not included)
    4. Run the application in a browser.
    5. Run the application at the command line using curl (not included)
  4. Customizing Your Representations (In Progress)
    1. Use message providers to read and write JSON objects or XML with JAXB.
      1. Create a Class
      2. Implement an Interface
      3. Annotate Your Class With Provider
      4. (Optional) Annotate With Producemine and Consumemime
    2. Use message providers to read and write ATOM and RSS feeds with Apdera.
    3. Create your own message provider to support reading and writing other Java types.
  5. Developing With Databases (In Progress)
    1. Use JPA to expose contents of a database table as a RESTful web resource.
    2. Generate RESTful web services from JPA entities.
  6. Advanced Topics
    1. Integrating with framework, such as Spring or Juice.
    2. Using polymorphism with resources and view that jsp
    3. Showing precondition support for get and put.
    4. Using Jersey with jMaki.
    5. Running the Jersey API using Jersey client-side API.

Associated Concepts

  • About RESTful web services
  • About JAX-RS
  • About Jersey


  • Create a Jersey FAQ (request from Paul)

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