<h1>GlassFish v3 User Task Analysis for REST Interfaces for Administration</h1>

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Determine the tasks that administrators and developers will perform to use the RESTful interfaces of GlassFish v3 Application Server to manage GlassFish monitoring and configuration data.

Related Information

List of Tasks

Adminstrator Tasks

  • Manage monitoring and configuration data through a web browser

Administrator or Developer Tasks

*Note -*The role of the user who performs the task depends on how the task is performed. For example, if the task is performed by using tools such as cURL and wget, the user role is administrator. But if the if the task is performed by writing a client program in the Java langauge, the the user role is developer.

  • Manage monitoring and configuration data by using HTTP primitives:
    • Retrieve data for a node in the tree (GET HTTP method)
    • Display the attributes of a node in the tree (OPTIONS HTTP method)
    • Update a node in the tree (PUT HTTP method)
    • Add a node to the tree (POST HTTP method)
    • Delete a node from the tree (DELETE HTTP method)

Developer Tasks

  • Redirect an HTTP method to an asadmin command (@RestRedirect annotation)
    Performed during the definition of configuration data for an add-on component

Associated Concepts

  • Monitoring and configuration object trees
  • General format of URLs to objects in the monitoring and configuration object trees
  • Languages for developing RESTful clients, for example:
  • Tools for accessing REST resources
  • Output formats
    • JSON
    • XML
    • HTML

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