Note that builds must be done on Mac to build all installers
Prerequisites/first time setup
Download and install easy eclipse plugin warrior as instructed in step 1 (Note that this gets installed into Applications by default)
make sure cvs is in your path
install nsis as per instructions at url above – here is what I did:
cvs -d login (no password)
mkdir BundleBuild
cd BundleBuild
cvs -d checkout easyeclipse/easyeclipse/org.nexb.easyeclipse.releng.lib (required files don't show up if use the branch)
add nsis to your PATH: setenv PATH ~UWC_TOKEN_START~1278095716520~UWC_TOKEN_END{PATH}:~UWC_TOKEN_START~1278095716521~UWC_TOKEN_END{HOME}/Documents/BundleBuild/nsis/nsis-2.26
set makensis executable: chmod a+x ~/Documents/BundleBuild/nsis/nsis-2.26/makensis
download & install this (Note that this gets installed into Library by default)
cd ../ (back to BundleBuild)
cvs -d :pserver:<your_user_name> co glassfishplugins
cd glassfishplugins/eclipse-support/build/
chmod a+x ./
./ - this will begin and do the checkout of easyeclipse stuff
you can either give the installer root access as per #2 or watch for the sudo/password prompt during the build and enter it there. Note that there is a voice status at the end of the build (completed successfully/almost completed successfully, etc.) but no sound alert that it is waiting for your password, so if you choose to go this direction, you need to monitor the build status for this
about 2 hours later for first build, it should work =). Build is in: glassfishplugins/eclipse-support/build/easyeclipse/easyeclipse/org.nexb.easyeclipse.releng/build/distro-releases/
cd Documents/BundleBuild/glassfishplugins/eclipse-support/build/easyeclipse/easyeclipse/org.nexb.easyeclipse.releng/build/components/work/sourcebuild-metro-plugins-0.0.1/
accept the certificate permanently by choosing "p", so subsequent builds will succeed. You will also need to enter login/pwd info for (you may be able to use "guest"/"")