Back To Main Plugin QA Page December 16, 2009 Tested SDK 6 Samples Installer
- Executed acceptance tests for the final build 1.2 (1.0.49 & 1.0.50) plugins on Win7, Ubuntu 9.04, Redhat 5 and OpenSolaris 2009.06
- New bundle bugs logged
- Issue 289 Sun Resources File dialog: Finish button does not work
- Issue 290 Default "Sample JavaDB Database" shouldn't be considered as Invalid
- Issue 291 Ubuntu9.10:Finish button at the Registration dialog doesn't
- Issue 292 Doc:Missing link at the "About GlassFish Tools for ..." dialog
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Netbean 6.9 version
- Vacation
December 09, 2009 Netbean
- Manually run the acceptance test cases for NB pluign 6.8 with V3 FCS 74b build
- New NB Plugin and NB bugs logged
- Issue 178177 Unexpected MySQL Server Commands Log appears at the Output tab
- Issue 178272 Failed to run Debug on a remote Server
- Issue 178330 None of Java Web (J2EE 1.4) samples run with GlassFish v3 Server
Tested SDK6 Installer Samples, build 74b with NB6.8
- Found some missing samples in the SDK Installer Build
- Tested Java EE 6 Wizards
- Tested JPA and Metro Plugin on Win7, Ubuntu 9.04 and OpenSolaris 2009.06
- Updated Test Specification/Documents
- New bundle bugs logged
- Issue 275 winVisTa/7:Duplicate project name appears at Resource Project
- Issue 276 IDE hangs when click a Back button (Metro project)
- Issue 278 Failed to deploy and EJB Project which has a Session Bean
- Issue 279 Failed to deploy an Enterprise App with default (web, ejb & AppClient)
- Issue 280 Connector Module be deactivated for GF v3 Java EE 6 configure
Bugs Details
- No new test cases added in this week. Percentage of completion: 20%
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to test EclipseBundle
- Continue to test SDK Samples Installer
- Continue to test Netbean
November 24, 2009 Netbean
SDK6 Samples, build 73 with NB6.8
- New Sample Netbean SDK bugs logged
- issue 11101 Doc:Web Servlet samples: Missing link (common build instruction)
- issue 11172 The Web servletcontainerinitializer-war hanged when running on WinXP
Bugs Details
- No new test cases added in this week. Percentage of completion: 20%
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to test EclipseBundle
- Continute to test Netbean
- Continue to test SDK Samples
November 17, 2009 Netbean
- Tested NB6.8 nightly build with V3 71, 72 and 73 build
- Tested WebContainer JSF-Facelet project
- New NB Plugin and NB bugs logged
- Issue 176953 Web application deploy to the wrong server
- Issue 177042 Uninstall failed to uninstall NB with the default installation
SDK6 Samples with NB6.8
- New Sample Netbean SDK bugs logged
- issue 11020 SDK6:WebContainer:CustomValve_war "Resolve References Proble
- issue 11023 SDK6:JSF:scrumtoys:red error appears "ConstraintPayload"
- Completed Test Specification/Documents
- Sent Invitation and Instruction to test 1.1.6 build to the FishCAT community
- Download and tested 1.1.6 nightly build on WinXP
- Tested EJB and JSF Facelet components
Bugs Details
- No new test cases added in this week. Percentage of completion: 20%
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to test EclipseBundle
- Continute to test Netbean
- Continue to test SDK Samples
November 10, 2009 Netbean
- Tested NB6.8 nightly build with V3 70 & 71 build
- Tested WebContainer JSF-Facelet project
- New NB Plugin and NB bugs logged
- Issue 176073 IllegalArgumentException occurs when open and reopen a Web Project
- Issue 176317 JSTL functions missing tag library descriptor
- Issue 176318 Some html basic library has missing tag library descriptor
- Continue to test the Sample java_ee_sdk-6-b27-11_01_2009-windows.exe & with Netbean 6.8 IDE
SDK6 Samples with NB6.8
- New Sample Netbean SDK bugs logged
- issue 10919 SDk6:Doc:list.html:EJB StatelessSessionBean should be removed
- issue 10924 SDK6:Doc:message-board-war\docs\index.html has incorrect resource
- issue 10927 SDK6:web:jsf-scrumtoys:wrong path found in shtml files
- issue 22 absolute-...fragments-war requires resolve references manual
Bugs Details
- No new test cases added in this week. Percentage of completion: 20%
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to test EclipseBundle
- Continute to test Netbean
- Continue to test SDK Samples
November 04, 2009 Netbean
- Tested NB6.8 nightly build with V3 70 & 71 build
- Continue to test the Sample java_ee_sdk-6-b27-11_01_2009-windows.exe & with Netbean 6.8 IDE
- New Sample Netbean SDK bugs logged
- Worked with developers verified issues
- issue 1 Can't deploy application if admin server is run in secure mode
- issue 4 ssl-jaxws-ear does not use SSL at all, although it should following it's description
- issue 17 no build.xml file in webbeans-guess
- issue 19 Sample ws/javaee6/web/servlet/async-request-war does not work
Bugs Details
- No new test cases added in this week. Percentage of completion: 20%
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to test EclipseBundle
- Continute to test Netbean
- Continue to test SDK Samples
October 27, 2009 Netbean
- Tested NB6.8 Beta build with V3 68 and 69
- Continue to test the Sample java_ee_sdk-6-b22-09_28_2009- with Netbean 6.8 Beta IDE
- New Netbean issues logged
- Verified issue:
- New Sample Netbean SDK bugs logged
- issue 10518 SDK6:ejb-embedded need to update for the Resources Missing
- issue 10519 SDK6:ejb-embedded:Failed to run with NB6.8
- issue 10520 SDK6:Rest:managed-beans-war:failed to build/run with NB6.8
- issue 10521 JavaEE6:Doc:customvalve-war index.html doesn't have NB section
- issue 10522 JavaEE6:Doc:ejb-embedded index.html doesn't have NB section
- Download and tested 1.1.4 Bundled Promoted build on WinXP, 7, OpenSolaris 2009, Ubuntu9.04
- New bundle bugs logged
- Issue 247 Failed to create a JDBC Resource on Ubuntu 9.0.4
- Issue 248 Unable to connect to download v3 server with a password
- Issue 249 IDE hanged when select to browse Servlet/JSP Classes
- Issue 250 Resource panel does not recognize project properties updated
Bugs Details
- No new test cases added in this week. Percentage of completion: 20%
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to test EclipseBundle
- Continute to test Netbean
- Continue to test SDK Samples
October 20, 2009 Netbean
- Tested NB6.8 nightly build with V3 b66/68
- Continue to test the Sample java_ee_sdk-5_08-jdk-6u16 with Netbean 6.8 IDE
- Continue to test the Sample java_ee_sdk-6-b22-09_28_2009- with Netbean 6.8 IDE
- New Netbean issues logged
- Issue 170561 Admin Console doesn't work with download V3 server
- Issue 170562 Missing JavaDB and Derby nodes from the Database
- New Sample Netbean SDK bugs logged
- issue 10252 SDK6:Some samples were missing from the b67 build
- issue 10415 Basic Usability:SDK6:Server Properties should be updated
- Tested V2.1.1 SailFin fcs build with NB6.8 MS2 for jdk1.6.0_16 on winXP and Ubuntu 9.0.4 platform
- Download and tested 1.1.3 Bundled build 10/03 & 10/07 on windowXP and 7
- Tested Eclipse 3.5 with the latest plugin on win7 platforms
- New bundle bugs logged
- Issue 244 "Stop server(s) before deleting" option does not work
- Issue 245 Help Context for GF Server need to be updated
- Issue 246 ConnectorExceptionRuntime occurs when deploy Enterprise App with a connector module
Bugs Details
- No new test cases added in this week. Percentage of completion: 20%
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to test EclipseBundle
- Continute to test Netbean
- Continue to test SDK Samples
October 13, 2009 Netbean
- Tested NB6.8 nightly build with V3 b66/67
- Continue to test the Sample java_ee_sdk-5_08-jdk-6u16 with Netbean 6.8 IDE
- Continue to test the Sample java_ee_sdk-6-b22-09_28_2009- with Netbean 6.8 IDE
- New Netbean issues logged
- Issue 1734158 AssertionError occurs when create a Web Project
- Issue 174502 GlassFish V3 Domain Server should be appeared in the Servers
- Issue 174504 Missing junit_4 library message appears when create a Web project
- Issue 174505 Duplicate GlassFish V3 servers at the Servers node
- New Sample Netbean SDK bugs logged
- issue 10252 SDK6:Some samples were missing from the b67 build
- issue 10123 SDK6:servletcontainerinilializer-war:Failed to run
- issue 10117 SDK6:http-method-omission can't run different method
- issue 10118 SDK6:Doc:programmatic-login doesn't have NB section
- issue 10120 SDK6:sessioncookieconfig-war need to be updated
- issue 10125 SDK6:async-request-war need to be updated
- issue 10126 SDK6:multipart-war need to be updated
- issue 10127 SDK6:absolute-ordering-web-fragments-war need to be updated
- issue 10128 SDK6:jsp-resource-in-bundled-jar-war need to be updated
- issue 10129 SDK6:sessioncookieconfig-war need to be updated
- Download and tested 1.1.3 Bundled build 10/03 & 10/07 on windowXP and 7
- Tested Eclipse 3.5 with the latest plugin on win7 platforms
- New bundle bugs logged
- Issue 241 Extra menu and sub-menu icons appear under the Application menu
Bugs Details
- No new test cases added in this week. Percentage of completion: 20%
Next Week Plan:
- 50% time on EclipseBundle
- 30% time on Netbean
- 20% time on SDK Samples and others
October 06, 2009 Netbean
- Tested NB6.8 nightly build with V3 b65/66
- Continue to test the Sample java_ee_sdk-5_08-jdk-6u16 with Netbean 6.8 IDE
- Continue to test the Sample java_ee_sdk-6-b22-09_28_2009- with Netbean 6.8 IDE
- New Netbean issues logged
- Issue 173433 Usability:Activating Java Web&EE should be activated at Servers node
- New Sample Netbean SDK bugs logged
- issue 9886 JavaEE6:webbeans-servlet:Missing NB project
- issue 9886 SDK6:jsp-resource-in-bundled-jar-war has no NB project
- issue 9908 BLOCKING:SDK6:ServletContainerInitializer-war doesn't have NB project
- issue 9909 BLOCKING:SDK6:jsp-resource-in-bundled-jar-war has no NB project
- issue 9911 BLOCKING:SDK6:multipart-war does not have NB project yet
- issue 9912 BLOCKING:SDK6:sessioncookieconfig-war does not have NB pro
- issue 9913 SDK6:Empty directory scrumtoys2009
- issue 9914 SDK6:hello-jaxws has incorrect context path
- issue 9958 does have correct javaee.home pat
- issue 10032 SDKEE6:async-request-war does not recognize JDK default
- New Sample Netbean Doc Issues
- Download and tested 1.1.2 Bundled build 519 (October 3) on windowXP and 7
- Tested Eclipse 3.5 with the latest plugin on win7 platforms
- New bundle bugs logged
- Issue 235 GlassFish V3 failed to register after the installation
Bugs Details
- No new test cases added in this week. Percentage of completion: 20%
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to update the NB Plugin 6.8 Test Spec and test NB 6.8
- Continue to test SDK samples (java EE 5 & Java EE 6) for Netbean 6.8 IDE
- Other: Continue to write Selenium/TestNG harness V3 Admin GUI
September 30, 2009 Automation
- No new test cases added in this week. Percentage of completion: 20%
- Tested NB6.8 nightly build with V3 b64/65
- Continue to test the Sample java_ee_sdk-5_08-jdk-6u16 with Netbean 6.7.1 & 6.8 IDE
- New issue logged
- Issue 173138 Web app was hard coded to run on a particular port
- Issue 173144 After deploy JDBC Resource does not appear
- Issue 173216 Run Target does not call redepoy for new added resouce element
- Issue 173219 Bundled GF V3 does not get registered after NB install
- Issue 173221 NPE occurs when open Resource Properties
- Netbean Sample SDK bugs logged
- issue 9735 JavaEE 5:security stateless does not work NB 6.7.1 IDE
- issue 9740 JavaEE5:ssl-jaxws-ear does not allow to change server runtime
- issue 9742 JavaEE6:Doc:Need an index.html file at the samples dir
- issue 9743 JavaEE6:Doc:All application index.html does not have NB inst
- issue 8095 JavaEE6:Missing build.xml file at the Javaee6 directory
- Installed win7 machine
- Tested Eclipse 3.5 with the latest plugin on win7 platforms
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to update the NB Plugin 6.8 Test Spec and test NB 6.8
- Continue to test SDK samples (java EE 5 & Java EE 6) for Netbean 6.7.1 and 6.8 IDE
- Test monitoring, SIP wizards and Java EE 6 wizards Eclipse plugin new features
- Other: Continue to write Selenium/TestNG harness V3 Admin GUI
September 23, 2009 Automation
- No new test cases added in this week. Percentage of completion: 20%
- Tested NB6.8 nightly build with v3 b62
- Continue to test the Sample java_ee_sdk-5_08-jdk-6u16 with Netbean 6.7.1 & 6.8 IDE
- New issue logged
- Netbean Sample SDK bugs logged
- issue 9655 JavaEE 5 sample:UserREADME.html file missing steps to register SDK V2 server with NB
- issue 9667 JavaEE 5: Need a better instruction to run customer-cmp with NB
- issue 9668 JavaEE 5 Sample:Failed to run customer-cmp with NB IDE
- issue 9671 JavaEE 5:failed to run Annotation sample with NB
- Tested Eclipse 3.5 with the latest plugin on winXP platforms
- Worked with developer to reproduce a window issue
- New Issues Logged
- Issue 232 Failed to deploy a EJB (jar) file to GlassFish V3
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to update the NB Plugin 6.8 Test Spec and test NB 6.8
- Continue to test SDK samples (java EE 5 & Java EE 6) for Netbean 6.7.1 and 6.8 IDE
- Test monitoring, SIP wizards and Java EE 6 wizards Eclipse plugin new features
- Other: Continue to write Selenium/TestNG harness V3 Admin GUI
September 16, 2009 Automation
- No new test cases added in this week. Percentage of completion: 20%
- [Continue to update Netbean 6.8 Test Specification|^TestSpec6.8]
- Monitor Hudson nightly run for Solaris x86
- Tested NB6.8 nightly build with v3 b62
- Continue to test the Sample java_ee_sdk-5_08-jdk-6u16 with Netbean 6.7.1 & 6.8 IDE
- New issue logged
- Issue 171773 Sample Web ECB with Ajax fail to deploy to GF V3
- Issue 172229 Sample JsfJpa doesn't work with remote server
- Issue 172237 None of the Java EE sample work with GF V3 Server
- Tested Eclipse 3.5 with the latest plugin on winXP platforms
- New Issues Logged
- Issue 230 Change context-root in sun-web.xml file does not work
- Helped to log issue
- Issue 229 problems with asadmin and jdk 5 on v3
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to update the NB Plugin 6.8 Test Spec
- Continue to test SDK samples (java EE 5 & Java EE 6) for Netbean 6.7.1 and 6.8 IDE
- Test monitoring, SIP wizards and Java EE 6 wizards Eclipse plugin new features
- Other: Continue to write Selenium/TestNG harness V3 Admin GUI
September 9, 2009 Automation
- No new test cases added in this week. Percentage of completion: 20%
- [Continue to update Netbean 6.8 Test Specification|^TestSpec6.8]
- Monitor Hudson nightly run for Solaris x86 and Mac OS X
- Tested NB6.8 nightly build with v3 b62
- Continue to test the Sample java_ee_sdk-5_08-jdk-6u16 with Netbean 6.5 and 6.7.1 IDE
- New issue logged
- Issue 170241 Failed to launch UpdateCenter on winXP-64 bits
- Issue 171365 FileNotFoundException occurs to start download domain
- Issue 171773 Sample Web ECB with Ajax fail to deploy to GF V3
- New Statistic Issue
- Exception number 245887 NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.parsing.impl.indexing.RepositoryUpdater$Work$
- SDK Samples issue logged
- Issue 9416 JavaEE6:Web Beans:index.html: missing UserTroubleShooting.html link
- Tested Eclipse 3.5 with the latest plugin on Ubuntu 9.04 and winXP platforms
- New Issues Logged
- Issue 226 Plugin does not recognize deleted download server path
- Issue 227 Missing GlassFish V3 Preview document
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to update the NB Plugin 6.8 Test Spec
- Continue to test SDK samples for Netbean 6.5 and 6.7.1 IDE
- Test monitoring, SIP wizards and Java EE 6 wizards Eclipse plugin new features
- Other: Continue to write Selenium/TestNG harness V3 Admin GUI
September 1st, 2009 Automation
- No new test cases added in this week. Percentage of completion: 20%
- [Continue to update Netbean 6.8 Test Specification|^TestSpec6.8]
- Monitor Hudson nightly run for Solaris x86 and Mac OS X
- Investigated and reported a failed test cases as bug
- Tested NB6.8 nightly build with v3 b60
- Helped to test the Sample java_ee_sdk-5_08-jdk-6u16 with Netbean 6.5 and 6.7.1 IDE
- New issue logged
- Issue 171211 None Java EE sample projects has GF V3 as default Servers
- Issue 171285 Some JavaEE 5 SDK samples do not work with IDE 6.8
- Issue 171295 Regression:Missing JDBC Resources& Connection Pools Elements
Eclipse Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to update the NB Plugin 6.8 Test Spec
- Continue to test SDK samples for Netbean 6.5 and 6.7.1 IDE
- Other: Continue to write Selenium/TestNG harness V3 Admin GUI
August 25, 2009 Automation
- No new test cases added in this week. Percentage of completion: 20%
- [Continue to update Netbean 6.8 Test Specification|^TestSpec6.8]
- Monitor Hudson nightly run for Solaris x86 and Mac OS X
- Fix some failure problem with the test running on Hudson
- Tested NB6.8 nightly build with v3 b60
- Helped to test the Sample java_ee_sdk-5_08-jdk-6u16 with Netbean 6.5 and 6.7.1 IDE
- Continue installed, configured and tested TPTP components with Eclipse 3.4.x and Eclipse 3.5 for GlassFish Servers
- Updated Issues
- Issue 126 Start Server in Profile Mode does not work yet
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to write Selenium/TestNG harness V3 Admin GUI
- Update the NB Plugin 6.8 Test Spec
- Continue to test SDK samples for Netbean 6.5 and 6.7.1 IDE
August 18, 2009 Eclipse
- Installed, configured and tested TPTP components with Eclipse 3.4.x and Eclipse 3.5 for GlassFish Servers
- V3 Prelude
- V3 Preview
- V2.1
- SaiFin V2
- Updated Issues
- Issue 126 Start Server in Profile Mode does not work yet
- New Issues logged
- Issue 222 Failed to install GlassFish Java EE plugin with Eclipse 3.5
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to write Selenium/TestNG harness V3 Admin GUI
- Update the NB Plugin 6.8 Test Spec
- Continue to test Eclipse TPTP feature
August 11, 2009 Netbean
- Prepared the final slides and attended the Core team meeting to release the 1.1 bundle
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to write Selenium/TestNG harness V3 Admin GUI
- Update the NB Plugin 6.8 Test Spec
- Continue work on V3 qa-functional test on Hudson
August 04, 2009 Netbean
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Write Selenium/TestNG harness V3 Admin GUI
- Update the NB Plugin 6.8 Test Spec
- Continue work on V3 qa-functional test on Hudson
July 28, 2009 Netbean
- Prepared the final slides and attended the Core team meeting to release the 1.1 bundle
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Write Selenium/TestNG harness V3 Admin GUI
- Update the NB Plugin 6.8 Test Spec
- Test NB 6.8 Plugin
- Work on V3 qa-functional test
July 21, 2009 Eclipse
- Tested Installer on Ubuntu 9.04, Ubuntu 8.10 & Ubuntu 7.04, Redhat 5, Redhat 4 and Redhat 3, OpenSolaris 2009.11, WinXP
- Tested the UpdateCenter Tool for both v2.1 and v3 prelude servers on Ubuntu 9.04, Ubuntu 8.10 & Ubuntu 7.04, Redhat 4 and Redhat 3, OpenSolaris 2009.11, WinXP
- Tested the 1.1 Metro Webservices plugin on winXP
- Tested Web Dynamic Project
- Prepared Slides for Core Team Meeting
- Retested and Verified Issues
- Issue 217 Bundle 1.1 Installer does work with Redhat 4 and Ubuntu 8/7
- Issue 215 Failed to launch the V2.1 Update Center window
- Issue 213 Metro plugin needs to be updated
- Issue 206 Permission: Installer did not create domains for GF v2.1 and v3 Prelude
- Issue 214 Issue with Metro WS-Policy configuration with Prelude (bundled)
- Run the qa-functional test for V3 B55 Promoted build and V3 Prelude server to diagnos the failure test cases on V3 Servers
- Tested 6.8 nighly build
- New issue logged
- Issue 168939 Missing some GF V3 Properties Info. from the Server Wiward
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Test GF Eclipse Tools bundle 1.1 with new build and new fix
- Test against the v3 qa-functional failure problem, file appropriate bug
June 30, 2009 Netbean
- Created 4 new qa-functional test cases to verify "JDBC Connection Pool & Resources" for V3 and V3 Prelude servers - test cases automated completion ~17% (pending for checking in)
- Run the qa-functional test for V3 B52 Promoted build and V3 Prelude server (old test + new test) 100% passed
- Open an issues against OpenIDE
- Issue 167731 AssertError exception occus when create a new folder
- Tested the 1.1 Metro Webservices plugin
- Tested the 1.1 MySQL Driver
- Tested Web Dynamic Project
- Tested EJB Project
- Tested Installer on Solarisx86, OpenSolaris, WinXP
- New bundle bugs logged
- Issue 197 Uninstaller does not completely remove all directories
- Issue 198 Dependent Libraries do not update after change server runtime
- Issue 199 Usability:Installer hanged when using with jdk1.5
- Update Issues
- Issue 197 Uninstaller does not completely remove all directories
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to test GF bundle 1.1 for new and exiting components(Full Time)
July 14, 2009 Eclipse
- Tested Installer on Ubuntu 9.04, Ubuntu 8.10 & Ubuntu 7.04, Redhat 4 and Redhat 3, OpenSolaris 2009.11, WinXP
- Tested the UpdateCenter Tool for both v2.1 and v3 prelude servers on Ubuntu 9.04, Ubuntu 8.10 & Ubuntu 7.04, Redhat 4 and Redhat 3, OpenSolaris 2009.11, WinXP
- Tested the 1.1 Metro Webservices plugin on winXP
- Tested Web Dynamic Project
- Tested EJB Project
- New bundle bugs logged
- Issue 213 Metro plugin needs to be updated
- Issue 215 Failed to launch the V2.1 Update Center window
- Issue 216 1.0 Release note has incorrect supporting Redhat version
- Issue 217 Bundle 1.1 Installer does work with Redhat 4 and Ubuntu 8/7
- Update Issues
- Issue 206 Permission: Installer did not create domains for GF v2.1 and v3 Prelude
- Issue 214 Issue with Metro WS-Policy configuration with Prelude (bundled)
- Logged related issues (MetroPlugin)
- Issue 1 NPE occurs when deploy a service
- Issue 2 Failed to deploy a eclipse metro project on window machine
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Test GF Eclipse Tools bundle 1.1 with new build and new fix
- Test against the v3 qa-functional failure problem, file appropriate bug
June 30, 2009 Netbean
- Created 4 new qa-functional test cases to verify "JDBC Connection Pool & Resources" for V3 and V3 Prelude servers - test cases automated completion ~17% (pending for checking in)
- Run the qa-functional test for V3 B52 Promoted build and V3 Prelude server (old test + new test) 100% passed
- Open an issues against OpenIDE
- Issue 167731 AssertError exception occus when create a new folder
- Tested the 1.1 Metro Webservices plugin
- Tested the 1.1 MySQL Driver
- Tested Web Dynamic Project
- Tested EJB Project
- Tested Installer on Solarisx86, OpenSolaris, WinXP
- New bundle bugs logged
- Issue 197 Uninstaller does not completely remove all directories
- Issue 198 Dependent Libraries do not update after change server runtime
- Issue 199 Usability:Installer hanged when using with jdk1.5
- Update Issues
- Issue 197 Uninstaller does not completely remove all directories
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to test GF bundle 1.1 for new and exiting components(Full Time)
July 07, 2009 Eclipse
- Tested the 1.1 Metro Webservices plugin
- Tested the 1.1 MySQL Driver
- Tested Web Dynamic Project
- Tested EJB Project
- Tested Installer on Solarisx86, OpenSolaris, WinXP
- New bundle bugs logged
- Issue 201 Usability: Should be able to detect the default servers path
- Issue 202 Failed to launch V3 Update Center or V2/V3 registration on OpenSolaris
- Issue 203 Internal Error occurs when Register Server
- Issue 204 SWT Error occurs when lauch the v3 Prelude Server Editor
- Issue 205 Should be able to add mutiple jdbc to sun-resources.xml file
- Issue 209 Installer fails to create Eclipse Bundle startup icon
- Update Issues
- Issue 206 Permission: Installer did not create domains for GF v2.1 and v3 Prelude
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to test GF bundle 1.1 for new and exiting components
- Test against the v3 qa-functional failure problem, file appropriate bug
June 30, 2009 Netbean
- Created 4 new qa-functional test cases to verify "JDBC Connection Pool & Resources" for V3 and V3 Prelude servers - test cases automated completion ~17% (pending for checking in)
- Run the qa-functional test for V3 B52 Promoted build and V3 Prelude server (old test + new test) 100% passed
- Open an issues against OpenIDE
- Issue 167731 AssertError exception occus when create a new folder
- Tested the 1.1 Metro Webservices plugin
- Tested the 1.1 MySQL Driver
- Tested Web Dynamic Project
- Tested EJB Project
- Tested Installer on Solarisx86, OpenSolaris, WinXP
- New bundle bugs logged
- Issue 197 Uninstaller does not completely remove all directories
- Issue 198 Dependent Libraries do not update after change server runtime
- Issue 199 Usability:Installer hanged when using with jdk1.5
- Update Issues
- Issue 197 Uninstaller does not completely remove all directories
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to test GF bundle 1.1 for new and exiting components(Full Time)
June 23, 2009 Netbean
- Added 10 new qa-functional test cases for "start, stop, restart, start in debugging mode" for V3 and V3 Prelude servers - test cases automated completion 15%
- Run the qa-functional test for V3 and V3 Prelude server (old test + new test) 100% passed
- Tested the 1.1 Metro Webservices plugin
- Tested the 1.1 MySQl Driver
- Added new test cases to the test spec
- New bundle bugs logged
- Issue 191 Unable to create a Metro project on winXP machine
- Issue 192 Failed to launch Web Services Explorer for a Metro project
- Issue 193 database Conenction hanged when remotely connect to MySQL 7
- Worked with developer/client to reproduce
- Issue 169 Hangs on startup depending on contents of server.log
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to test GF bundle 1.1 new components
- Add new test cases to the qa-functional test suite
June 16, 2009 Netbean
- Run the qa-functional test for V2.1 and V3 server
- Time-out problem found when run the appsrv81 qa-functional test on winXP and Solaris10x86 platforms - still investigate and probably will fix the test cases
- Tested V3 nightly build against NetBeans Trunk Build on Win XP
- New Issues for Netbean Plugin
- Issue 167192 The Add Server Instance dialog does not have V3 entries
- Tested the 1.1 installer bundled build
- Sent a request to quality community for testing the 1.1 build
- Added new test cases to the test spec - workspace problem
- New bundle bugs logged
- Issue 186 Password was asked when install nightly build on OpenSolaris
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to investigate timeout problem with the appserv81 test cases/harness
- Open an jemmy/jelly issue for improving the harness
- Run appserv81 for V2.1.1 build b19 on a Linux machine
- Will add new test cases to glassfish.javaee test suite
June 09, 2009 Netbean
- Tested V3 promoted build against NetBeans 6.7 RC2 Build on Win Vista/XP, OpenSolaris 2008.11 & Mac OS 10.5.7 with jdk1.6.0_13 for the areas:
- Profile
- GlassFish Components (JDBC, JMS & JavaMail)
- Web Modules (Servlet & JSF)
- EJB (Persistent, Entity Classes & Session Bean)
- New Issues for Netbean 6.7 RC Plugin
- Issue 166657 Exception occurs when run a Web project with V3 Profile
- Issue 166745 Should have V3 "Download Button" deactivated
- Statistic Report
- Created a Test Plan and Schedule for SailFin/GlassFish v2.1.1 version
- Manually executed NB6.5 Acceptance Test on winXP for GF V2.1.1 build #4 - work in progress
- Working on to convert the qa-functional XML test result to html format - work in progress
- Attended the bundle hands-on lab for JavaONE
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to test NetBeans 6.7 RC2 and FCS builds on: Vista/MacOS X with jdk1.6.0_13 and jdk1.5.0_19
- Configure and run the qa-functional test on Solaris x86 for GF V2.1.1 build #5
- Add new test cases to the test spec, file new bugs for the Eclipse Tools Bundle (from JavaONE feedback)
May 26, 2009 Netbean
- Tested SDK V3c/d Web disto builds against NetBeans 6.7 Development Build on Win Vista/XP, OpenSolaris 2008.11 & Mac OS 10.5.7 with jdk1.6.0_13
- Tested the NB 6.7 with SDK Java EE 6 samples for areas
- OnLine document
- Mail Connector (RAR, WA, EJB & EAR)
- Web Modules (Servlet & JSF)
- Tested register, start/restart server in debug, profile modes for V3 SDK build
- New Issues for Netbean 6.7 Plugin
- Issue 165994 Failed to detect V3 server when open a JavaEE 6 project
- New Issues for Netbean 6.7 IDE
- Issue 165863 NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.websvc.core.WSS
- New Issues V03 SDK Server and Samples with/without Netbean 6.7
- Issue 8441 BindException occurs when restart the Server
- Issue 8442 Scrumtoys:NotSerializableException occurs when restart the App
- SDK NB Issues verified
- Issue 8443 UserREADME.html: Missing GF Admin Guide link
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Work on the hands-on Lab set up machine
- Continue to test V3 SDK Samples against NetBeans 6.7 Trunk build on: Vista/MacOS X with jdk1.6.0_13 if required
- Test NB6.7 FCS RC
May 19, 2009 Netbean
- Tested SDK V3b/c builds against NetBeans 6.7 Development Build on Win Vista & XP with jdk1.6.0_13
- Tested the NB 6.7 with SDK Java EE 6 samples for areas
- OnLine document
- Mail Connector (RAR, WA, EJB & EAR)
- Web Modules (Servlet & JSF)
- Tested register, start server in debug, profile modes for V3 SDK build
- New Issues V03 SDK Samples with Netbean 6.7
- Issue 8379 NB:Exception occurs when execute the mailconnector-ear sample
- Issue 8382 UserREADME.html needs clear instruction for NB
- SDK NB Issues verified
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Work on the hands-on Lab set up machine
- Continue to test V3 SDK Samples against NetBeans 6.7 Trunk build on: Vista/MacOS X with jdk1.6.0_13
May 12, 2009 Netbean
- Tested SDK V3a/b 47 builds against NetBeans 6.7 Development Build on Win XP & Mac OSX with jdk1.6.0_13
- Tested register, start server in debug, profile modes for V3 SDK build
- Tested the NB 6.7 with SDK Java EE 6 samples for areas
- OnLine document
- Web Modules (Servlet & JSF)
- EJB (3.1 and JPA)
- Webservices
- Sercurity
- New Issues for Netbean 6.7
- Issue 164646 Unable to detect GF V2.1 and Tomcat when expand Servers node
- Issue 164742 NPE occurs when register SDK V3 on Mac OS
- Issue 164806 Exception occurs when uninstall GF V3 Enabler
- Issues V03 SDK Samples with Netbean 6.7
- Issue 8189 JSF samples do not have NB6.7 support
- Issue 8190 SDK Servlet samples do not have Netbean support
- Issue 8259 list.html file has incorrect information
- Issue 8261 "java client code" link missing from docs/index.html file
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Work on the hands-on Lab Presentation Slides
- Continue to test V3 SDK Samples against NetBeans 6.7 Trunk build on: Vista/MacOS X with jdk1.6.0_13
May 05, 2009 Netbean
- [Update 6.7 Test Specification|^TestSpec6.7]
- Tested SDK V3 47 builds against NetBeans 6.7 Development Build on Win XP with jdk1.6.0_13
- Tested register, start server in debug, profile modes for V3 SDK build
- Tested the NB 6.7 with SDK Java EE 6S amples for areas
- Web Modules (Servlet & JSF)
- EJB (3.1 and JPA)
- Webservices
- Sercurity
- New Issues for Netbean 6.7
- Issue 164249 Exception occurs when expand Servers node
- Issue 164424 NPE occurs when click Next button at "Add Server Instance"
- Issue 164552 Unable to start V3 SDK build in Debug Mode
- Issues V03 SDK Samples with Netbean 6.7
- Issue 8099 Failed to open mailconnector-ear project with NB 6.7
- Issue 8100 Failed to open/build mailconnector-ra project with NB 6.7
- Issue 8102 Failed to open/build REST message-board-war project with NB 6.7
- Issue 8102 Failed to open/build REST message-board-war project with NB 6.7
- Issue 8103 Failed to build web-security-annotation project with NB 6.7
- Issue 8104 Failed to build the security/programmatic-login project with NB 6.7
- Issue 8110 Fail to build hello-jaxws2.2 project with NB 6.7
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to work on the hands-on lab GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse (Presentation Slides)
- Continue to test V3 SDK Samples against NetBeans 6.7 Trunk build on: winXP/Vista with jdk1.6.0_13
- End-to-end test for Web module with sun-web.xml dtd and schemas
- Looking on automation
April 28, 2009 Netbean
- [Update 6.7 Test Specification|^TestSpec6.7]
- Tested GF V3 44 builds and V3 Prelude against NetBeans 6.7 Development Build on OS:Win XP/Vista with jdk1.6.0_13 & jdk1.5.0_17
- Tested DTDs and XML Schemas for GlassFish V2.1, V3 and V3 Prelude Server
- Tested Application Enterprise Client
- Tested to run a web module in V3 Server profile mode
- New Issues for Netbean 6.7
- Issue 163997 V3:Exception occurs when deploy Appclient (jar) module
- Issue 163996 InstanceCreationException occurs when activate JavaEE compon
- Issue 163426 Unable to install NB with GlassFish Servers
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to work on the hands-on lab Eclipse, GlassFish and Plugin bundle paper.
- Continue to test GF V3 build 44 and V3 Prelude against NetBeans 6.7 Trunk build on: winXP/Vista with jdk1.6.0_13 focus on components on the Task List
- End-to-end test for Web module with sun-web.xml dtd and schemas
- Looking on automation
April 21, 2009 Netbean
- [Continue to add test cases into 6.7 Test Specification|^TestSpec6.7]
- Tested GF V3 44 builds and V3 Prelude against NetBeans 6.7 Development Build on OS:Win XP/Vista with jdk1.6.0_13 & jdk1.5.0_17
- Tested DTDs and XML Schemas for GlassFish V2.1, V3 and V3 Prelude Server
- Tested Start/stop/restart Server in Profile mode
- Tested to run a web module in V3 Server profile mode
- New Issues for Netbean 6.7
- Issue 163161 V3:Failed to register V3 Experimental:IllegalArgumentException
- Issue 163167 NPE occurs when create a Servlet
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to work on the hands-on lab Eclipse, GlassFish and Plugin bundle paper.
- Continue to test GF V3 build 44 and V3 Prelude against NetBeans 6.7 Trunk build on: winXP/Vista with jdk1.6.0_13 focus on components on the Task List
- End-to-end test for Web module with sun-web.xml dtd and schemas
- Looking on automation
April 14, 2009 Netbean
- [Continue to add test cases into 6.7 Test Specification|^TestSpec6.7]
- Tested GF V3 44 builds and V3 Prelude against NetBeans 6.7 Development Build on OS:Win XP/Vista & Solaris x86, OpenSolaris with jdk1.6.0_12, jdk1.6.0_13 & jdk1.5.0_17
- Tested DTDs and XML Schemas for GlassFish V2.1, V3 and V3 Prelude Server
- Tested Start/stop/restart Server in Profile mode
- Tested to run a web module in V3 Server profile mode
- New Issues for Netbean 6.7
- Issue 162542 NPE occurs when select Java EE Usage
- Issue 162651 Basic Usability:Services window first missing from All version
- Issue 162657 User is asked to click Refresh menu to complete a profiler operation
- Issue 162659 BindException occurs when restart V3 in Profile mode
- Issue 162669 Default database failed to start with GlassFish V3
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to work on handled-on lab Eclipse, GlassFish and Plugin bundled paper. Will publish a draft.
- Continue to test GF V3 build 44 and V3 Prelude against NetBeans 6.7 Trunk build on: winXP/Vista with jdk1.6.0_13 focus on components on the Task List
- End-to-end test for Web module with sun-web.xml dtd and schemas
- Looking on automation
April 07, 2009 Netbean
- [Created 6.7 Test Specification|^TestSpec6.7]
- Tested GF V3 42 builds and V3 Prelude against NetBeans 6.7 Development Build on OS:Win XP/Vista & Solaris x86, OpenSolaris with jdk1.6.0_12, jdk1.6.0_13 & jdk1.5.0_17
- Tested DTDs and XML Schemas for GlassFish V2.1, V3 and V3 Prelude Server
- Tested Web Services and Webcontainer (end-to-end) scenarios
- New GlassFish V3 Issues for Netbean 6.7
- Issue 162063 Servers List only contains GF V3 Prelude
- Issue 162064 New Web Application does not have GF V3 Prelude plugin
- Issue 162165 No DTDs & XML Schema appears at V3 Prelude Catalog
- Issue 162170 New dtd & xsd does not display in GF V3 catalog
- Issue 162177 Exception occurs when remove GF V3 Prelude Server
- Issue 162185 V3 Experimental: Failed to deploy Web App Listener having Context
- StackTrace Statistic:
- Verified issues
- Issues 161634 Vista:Should not install GlassFish Server to "C:\Program Files"
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Create a Eclipse FistCat community webpage to broadcast and communicate with memebers
- Continue to test GF V3 build 42 and V3 Prelude against NetBeans 6.7 Trunk build on: winXP/Vista with jdk1.6.0_13 focus on components on the Task List
- End-to-end EJB, Jar, JPA & Enterprise scenarios
- Continue to test Eclipse co-bundled Plugin with Glassfish V3 prelude & GlassFish V2.1 on Linux and Mac OS for components
- Looking on automatio
March 31, 2009 Netbean
- Tested GF V3 41 builds and V3 Prelude against NetBeans 6.7 Development Build on OS:Win XP/Vista & Solaris x86, OpenSolaris with jdk1.6.0_12, jdk1.6.0_13 & jdk1.5.0_17
- Tested Java EE EJB, Jar and Enterprise directory deployment with entity Classes and JSP files
- Tested Web Services and Webcontainer (end-to-end) scenarios
- New GlassFish V3 Issues for Netbean 6.7
- Issue 161640 V3:Persistence Provider in EJB Project has Hibernate as default
- Issue 161634 Vista:Should not install GlassFish Server to "C:\Program Files"
- Issue 161640 Exception occurs when create a JSP file from entity classes
- StackTrace Statistic:
- Verified issues
- Attended the Eclipse Con
- Helped FishCat Judy to coordinate the Eclipse community testing
- Total bug log from community from March 20th to now: 12 (8 P3, 4 P2) and 1 Enhancement
- Publish a blog for writing JSP-JSF application with co-bunled
- Tested end-to-end Web dynamic, ejb and Enterprise projects on Redhat 4.0 and Ubuntu 7.0 machines
- Studied Eclipse automation test tools
- New Eclipse Bundled bugs
- Issue 147 Should not allow user to register a server with an invalid domains directory
- Issue 158 No domain setup in new workspace after first co-bundled run
- Verified Issues
- Issue 158 No domain setup in new workspace after first co-bundled run
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to work on FistCAT Eclipse Plugin community
- Continue to test GF V3 build 42 and V3 Prelude against NetBeans 6.7 Trunk build on: winXP/Vista with jdk1.6.0_13 focus on components on the Task List
- End-to-end EJB, Jar, JPA & Enterprise scenarios
- Continue to test Eclipse co-bundled Plugin with Glassfish V3 prelude & GlassFish V2.1 on Linux and Mac OS for components
- Looking on automation test tools for Eclipse & Netbean
March 17, 2009 Netbean
- Tested GF V3 39 builds and V3 Prelude against NetBeans 6.7 Development Build on OS:Win XP & Solaris x86 with jdk1.6.0_12 & jdk1.5.0_17
- Tested JDBC ConnectionPool, JDB Resources, JMS and Java Mail
- Tested Web Services and Webcontainer (end-to-end) scenarios
- Tested Java EE EJB, Jar and Enterprise directory deployment
- New GlassFish V3 Issues for Netbean 6.7
- Issue 160326 V3:Failed to deploy a JDBC Connection Pool
- Issue 160400 V3:Server fail to start when 1st change JDK (
- Issue 160419 V3: Failed to run webservice project StockQuoteServicce
- Issue 160499 V3:Application node does not have sub-nodes
- Issue 160503 V3:Failed to run sample Webservices Customer Database on Spring
- Issue 160511 Unable to create a Message Driven Bean
- Wrote a blog for writing JSP-JSF application with Eclipse and GlassFish
- Tested end-to-end Web dynamic, ejb and Enterprise projects on Redhat 4.0 and Ubuntu 7.0 machines
- Worked with Tech Pub to complete installation guide on Mac OS and Linux platforms
- New Eclipse Bundled bugs
- Issue 139 Register GF Enterprise Server should not appear as a XML Open Editor
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to test GF V3 build 40 and V3 Prelude against NetBeans 6.7 Trunk build on: winXP/Vista with jdk1.6.0_12 focus on components on the Task List
- End-to-end EJB, Jar, JPA & Enterprise scenarios
- Continue to test Eclipse co-bundled Plugin with Glassfish V3 prelude & GlassFish V2.1 on Linux and Mac OS for components
March 10, 2009 Netbean
- Tested GF V3 b38/39 builds and V3 Prelude against NetBeans 6.7 Development Build on OS:Win XP & Solaris x86 with jdk1.6.0_12 & jdk1.5.0_10
- Tested starting V3 that can trigger the start of Java DB
- Tested user allow to control whether the server uses the IDE's proxy settings when started from the IDE (Update Center)
- Tested user can turn on/off v3 support feature
- New GlassFish V3 Issues for Netbean 6.7
- Issue 159886 V3 Experimental: ClassCastException occurs at DerbyPool Resources node
- Issue 159946 Unable to execute ServletStaless Sample
- Issue 160065 V3 Experimental: Unable to start Server from cmd
- Issue 160068 V3 Experimental: View Update Center does not work
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to test GF V3 build 39 and V3 Prelude against NetBeans 6.7 Trunk build on: winXP/Vista with jdk1.6.0_12 focus on components on the Task List
- Possible test and run Webtier qa-functional test suit on Solaris x86 machine
- Continue to test Eclipse co-bundled Plugin with Glassfish V3 prelude & GlassFish V2.1 on Linux and Mac OS for components
- Web Project (end-to-end)
- EJB/Enterprise (end-to-end)
March 03, 2009 Hot Issue
- Tested GF V3 Prelude and GF V2.1 against NetBeans 6.7 Development Build on the environment: OS:Win XP & JDK:jdk1.6.0_12
- Tested the Server Registration UI Wizard
- Tested remove enable/disable functionality from 'deployed apps' under v2 domain (do bug fix verification)
- Tested starting V3 and default Java DB
- Tested JDBC Connection Pool/Resources, JMS,....
- New Glassfish V3 Issues for Netbean 6.7
- Issue 159360 Start V3 Prelude does not automatically start Java DB
- Issue 159472 Failed to create embedded V3 Prelude domain
- Issue 159477 False error message appears at Add Server Instance dialog
- Issue 159571 NPE occurs when remove a running V3 Prelude
- [Complete the test doc for GlassFish menu/sub-menu for Eclipse IDE |^ServerMenu.html]
- New Eclipse Bundled bugs
- Issue 131 UFailed to deploy a Servlet with jdk is 1.5.0_15
- Issue 133 Registration GlassFish dialog tab key does work
- Issue 134 MalformedByteSequenceException oocurs when start Eclipse from Redhat 4.0
- Issue 135 NPE occurs when compile a JSP file
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to test GF V3 Prelude & Experimental against NetBeans 6.7 Trunk build on: winXP/Vista with jdk1.6.0_12 focus on components on the Task List
- Possible test and run Webtier qa-functional tets suit on Solaris x86 machine
- Continue to test Eclipse co-bundled Plugin with Glassfish V3 prelude & GlassFish V2.1 on Linux for areas:
- Web Project (end-to-end)
- EJB/Enterprise (end-to-end)
Feb 24, 2009 Netbean
- Tested GF V3 Prelude and GF V3 Enterprise against NetBeans 6.7 Development Build on the following environment: OS:Win XP & JDK:jdk1.6.0_12
- Searched and created a big WAR file to test against GlassFish V2.1 server
- Tested to download GlassFish V3 and GlassFish V3 Prelude
- Tested to configure and register a new server
- Tested basic Web Project for Java EE and JDBC components
- New Glassfish V3 Issues for Netbean 6.7
- Issue 158704 ClassNotFoundException occurs in the server.log file for a NewServlet
- Issue 158241 GF V3 Prelude does not start in Profile mode
- Statistic Issues:
- Stacktrace 165704 org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.deployment.plugins.api.InstanceCreationException
- Stacktrace 158868 NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.ide.sunresources.wizards.JMSWizardPanel.isValid
- [Write a new test doc for GlassFish menu/sub-menu for Eclipse IDE libraries|^ServerMenu.html]
- New Eclipse Bundled bugs
- Issue 123 Unable to register Glassfish Plugin with a new account
- Issue 124 Incorrect information appear when select to register Glassfish Plugin with an existing account
- Issue 125 Update Center menu for GF V2.1 does not work
- Issue 126 Start Server in Profile Mode does not work yet
- Issue 127 ExportException message occurs after restart V2.1 few times
- Issue 129 Registration Cancel button does not clearly show its behaviour
- Worked with developer to re-test Issue
- Issue 113 NPE occurs when create JPA Entity in Glassfish V2
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to test GF V3 Prelude & Experimental against NetBeans 6.7 Trunk build, on: winXp, jdk1.6.0_12
- Will test and run Webtier qa-functional test on Solaris x86 machine
- Continue to test Eclipse co-bundled Plugin 1.0.18 with Glassfish V3 prelude & GlassFish V2.1
Feb 17, 2009 Netbean
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to test GF V3 Prelude & Experimental against NetBeans 7.0 Trunk build, on: winXp, jdk1.6.0_12
- Will test and run Webtier qa-functional test on Solaris x86 machine
- Continue to test Eclipse co-bundled Plugin 1.0.18 with Glassfish V3 prelude & GlassFish V2.1
Feb 10, 2009 Netbean
- Read and Review the Netbean70 GlassFish Plugin Task List
- Tested GF V3 Prelude and GF V3 Experimental against NetBeans 7.0 Development Build on the following environment: OS:Win XP & JDK:jdk1.6.0_12
- Tested to download GlassFish V3 and GlassFish V3 Prelude
- Tested to configure and register a new server
- Tested basic Web Project for Java EE and JDBC components
- New Glassfish V3 Issues for Netbean 70
- Issue 157953 Should have a plugin name for Glassfish V2.1 server
- Issue 158167 Unable tell if GF V3 with Java EE components installed
- Issue 158223 By Default GF V3 Prelude should appear at Server List
- Issue 158225 User is unexpectedly required to activate Java EE when create a Web Project
- Issue 158241 GF V3 Prelude does not start in Profile mode
- Issue 158242 V3 Experimental: Failed to start the Glassfish V3 server
- Issue 158245 Should not allow to delete Glassfish V3 directory if still registered
- Issue 158338 Activate Java EE does not create GF V3 Prelude in Servers node
- Issue 158348 Incorrectly deployed Web App to different GF V3 Server
- Issue 158349 NPE occurs when add a new JDBC ConnectionPool
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to read and review the NB Glassfish Plugin Tasklist
- Continue to test GF V3 Prelude & Experimental against NetBeans 7.0 Trunk build, on: winXp, jdk1.6.0_12
- Will test and run Webtier qa-functional test on Solaris x86 machine
- Continue to test Eclipse co-bundled Plugin 1.0.18 with Glassfish V3 prelude & GlassFish V2.1
Feb 03, 2009 Netbean
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to read and review the NB Glassfish Plugin Tasklist
- Continue to test GFV3-b33 against NetBeans IDE Build 200901261401, on: winXp, jdk1.5.0_17
- Configure and run Webtier qa-functional test
- Continue to build and test Netbean 70 with GF V3
- Continue to test Eclipse co-bundled Plugin 1.0.16 with Glassfish V3 prelude
January 27, 2008 Netbean
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to read and review the NB Glassfish Plugin Tasklist
- Continue to test GFV3-b33 against NetBeans IDE Build 200901261401, on: winXp, jdk1.5.0_17
- Configure and run Webtier qa-functional test
- Continue to build and test Netbean 70 with GF V3
- Continue to test Eclipse co-bundled Plugin 1.0.16 with Glassfish V3 prelude
January 20, 2009 |