GlassFish Users Group Event: Silicon Valley JUG

  • Contact: Harpreet Singh (harpreet . singh @ sun . com)

Details about presentation to


"Project GlassFish: Open Java EE Application Server"

The GlassFish community is building free, open source, production-quality, enterprise software. The main deliverables are an Application Server, the Java EE 5 Reference Implementation, and the Java Persistence API Reference Implementation, TopLink Essentials. The community also delivers Maven Repository, tools and much more.

Engineers from Sun Microsystems working on Project GlassFish will present features in the current release, next release and the surrounding ecosystem.

Presenters will demonstrate development specific features like Web 2.0 Technologies and Web Services Interoperability Technology. Presenters will also talk about deployment specific features like clustering and availability offered by GlassFish.


April 17th 2007.

  • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
    • 6:30 - 7:00 PM - Arrive & mingle with Food, Drinks & Snacks courtesy of – Google, Inc.
    • 7:00 PM - 8:30 - PM Presentation


Google, Inc.
Tunis Conference Room, (Cannot resolve external resource into attachment.)
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043

Type of Crowd

Technical group - developers. A mix of crowd that likes hands on as well as slideware.
Past demonstrations have included walking through some code.
Size of crowd in the last talk was 50 people.

Presentation Agenda

  • Introduction to GlassFish (15 min) (Harpreet Singh)
    • What is GlassFish?
    • GlassFish Roadmap
      • Overview of Features in GlassFish V2
    • Surrounding Ecosystem
      • Application Platform SDK
      • Sun Web Developer Pack
  • GlassFish v2 Technologies for development (30 min) (Ludovic Champenois, Arun Gupta)
    • Java EE 5 Development (10 minutes)
    • Web 2.0 Technologies and hands on (10 min)
      • Developing Web 2.0 Technologies with Netbeans
    • WSIT Technologies & hands on (10 min)
  • GlassFish v2 Deployment Technologies (20 min) (Kedar Mhaswade, Shreedhar Ganapathy)
    • Web Hosting
    • Cluster Management
    • Availability and Failover
      • Shoal/JXTA
    • Admin Console Demo
  • Whats next? GlassFish v3 (15 min) (Ludovic Champenois)
  • Question and Answers?

Presenter Bios

Harpreet Singh

Harpreet Singh is a Staff Engineer at Sun Microsystems, and has been with Sun and Java for the last 7 years. He has spent all of this time in various roles in the J2EE organization.
He has developed code for areas like Appllication Server security, monitoring and webservices monitoring. He is currently delivering GlassFish into Ubuntu.
Harpreet is currently co-authoring a book for Sun Web Component Developer Exam(to be released by Apress). His blog can be found here

Ludovic Champenois

Ludovic Champenois is a Senior Architect at Sun Microsystems, and has been with Sun and Java for the last 10 years. He is one of the tech lead and architect on Sun's Application Server and is responsible to ensure best in class developer experience for Java EE programmers with Sun Application Server and tools. (NetBeans, Studio Enterprise and Studio Creator). Ludovic is also heavily involved in leading Sun's open source initiative (Projects GlassFish, Phobos and jMaki). He is the co-author of the NetBeans Field Guide book (Prentice Hall 2005 and 2006). His blog can be found here .

Kedar Mhaswade

Kedar is GlassFish Management and Monitoring Architect. He has been working with application server for past 6 years on various areas like configuration management, monitoring infrastructure, command line interface, administrative security, JMX based remote connector development, custom MBean support, SMF support for GlassFish server life cycle management on Solaris-10. He is a member of JMX Expert Group (JSR-003). His interests include Java, server side programming, IDE Plugin development and web development. Check out his blogs at: and

Shreedhar Ganapathy

Shreedhar is the co-author and co-lead for Project Shoal, a java based dynamic clustering framework on He has been working with the application server for over 6 six years contributing to administration, management and monitoring infrastructure of the product and has special interest in distributed systems. He has also contributed to GlassFish community development and adoption in his role as the GlassFish Community Manager. His blogs are at

Arun Gupta

Arun is a technology evangelist for Web services and Web 2.0 technologies at Sun. He has been with Sun for past 8 years working in different capacities and multiple roles. He has been involved with the Web services effort at Sun since the beginning and contributed to multiple releases of JAX-RPC and JAX-WS. He has represented Sun in W3C, WS-I and SOAP Builders. He has presented at multiple conferences and has one patent awarded and three pending related to XML technology. You'll find him active at:

GlassFishSVJug-Final.pdf (application/pdf)
GlassFishSVJug.pdf (application/pdf)