Migration of GlassFish Community projects from dev.java.net to glassfish.org

There are many projects involved in GlassFish community most of them are hosted on java.net. Some are using cvs, others are using svn. All are using the java.net customized bugtrack system. All the projects are also hosting some welcome pages and documentation under the www/ directory of the scm system. All the projects are also managing user roles (owner, dev, doc, observers) and mailing lists. This page describes the migration process for these java.net project to a new site glassfish.org running on top of the Kenai infrastructure.

Note: all our current migration scripts are hosted on this project http://kenai.com/projects/gf-migration. YOu need permissions to access to it.

List of GlassFish related projects that should be hosted on glassfish.org

  • List


Source code Migration

Mailing lists

  • We want to migrate archives. To do that, a migration script is being written.

Migration script have been done and tested by Rajiv. See (You need access to the gf-migration project)

User database

  • java.net has currently more than 600k accounts, and there are 37k e-mail addresses that are shared by multiple user accounts.
  • Migrating the entire set of users is the easiest (script is done) thing to do and will benefit the transition of the remaining parts of java.net later.
  • Passwords cannot be preserved, so we would need to generate random passwords and do a communication plan to send emails to the addresses related to an account with the new password.

Need for Kenai API

  • The same way we have APIs to manipulate most aspects of java.net (http://javanettasks.java.net/) we need Kenai APIs that we can run on our own Kenai instance to:
    • create project
    • create mailing lists
    • subscribe users to mailing list
    • create users



URL redirection

  • JavaScript-based: slow, as page needs to load before redirection. Google search won't notice
  • Apache-based: this can be only done by Collab.net
  • Can they cope with that many redirections? Hard to do smart redirections

Web contents

  • daemon to publish trunk/www into WebDAV
  • We need some templating engine
  • We could make good use of a CMS (like Drupal or Liferay) integrated into the projects. The Java.Net group (Sonya Barry, under Justin K) has a proposal to do this.
  • GlassFish is currently not using the Community machinery in Java.Net (see in contrast http://community.java.net/java-desktop); instead we give the viaul impression of a community through the use of JS magic from glassfish-theme that manipulates the DOM of the pages for many (most?) projects. A good, flexible CMS, with good associated tools, could provide an easy implementation for a "GlassFish.org" microsite. If we could map the front-page of the most popular projects there, we could have a rich and useful micro-site.

Super user privilege on java.net

  • Kohsuke can lock a project one at a time, and dump arbitrary database contents.
  • We can migrate one project at a time, without incurring a significant down time across the board.

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