GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse 1.2

Scope of the work

We now need to work on the next version of the bundle, version 1.2. The main areas are:

  1. Eclipse 3.5.1 support
  2. GlassFish v3 Java EE 3 support, with decent Java EE 6 wizards, and GF resources see link
  3. Replace GlassFish v2.1 and v3 Prelude with GlassFish v3
  4. Add v3 documentation links
  5. finish/test directory deployment for EJB Modules and EAR projects
  6. Update components: Metro Plugin, MySQL driver, JDK 1.6, possibly Windows 7
  7. check websynergy?
  8. check Postgres?
  9. 3.5.1 for opensolaris
  10. verify if need to update plugin for new Java EE 6 DTDs and/or schemas


The overall goal is to ship the GlassFish Tools Bundle v1.2 for Eclipse asap after the GlassFish v3 delivery. If we follow the equivalent NetBeans schedule (that also bundles GlassFish v3), that would be around beginning of December 2009.

GlassFish v3 Schedule

Eclipse 3.5.1 Schedule

GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse v1.2 - Draft: Work in Progress

Milestone Start Date End Date Description Status
GlassFish SCF 08/04/09 09/02/09 SCF/Feature Freeze Completed
Milestone 1 08/20/09 09/04/09 GlassFish Plugin initial set of Java EE 6 Wizards Completed (v1.0.32)
Milestone 2 09/9/09 09/29/09 GlassFish Plugin: more Java EE 6 wizards in our plugin
Milestone 3 09/30/09 10/15/09 Eclipse 3.5.1 version and GlassFish v3 HCF in the Bundle
Milestone 4 10/16/09 11/13/09 More EE 6 wizards and Bug fixes, all components to their defined versions
FishCAT testing 10/15/09 xxx FishCAT can start when we have a new Bundle with Eclipse 3.5.1 and v3 promoted
GlassFish HCF 10/12/09 10/12/09 No P1, P2, P3 bugs. Only showstopper bugs addressed after this. Hard Code Freeze  
Final Test Cycle 11/13/09 11/24/09 Final test cycle
GlassFish v3 Release 11/24/09 11/24/09 Final GlassFish v3 release  
Legal Clearance 11/24/09 ?? 11/24/09 1 or 2 weeks before release... Need coordination! Legal for ALL components  
Bundle PAC Meeting 11/24/09 ?? 11/24/09 1 or 2 weeks before release... Need coordination!  
GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse 1.2 Release 12/9/09 12/9/09 Final GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse release  

Versions and Platforms

Bundled Component Version Status
JDK 1.6 Update 16 TBD
Eclipse 3.5.1 All plaforms except OpenSolaris are from The Eclipse downlod site
Eclipse 3.5.1 OpenSolaris Need to build it ourself like we did for 3.4.x
GlassFish v3 For now use promoted builds, do not bundle prelude or v2.1 anymore
MySQL Driver mysql-connector-java-5.1.8 .
Maven Plugins or later mainly bug fixes available at

GlassFish Plugin v1.0.3x x=Whatever dot dot release we have by November 2009
Metro Plugins 0.1.x bug fixes only, Our Bundle v1.1 ships with version 0.1.1 for metro plugins

Jspwiki style: sortable


Supported Platform Version Status
Windows XP Professional sp2  
Windows 7 new support...Released mid October 2009? Need QE agreement if possible
RedHat Enterprise Linux 4.0  
Ubuntu 8  
Mac OS Leopard 10.6 sanity test on 10.5? Only if time permits
OpenSolaris 2009.6  
JDK 1.5 J2SE 5TM 1.5.0_14  
JDK 1.6 J2SE 6TM 1.6.0_14?