Meeting minutes for May 13, 2008

Attendes: Anissa Lam, Paul Davies, Ken Paulsen, Ana Caballero, Elizabeth Clayton, Mike Weight

Agenda for Admin GUI iteam on 1/22

  • QE issues/status
  • Doc issues/status
    • talk about modularization of online help doc
  • Developer status
    • discuss what we should work on next as we have delivered TP2

Doc Issues/status

Paul talked about the meeting he had with Ken and Senthil months ago regarding requirement from him. Those requirement is still true.
Ana will pick up the OLH plugability work that Senthil has worked on before leaving the group, as Senthil has talked and passed some info to her before.
AI: Anissa will talk to Senthil to setup a meeting so he can do a TOI to the group.

Developer status

    • Discussed what needs to be done now we have released TP2. We believe the task is divided into 2 area, the infracture and missing functionality.
    • Infrastructure work incluedes:
      • Java Handler plugability. This is not a trivial task, Ken has been working on that for sometime. He will continue focus on it. Involved in solving the classloader issue in JSFTempating and will need to involve JSF in solving this. OSGi also adds complexity.
      • OLH plugin. This will be based on JavaHelp, and Senthil has a prototype and get 2 helpset to merge successfully before. Ana needs to look into whats missing and how to finishing up the task.
      • Dynamic Treenode, listing subnode, eg the deployed app
      • Tree breadcrumb
      • Tab plugin
      • OEM plugin, ie changing theme, images etc.
    • Missing Functionality
      • EJB Container plugin
      • Some bugs relating to JVM
      • Security realm page

Mike joined and requested to get more info about how to do plugin for Admin Console. Anissa told Mike about the JavaOne 2008 HOL that the group did.
AI: Anissa will send the link to Mike about where to download the lab.

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