Meeting minute for July,19 2007

Attendes:Li, Mike, Ken, Anissa, Senthill, Rajeev, Sujatha

Agenda for 7/19/2007

  • Status and issues relating to Doc.
  • QE status
  • Develper status

Meeting Detail


  • OLH needs review before 7/30
  • help has to be in the source tree before 7/30
  • QE will look at the OLH later,
  • JBI screen needs technical validation. Waiting for the architect to do final review.
  • Doc team prefer comments on Wiki page rather than file bugs against doc.
  • Prefer us to review the FCS version, there is LB related changes. It will be ready by mid-Augsust. We will wait for another email regarding review of the FCS doc.
  • Mike checked in changes related to helpKey id, Rajeev will take the nightly build to continue.
  • Anissa mentioned about changes in LB creation screen.
  • Sujatha thinks Admin Guide need more information on ipv6. She will put the comment in the wiki site.


  • for the last 2 weeks, working on updating the test spec, and add all the additional test cases according to the comments.
  • Li will finish those these weeks, and Sujatha by end of this month
  • Planning to run promoted build 56 on Vista.
  • Also testing on Mac, things work fine except that 1 bug relating to Safari that cannot be reproduced.
  • Will do different browser testing.
  • After code freeze, will concentrate on different platform testing.
  • During Beta 3 test execution, they see OutOfMemory often for the cluster profile.
  • QE testing only on developer profile, they don't have resources to test on cluster profile. Only developer tests the cluster profile JBI screen. Mike feel that it is in pretty good shape.


  • Mike is planning to create a private branch to continue development instead of waiting for the update 1 branch.
  • Mike will meet with Ken on how to plug in the screens thats developed in the OpenESB project.
  • Anissa told the group about the goal doc
  • Ken mentioned there are couple features requested, including:
    • upload JDBC driver, an issue# 3355
    • restart server in GUI
    • Mike request that there be ways to add links to the main GUI screen, will meet with Ken to discuss this.

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