Meeting minute for Nov 20, 2007


Anissa, Ken Paulsen, Ana, Senthil, Mike, Paul, and Swarna (external contributor)

Agenda for 11/20

  • Update on status regarding sysnet registration
    • QE
    • Doc
    • Developer
    • Senthil update about QL test failure for SDK build


  • Sending sysnet testing update through emails, no open issues.
  • Swarna will continue her work on Selenium. We will discuss about this in our next iTeam.


  • Done with sysnet integration changes for GUI.
  • Documentation is pretty much complete for UR1, for both admin, and JBI screens.


  • sysnet integration is completed.
  • No open bugs.
  • S - curve as suggested by Steve is checked in.
  • JBI has an open issue in I18N to display an xml file due to architecture issue.
    • Descriptors can't be displayed in a specified locale.
    • Mike will work with the architecture team to propose a fix for future releases.

QL Test issue on SDK build

  • Fix is checked in. admin-gui module under sqetests is more self contained now.

AI for Anissa

Provide the list of admin-gui bugs that is fixed in AS91 UR1 release to Paul for the release note.
Here is the list:

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