Meeting minute for Aug 23, 2007 Attendes: Anissa, Ken Paulsen, Mark Saunders, Rajeev, Li, Priti, Ana, Senthil Agenda for 8/23
- checkin to the Tip
- what should be in V2 UR1 release, the process etc.
- V3 work.
- open mic
- Unbundled doc, will be posting on 9/14, first week of Sept sent out doc for review.
checkin to the Tip
- A branch will be created for the 9.1 UR1 release this week or early next week. Only approved bugs can be checked into that branch.
- Checkin to the tip now is open.
Developers discussion:
- Priti is spending more time on testing. She is looking at the Selinum testing, traces in the log. Also looking in the server tree area.
- Priti is trying to get Jsftemplating publish to the maven repository area. She has some problem, Ken & Senthil will help looking into that.
- Talked about the status of Woodstock release. Ana takes up the action item of testing how admin console behaves with the latest woodstock build, which is 4.1 build 10. Will report back to the group on how the testing go.
- Anissa will mark all the bugs intended to be fixed for 9.1 UR1 with the target release of 9.1ur1 in bugster.
- Anissa will send email to the 2 community memberz André de Santi and Swarna Mishra who has expressed interested in Admin GUI work before, to invite them for future release work.
- Mark is working on the new screens in JBI tree node
- For the next few weeks, we will look at the Admin GUI next release goals available at