Meeting minute for June,28 2007 Attendes: Anissa, Senthil, Mike, Davis, Ken, Judy, Rajeev, Scott, Prashanth, Agenda for 6/28
- Status and issues relating to Doc.
- Status and issues from QE
- Developer status
- Some problem with JBI help in cluster. Rajeev will not be able to solve without *developer's help. Senthil will work with Rajeev off-line after this meeting.
- Anissa looking at OLH.
- Scott made changes to in-line help and mark the issue tracker bugs as closed. Some are on-going enhancement. Major issue has been addressed.
- Judy brings up the topic about reviewing Admin Guide. Paul should be sending out the list of doc and reviewers. Judy also brought up the lack of doc regarding LoadBalancer.
- Judy mentioned that in general, we don't publish test spec & test cases. Can talk to the release team meeting if anything wants to be changed. Anissa will bring that up in the Release team that Alex also attends.
- Varun is testing backend of LB, including end-to-end testing, he uses CLI to do the testing. Anissa will send the request to Varun to use GUI to do testing also and Judy to follow up.
- Judy brings up the unit testing about LB and request developer to do end-to-end testing. The team's response is gui developer is hard to do end-to-end testing the LB. Besides setting the env which is not trivial, GUI doesn't do end-to-end testing. eg, when user create a resource, gui team doesn't go to check if the resource and connection is really working, or if the deployed application can really run.
- Mike and Mark are working on bugs. May open some bugs.
- Priti is on leave and will be back in late-July.
- Mike asked about whether he can make major changes that doesn't affect the code, eg javadoc. When are the branch for update release created ? There is some organization changes in Mike's group.
- Anissa reviewing doc.
- Senthil working on issue relating 9.0 and 8.2. Working with Linda working on another wiki page.
- Ken is meeting with the woodstock team regarding the tree node bug, hope they will be more flexible with their components.