Meeting minute for Aug 30, 2007 Attendes: Anissa, Ken Paulsen, Mark Basler, Steve Wolf, Senthil, Mike Wright, Priti Agenda for 8/30
- Issues relating to Admin Console running on Woodstock 4.1 release build 10.
- Bugs targeted for 9.1 UR1 release
- Clarify the different future release, 9.1 ur1, 9.1.1, V3
- Discuss the new JBI screens/features
Woodstock 4.1 upgrade issues
- Ran into 2 main issues with Woodstock 4.1 build 10 release.
- Javascript source is shown in the navigation tree for some of the tree nodes. This is observed on Netscape brower. Didn't see this before with this browser.
- Seems to be performance problem. Navigating to other pages takes significantly longer time than before.
- Since we are not waiting for any bug fix from 4.1 release, we will not be upgrading to 4.1 release for 9.1 UR1 release.
Bugs targeted for 9.1 UR1 release
- All bugs targeted for 9.1 release should put 9.1ur1 as the Target release.
- All these bugs needs to have approval from Mark Basler, and marked 91ur1Approved to hook4.
- JBI team has opened up some of the bugs/rfe for 9.1 UR1 release, and marking that as the Target release.
Clarify the different future release, 9.1 ur1, 9.1.1, V3
- 9.1 UR1 release has soft code freeze in Oct, and Hard code freeze in Nov.,
- SJSAS91_UR1_BRANCH will be created from the FCS branch.
- 9.1.1 is the SAILFIN release, expect BETA in May. This is the SAILFIN_BRANCH.
- V3 is at design stage. codes for V3 should go to the tip.
JBI intended changes
- Mike talked about some of the intended changes for JBI. This included
- support for component upgrade
- validation code for upgrading component for specifying different alert.
- integrate context sensitive help for this new feature.
- Mark Basler wants to have something writen up, including:
- outline of new features
- risk level
- detail schedule
- Mark Basler expects to get recommendation from Ken and Anissa regarding the approval of JBI changes.