This page lists out all the commands, attributes or methods that may need special attention from the REST API team. Maybe this has been resolved already, just need to confirm that.

Item # CLI GUI Page, feature MBean object name ClassName Attribute or methods Comments Module Owner
1 generate-jvm-report Server General page,generate JVM report amx:pp=/,type=runtime org.glassfish.admin.amx.base. RuntimeRoot method: getJVMReport MS3, issue #12134 RESOLVED FIXED. Naman Mehta
2 recover-transactions v2 parity, missing in v3 now.       MS3 issue #12135 RESOLVED FIXED Marina Vatkina
3 list-targets Need a list of targets for application deployment and resources       MS2, issue #12143- -Yes, GUI can work around this by making numerous request instead of 1 if backend prefers not to provide this. Issue closed. list-instances will be needed instead. Tom Mueller
4   Configuration -> Logger Settings -> General tab get/set the logger related attributes, which is stored in domain1/config/ file amx:pp=/,type=logging org.glassfish.admin.amx.logging. Logging LoggingAttributes : attributes method:  updateLoggingAttributes MS3, issue #12147 CLI is not available now. Naman Mehta
5 set-log-level list-logger-levels Configuration-> Logger Settings-> Log Levers Tab get/set module log levels. These info is stored in domain1/config/ file. amx:pp=/,type=logging org.glassfish.admin.amx.logging. Logging LoggingProperties : attributes method: updateLoggingProperties MS3, issue #12136 We can call list-logger-levels through REST, but the info returned is hard to parse. This needs to be fixed. Naman Mehta
6   To support Log Viewer mx:pp=/,type=logging org.glassfish.admin.amx.logging. Logging org.glassfish.admin.amx.logging. LogQuery* method: queryServerLog, getDiagnosticCauses, getDiagnosticChecks, getDiagnosticURI LogQuery.Helper.toLogQueryResult comment from Ludo: I am working on my side on a rest log viewer (based on Hudson code) that should do the job for viewing logs...The client is of course very javascript centric. I hope you'll be able to integrate it somewhere in the admin gui.... Naman Mehta
7 ?? For Users managment in a file Realm. Need to list out which group the user belongs to. amx:pp=/ext,type=realms org.glassfish.admin.amx.base.Realms method: getGroupNames (String realmName, String userName); MS3, issue #12137 RESOLVED FIXED. This is available through REST only. V B Kumar Jayanti
8 update-file-users For Users management. Need to be able to change password of any user. Domain Page, Administration Password Tab amx:pp=/ext,type=realms org.glassfish.admin.amx.base. Realms methods used: getUsernames removeUser addUser getGroupNames updateUser MS3, issue #12138 'update-file-users' doesn't allow change of password. Either fix 'update-file-user' or provide a hidden CLI. V B Kumar Jayanti
9 ?? Need to know if this realm supports user management. amx:pp=/ext,type=realms org.glassfish.admin.amx.base. Realms method: supportsUserManagement MS3, issue #12139 RESOLVED FIXED. This is available through REST only. V B Kumar Jayanti
10 ?? Get the list of predefined auth Realm class amx:pp=/ext,type=realms org.glassfish.admin.amx.base.Realms PredefinedAuthRealmClassNames : attributes MS3, issue #12140 RESOLVED FIXED. This is available through REST only. V B Kumar Jayanti
11   For user-friendliness UI in the JDBC and Connectors and other resources screens amx:pp=/ext,type=connector-runtime-api-provider org.glassfish.admin.amx.base. ConnectorRuntimeAPIProvider attr: DatabaseVendorNames BuiltInCustomResources SystemConnectorsAllowingPoolCreation all methods: getConnectionDefinitionProperties AndDefaults getConnectionDefinitions getResourceAdapterConfigProps getValidationTableNames pingJDBCConnectionPool flushConnectionPool getJdbcDriverClassName getMCFConfigProps getAdminObjectConfigProps getAdminObjectInterfaceNames getAdminObjectClassNames MS3, issue #12141 Need hidden CLI for all these. ConversionTable Jagadish Ramu
12   Some duckType methods used for pages under Network Config amx:pp=/domain/configs/config/server-config/network-config/network-listeners, type=network-listener,name=admin-listener com.sun.grizzly.config.dom. NetworkListener DuckTyped methods: Protocol findHttpProtocol() Note: This may be issue, but we need this that takes PortUnification into consideration. Protocol findProtocol(); MS3, issue #12142 Justin Lee
13   Update Center functions: We don't use AMX for this, but uses the JAVA API provided by groupid: com.sun.pkg artifactid: pkg-client Should we continue this practice ?       probably will be using the same approach as in v3. Joe Di Pol, Raj Kumar
14   Application Deployment and management. We don't use AMX for deployment, enable/disable etc. but depends on the deployment client: groupid: org.glassfish.deployment articfactid: deployment-client Are we going to switch to REST for this ? There are many functions depending on this, like getting the DD list, the contents of the DD for display etc.       GUI will continue use DeploymentFacility API as in v3. Any additional support needed will be provided through DF. Hong Zhang
15 migrate-timers To support migrate ejb timer.       MS3, issue #12280 CLI is not implemented for 3.1 yet. After it is available, need REST API for it. Marina Vatkina
16 uptime To display server uptime info to user       MS3, issue # 12254 Byron added --type raw option that only returns the milliseconds, without the fancy formatting. Need review to approve this change Byron
17   To list the instances that uses a particular configuration       MS2, issue #12255 Jennifer wants to add an extra option config_name to list-instances instead of a new hidden command. Needs review and approval. Yes, GUI can work around this by making numerous request instead of 1 if backend prefers not to provide this. Jennifer
18 list-instances         MS2, issue #12274 output from list-instances command is not available to REST. Jason and Byron needs to work on this. However, with list-targets working, GUI will not need to call list-instances at all. Yes, GUI can work around this by making numerous request instead of 1 if backend prefers not to provide this. Jason