GlassFish V2 Milestone 1 Highlights Download GF V2 Milestone 1 NOW from here %%collapse
- Web Tier
- JSP Compiler can use Mustang Compiler APIs (blog) - This delivers O(10) improvement in JSP compilation.
- HTTP Compression (blog)
- Changes to extra-class-path (blog)
- Comet Support (blog)
- Web Services
- New Rearch Web Services Stack - Foundation for ProjectTango, much faster (about 70%+), multiple transports (blog)
- Security
- Load Balancer & Clustering
- Support for load balancer and cluster management (blog)
- Web 2.0/AJAX
- Project Phobos on v2 (blog)
- Admin GUI
- Converted portions to use JSF (link-tbd)
- Synchronizaton
- Improved performance (link-tbd)
- Others
- CORBA Open Sourced (blog)
- New GlassFish Community Wiki (wiki,blog)
- More Transparency and Participation (blog)
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