GlassFish V2 Milestone 2 Highlights Download GF V2 Milestone 2 NOW from here
- General
- Clustering features now available for Mac OS
- Many Bug Fixes
- Reduced download size (blog)
- Web Tier
- NonBlocking SSL Support using NIO (blog)
- Security
- JSR-196 APIs integrated
- JKS is now used for storing certificates and private keys instead of NSS by default
- Web Services and XML
- Early integartion of WSIT (Web Service Interoperability Technologies)
- JAXB 2.0.1 and JAX-WS 2.0.x

- ORB build b66 integrated
- encoding performance improvements. (objectKeyTemplate and serviceContexts area)
- use of temporary selector in the transport layer
- Installer
- One installer for both single instance and clustering installations
- Numerous bug fixes
- GlassFish Issue tracker: 13 P2s, 5 P3s Fixed
- Sun internal Bugster : 49 P2s, 41 P3s Fixed
- Forward porting 8.2 bugs: 93 P2s Fixed
- Others
- Quickstart guide on GlassFish now includes instructions for cluster mode installation
- Architecture page updated for clustering in GlassFish V2
Jspwiki style: collapse
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