GlassFish V2 Milestone 3 Highlights Download GF V2 Milestone 3 NOW from here
- General
- Support for Profiles available (Developer, Cluster and Enterprise)
- Update center functionality is available
- Web Services
- WSIT (Web Service Interoperability Technologies) integration is complete
- Security
- JSR-196 public draft implementation is included
- Admin GUI
- GUI has switched to use JSF
- ORB (from integration of b70)
- Added support for using emma for code coverage analysis.
- Modified doPrivileged calls in ThreadPoolImpl to avoid doPrivileged call if the security manager is null.
- Added caching of the ObjectAdapter lookup on server side dispatch.
- added the "isAppServerMode" flag to reduce certain computations like ORBUtility.getMaStreamFormatVersion()
- performance improvement changes in BaseContainer related to doPrivileged blocks
- Fix for issue : 1620 (security classes : performance improvement related to call to GSSUtils.getDER())
- Web Tier
- Comet SSL support
- Port Unification for ws/tcp
- Support for alternate docroots
- Support for virtual server realms
- Binary integration of in-memory compilation of JSPs
- New JSP compilation option genStrAsByteArray for optimized handling of static text in a JSP page
- Various performance improvements, including SSL
- CLI (Command Line Interface)
- New monitor command added
- Suggestion for closest matched command
- Clustering
- Partial implementation of in-memory replication
- GMS (Group Management Service)
- Shoal based GMS service integrated
- Startup and Shutdown
- New and improved. details here
- Bug Fixes
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