Deliverables for Milestone 2

Module Deliverable Use Case Status
Deployment Support for Cluster Deployment Deployment of SIP applications in a cluster


  Support for Sunsip.xml Per application configuration, using sunsip.xml would be possible if the SIP servlet container supports the elements in sunsip.xml


  Annotation Processing for JSR289 Annotation support for annotations defined in JSR289.

Moved to MS3

  Netbeans based deployment SIP applications can be deployed using Netbeans onto the embedded SailFin in the IDE


Security Authorization support Specific users/groups would be allowed access to specified resources in a SIP application


  P-Asserted Identity support Support of authentication based on p-asserted-identity header.


  Client authentication When the SipContainer acts as a client; it should be able to send authentication info to the server requesting it.


Admin Callflow support for SIP messages Users would be able to track the SIP calls through the applications and get a report or a log file

Moved to MS3

  Monitoring support for SIP servlet container Specific monitoring attributes of the SIP servlet container would be exposed via admin CLI. Please refer admin spec for details.


  Admin GUI support for SIP servlet container config changes Additional screens to support the additional configuration introduced for SIP servlet container. For ex: SIP listeners could be configured via the Admin GUI. Deployment should be possible via Admin GUI


  Dynamic reconfig of the SIP listener element User should be able to dynamically configure the SIP listener element without requiring a restart

Moved to MS3

Installer ZIP based package generation for SailFin modules Consolidation of jars generated by various SailFin modules into functionally grouped packages

Moved to MS3

  GUI/CLI installer for SailFin An interactive installer would be provided to install the entire SailFin application server bundle. The user would be interviewed to provide data for the configuration of a domain/node agent.

Moved to MS3

Tools Support Netbeans module for JSR 289 User should be able to create SIP servlets and deployment descriptors using Netbeans

Moved to MS3

  SIP Test client  


Converged LB HTTP LB component of the converged LB HTTP requests shall be routed to the appropriate lb instance, which in-turn would determine the current instance to serve this request based on a specific algorithm


  SIP LB component of the converged LB SIPrequests shall be routed to the appropriate lb instance, which in-turn would determine the current instance to serve this request based on a specific algorithm


  Integration of HTTP and SIP components of CLB If you have two instances, HTTP and SIP request to a converged application from a single user should be load balanced to the same inst


  Configuration support for CLB The admin console/CLI should provide commands to configure the CLB and dynamically reconfigure it(without requiring a server restart)

Moved to MS3

  OLP support  
SIP Servlet Container Parameterable (chapter 4.1.1)  


  createPrack (chapter 5.7.1)  


  ProxyBranch (partly chapter 10)  


  B2BuaHelper (chapter 12 getPendingMessages will be later)


  pushRoute (chapter 10.2.2) Proxy as UAS (chapter 10.2.3)  


Session Retainability Functional Specification  
