How does one report a bug in Sailfin

  • Typically you could be a developer , a member of the quality team or a user of Sailfin.
  • When you find that Sailfin ( or a module/subsystem) does not behave as expected, its a good pratice to send a mail to and see if this is indeed an issue or not. If yes, go ahead and file an issue. If no and yet you stil feel its an issue , again go ahead and file an issue in Issue Tracker
  • Issue Tracker is the online bug reporting and tracking tool for Sailfin.
  • Here are the steps to file an issue in the issue tracker
  1. Goto issue tracker and login
  2. Click on Enter DEFECT
  3. Fill up up the form with the relevant details.
  4. In the issue detail do mention the following and then Click on submit
  • the build no against which you filing the issue
  • the JDK version used