Installation This page describes installations steps for hyperjaxb3. The instructions are for Linux. Windows instructions are similar. Checkout Latest CVS Bits This step is only needed to be done the very first time. For getting subsequent updates to latest CVS bits see next section.
#Create a root directory for your HJ3 workspaces. You may choose whatever directory name you wish:
mkdir ~/jvnet #Linux
//Checkout HJ3
cvs -d checkout hyperjaxb3
#In early stages of a release HJ3 may have a dependency on an project that is unreleased.
#The following are listed just in case you may need them (typically not needed).
//Checkout maven-jaxb2-plugin
svn checkout target/maven-jaxb2-plugin --username <your username>
//Checkout annox
svn checkout annox --username <your username>
//Checkout jaxb2-commons
cvs -d checkout jaxb2-commons
Update Previously Checked-out Workspace to Latest CVS Bits If you have previously checked out CVS bits using previous step, then use this step to get your workspace updated to latest bits. Note that if you get build errors it may be due to the presence of some older files in your workspace. In such case try a checkout in a fresh workspace to see if error goes away.
//Checkout HJ3
cd ~/jvnet/hyperjaxb3
cvs update -RAd
#In early stages of a release HJ3 may have a dependency on an project that is unreleased.
#The following are listed just in case you may need them (typically not needed).
//Update maven-jaxb2-plugin
cd ~/jvnet/maven-jaxb2-plugin
svn update
//Update annox
cd ~/jvnet/annox
svn update
//Update jaxb2-commons
cd ~/jvnet/jaxb2-commons
cvs update -RAd
Build and Install Modules to Repository
//Build HJ3
cd ~/jvnet/hyperjaxb3
//Add -DperformRelease in next command if you wish to build javadoc as well. Note sure yet what else that does.
mvn -e -X install
#In early stages of a release HJ3 may have a dependency on an project that is unreleased.
#The following are listed just in case you may need them (typically not needed).
#If they are needed, they should be built before building HJ3
//Build maven-jaxb2-plugin
cd ~/jvnet/maven-jaxb2-plugin
mvn -e -X install
//build annox
cd ~/jvnet/annox
mvn -e -X install
//Build jaxb2-commons
cd ~/jvnet/jaxb2-commons
mvn -e -X install