HJ3 Modules This page decsribes HJ3 modules and their functionality. Initial description based upon Aleksei's email Modules can be divided into following groups:
- generic modules (runtime, tools, testing)
- hibernate (hibernate-mapping, hibernate-configuration,
hibernate-customizations, hibernate-roundtrip, hibernate-runtime, hibernate-plugin)
- ejb (ejb-roundtrip, ejb-schemas, ejb-plugin)
- maven (maven, maven-testing)
- tests (tests, tests-ejb)
Generic modules. Generic modules actually better suit jaxb2-commons project and will be probably moved there some time in the future. This is generic functionality which has nothing specific to the persistence semantics of Hyperjaxb3. runtime Contains some interfaces and classes which will be used in the runtime. For instance, if you use equals or hashCode plugins from the hyperjaxb3-tools (next module), they will make your JAXB classes implement Equals, HashCode or ToString interfaces which are defined in the runtime module. tools Contains generic JAXB2 tools and plugins like toString, equals, hashCode etc. testing Generic testing framework. Defines, for instance, an AbstractSamplesTest which will execute some checks (implemented bu subclasses ) against the *.xml files from src/test/samples. Hibernate modules. hibernate-mapping and hibernate-configuration These two modules are just JAXB compilation of Hibernate mapping and configuration DTDs. Hyperjaxb3 uses these modules to generate the XML of Hibernate mapping and configuration files. Rather than generate XML directly, Hyperjaxb3 produces object structures which are then serialized. hibernate-customizations This is a JAXB compilation of the Hyperjaxb3 Hibernate customizations schema. Generated mapping are customized by the XML fragments defined either within the schema (in xsd:annotations) or externally in binding files (xjb). Being XML, customizations respect their own schema which is compiled with JAXB in this module. So internally Hyperjaxb3 works with object representation of customizations rather than with XML directly. hibernate-roundtrip Roundtrip tests for Hibernate: unmarshall, save, load, compare. hibernate-runtime Runtime classes and interfaces. For instance, Hibernate custom types, implementation of accessors etc. hibernate-plugin Implementation of the JAXB2 Hyperjaxb3 Hibernate plugin. This is what generates *.hbm.xml and *.cfg.xml. EJB modules. They are under and active development rioght now. ejb-roundtrip Similar to hibernate-roundtrip but via JPA. ejb-schemas JAXB compilation of persistence_1_0.xsd and orm_1_0.xsd. I'll need them to generate META-INF/persistence.xml and possible XML mappings. ejb-plugin Responsible for generating JPA-annotated entities. Maven maven Hyperjaxb3 plugin for Maven. If you use maven-jaxb2-plugin and want to use Hyperjaxb3 as well, you'll have to add Hyperjaxb3 dependencies and turn on the JAXB2 Hyperjaxb3 plugin using the <args/> in the plugin config. maven-hyperjaxb3-plugin does it for you. It adds all the required dependencies, activates the necessary JAXB2 plugins, and provides convenient means of configuration. maven-testing Testing infrastructure for maven-hyperjaxb3-plugin. Allows to configure and execute the maven-hyperjaxb3-plugin in the frame of an automated test (unit test). Very useful when debugging JAXB2 plugins Tests These modules contains test scenarios. Each test scenario is a just a small project built with Maven/Hyperjaxb3. It typically contains a schema and a number of sample files. Each test scenatio has an own Maven build. During this build, the schema is processed with JAXB2/Hyperjaxb3 and generated code is compiled. Test scenarios also typically generate roundtrip test cases. So at the end, generated code is checked for roundtripping against the sample files. tests These are Hibernate tests. There are plenty of them but only four are currently deployed. Other test are just taken from Hyperjaxb2. They should theoretically work, but must be adapted (like namespaces and so on). tests-ejb These will be tests for the upcoming ejb-plugin. There's only one po test there currently.