Hyperjaxb3 Reference - Naming

In order to avoid syntactic errors on the database layer, Hyperjaxb3 enforces own naming strategy. I.e., when Hyperjaxb3 generates a table name for an entity class, or a column name for some property, it will try its best to choose a name which is compatible with most databases. There are two principle rules that Hyperjaxb3 respects:

  • Database identifiers must be max. 30 characters (important for Oracle).
  • Database identifiers must not match reserved names. There is an implicit list or reserved names (ReservedNames.properties) gathered from several SQL dialects.

Hyperjaxb3 implements a naming strategy that corrects or shortens database identifiers according to this rules if required.

TODO You may also configure the Hyperjaxb3 naming file (by default src/main/resources/hyperjaxb3.naming.properties) - in this case Hyperjaxb3 will consult this file for name mappings. If it "invents" new names, appropriate mappings will be added to this file during generation as well.

TODO There is an example which demonstrates how to implement and configure your own naming strategy.