Hyperjaxb3 release 0.2 Dear community! Hyperjaxb3 1 is a JAXB 2 plugin which annotates schema-derived classes with Java Persistence API 3 annotations effectively making these classes persistent. Hyperjaxb3 resolves a lot of incompatibilities between JAXB and JPA, taking into an account JPA limitations and JAXB peculiarities. This is a first public release of Hyperjaxb3. It implements most features required by the real-life projects as well as most important customizations. Both generated and runtime code is stable and can be used in production. Please visit the announcement page 0 for details, download and documentation links. Links 0 http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=Hyperjaxb3Release0.2 3 http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail-220 |